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February's Journal
April's Journal
[17:15] So it really looks like I'm only barely managing one journal entry per
month or so at the moment the whole I'm I'm working from home and don't have
easy access to my publishing shortcuts, etc. Also, working from home means
there's no clear break between the end of the working day and being at home.
Previously, writing the journal entry was the last thing I did before I got up
and left the office to cycle home. Now I just turn off the computer and go
downstairs to wash up. Definitely not the same.
Anyway, what's happened this month? Well, it was the second month of me really
upping my amount of running in an effort to build a decent base for the 50 mile
race I'm doing in May. Now I have to keep all that hard work current by not
going off the boil too much. A gentle simmer should be about right. That means
that I'm taking Tuesday, today, and tomorrow off, and then running a
6 x 4 x 36, which means six miles, every four hours, for thirty-six hours. It
should come out at about fifty miles. Each six miles should take just under an
hour which, during the night, will mean I get about three hours sleep before
the next six mile run. It's going to be interesting. I just hope the weather
is reasonable! Rachel and I will be doing it together (she's likewise run
about 600 miles in the last two months, too).
Other things that have happened this month have been... a three day online Veeam
course, building some new servers for people, moving money around to try and get
it to work even just a little bit, Rachel and I going to her mother's, staying,
and coming back again, earning some money doing an online interview thingy (the
money for which I put towards a very nice monitor to take to Rachel's new house
that she just exchanged contracts on a few days ago, which I'll use as a second
monitor when I work from there, and as a television monitor for us both when we
want to watch something), I completed the census, patched some servers (more
tomorrow morning), and generally lost a little bit of weight, which I was hoping
to do.
And that's about the all of it, I think. I've had some low periods, definitely.
Depression has hit me quite hard now and then, relatively speaking. But I'm
doing OK for the most part, I think. I am looking forward to Rachel being back
again from this evening, and for the next two weeks or so while we're here, at
her mother's, and then back here again. Then she'll head off back to Croydon
again and run her dehumidifier daily for another week or so to see just how
much more moisture she can extract from her walls after the upstairs water pipe
I'm off to tidy the house, do the washing up, put the clean washing away, and
have a shower and a shave before Rachel arrives and we eat baked potatoes,
beans, and cheese for dinner. I just hope my upset stomach settles down a bit.
See you some time in April.