
Assembling Etherkillers
I designed the T-shirt based on an idea that's been around about as long as
networking infrastructure and disgruntled network administrators have. The image
was produced with Paint Shop Pro 5 using the ITC Garamond and Gill Sans MT
Truetype fonts.
Whenever possible the T-shirts upon which the image is laser printed is usually
a Screen Stars (Fruit of the Loom) or Jersey 363 type. Fairly heavy cotton, it
shouldn't need ironing if you dry it by hanging it over something.
On clear days and nights there is a slow, steady, nearly uniform flow of
electricity from the surface of the negatively charged earth and oceans to about
50 km up into the positively charged atmosphere. The net charge over the whole
earth is about 10^6 C; the potential difference between the earth and the
electrosphere is about 3.0E5 Volts; and the current density is about 1.0E-11
amps/m^2. Where there are no clouds, between the earth and the 50 kilometer
elevation, the electric field may reach values as high as 100 volts per meter.
In thunderclouds the electric field may be much higher. Lightning is the means
by which electrons are transported back to the earth to "recharge" the earth to
its negative polarity.
Solar energy is the ultimate source for creating lightning. Warmth from the
sun's radiant energy is responsible for convection of air, snow, rain, and hail
within clouds. Through frictional effects (very much like those which make
static electricity when we walk across carpets) the flow of air masses and
precipitating droplets cause separation of charges. Free charges created in the
upper atmosphere by cosmic rays also play a role in the detailed behavior of
The electrical structure in thunderheads (generally cumulonimbus clouds) is
complex. There are major differences between summer and winter thunderheads, and
between those over Florida, New Mexico, South America and Japan. For the most
common type of lightning, negative cloud to ground, there is a strong negative
region in the lower section of the cloud. The base and top of the cloud may also
have scattered positive regions.
The lightning flash is composed of several strokes. The first, called the
stepped leader, originates from the cloud. It comprises brief (~ 1 ms) spikes in
electrical current (to more than 1000 A) separated by times of lesser current
(50 ms, ~100 A). This part of the lightning flash sets the jagged shape that the
later, more intense return strokes (currents originating from the earth) will
follow. The return strokes may have currents in excess of 30 kA, each lasting
for about 50 ms. A typical lightning flash transfers about 10 C from the
atmosphere to the earth.
Lightning parameters
Voltage (relative to ground) |
1.0E+8 to 1.0E+9 V |
Current |
100 A |
Peak current |
30,000 A |
Duration |
0.001 - 0.5 s (bursts separated by times of relative calm) |
Diameter of current channel |
0.1 m |
Diameter of luminous region |
1-10 m |
Typical Length |
5.0E3 m |
Plasma Temperature |
to 3 eV |
Electron Density |
1.0E+23 to 1.0E+24 electrons/cubic meter |
% power into visible light |
1-3 |
% power into sound |
10-50 |
% power into heat |
10-50 |
% power into radio waves |
10-50 |
Peak magnetic field created |
1000 G |
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