
Assembling Etherkillers
By Michael Faraday
1st Edition July 2000
1-34654-352-1, Order Number: 1088
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Go on, admit it. You've often wondered what it'd be like. Wiring your thinnet
or cat5 with a few etherkillers. Maybe you've even Had Thoughts about sticking
one in your Cisco 7202 router and setting a timer switch on your last Friday in
your job. Logging at your new workplace and pinging the thing until at 09:30
everything goes terminally dead. Who knows what would actually happen if you
did it? Would there be smoke? A bang? Maybe even an explosion? Maybe
you've wanted to connect it directly to the back of someone's workstation, waited
for them to call and complain about lack of connectivity and then advised them
to "turn on their segment of the network at the wall". You're evil, but even you
don't have the nachos to actually do it, do you? Either way, you can
give anyone who knows what it means a nasty shock if you turn up wearing one of
these T-shirts. Brown trousers time, take it from me.
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