
Snooping Email for Fun and Profit
By Elyesa Bazna
1st Edition August 2000
6-35323-123-3, Order Number: 1025 / 47
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People communicate. They can't help it, it's human nature. If people are
saying things it stands to reason that something of what they're saying is going
to be important, maybe even worth something to someone else. It might involve
money. There's no reason you shouldn't be getting a piece of that. It's your
right. Because you're a dilligent and consientious person you want to make sure
all information flows cleanly, smoothly, and at some untraceable point, through
your hands. What people don't know can't hurt them. What people do know can.
Then again, what people don't know can also cause problems. But then, that's all
part of life's rich tapestry. Consider yourself the weaver. Getting a good set
of tools together to dig up useful or amusing bits of information from the mail
spool is essential if you're going to maintain your bargaining position come the
new budgetary year. But all your tools aren't going to be cunning greps and
perl scripts, some are more visible than that, like this T-shirt. Wear it and
you'll either frighten people into not using email any more (less work for you)
or you'll be approached by unsmiling men in serious suits who'll ask you some
awkward questions. The choice is yours.
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