
Conducting Black Operations in the Corporate IT Theatre
Full Description
There are times when you can live with the petty and small-minded rules that
have been made to "make life easier". The IT policy that allows people to
literally defecate over their PCs because you keep backups. They stick in the
craw, but you can live with them, because you know that the backups can fail
sometimes. You can almost predict the times it's going to happen.
Funny that.
Anyway, sometimes you've tried to follow the rules. You've made every attempt to
maintain the status quo and fight the rising tides of ineptitude and malicious
intent. But enough's enough.
Now it's time for action. Whether it be reactive, or proactive you are
authorised to conduct black operations against the enemy. The silent removal of
porn and mp3s from the home directories of certain users during the night via
self-deleting cronjobs (no console logs) is now allowed. The efficient injection
of lines into /var/log/* stating that someone (against all of your warnings)
logged in via telnet, had their password sniffed (you did advise the
purchase of a Sunblade 1000 for firewall purposes) and the artful defacing of the
website with rumours of insider trading and who's been doing what with the
company credit card is just the first in a series of mysterious and unconnected
incidents which you can be responsible for, should you bend your mind to it.
Black operations are not for the unskilled or the half-hearted. Great cunning is
required as well as a plethora of tools ranging from the common screwdriver (how
else do you loosen the cables to the server room UPS at the rival company when
you're there for a "job interview") to the multi-purpose trojan Perl scripts
which supposedly maintain the userbase and not actually audit /etc/passwd, run
deCSS on the DVD in the Boss' PC and grep the mail spool for words supplied from
an optional text file.
For while the rewards are great, getting caught is at best problematic. Your PFY
will disavow any knowledge that you were ever in eyeshot at the time when the
'incidents' occured, as he settles into your chair. He will offer to
the boss that he delete your account, empty your desk and change the root
passwords rather than implicate himself and the IT section. You're on your own.
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