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March's Journal
May's Journal

[17:00] Sooooo, I might not have got around to doing a journal entry at all for the whole of this month. That's pretty bad. That's probably the worst I've been with the journal since I took the occasional week or something off way back when. I guess this whole working from home thing really does take its toll in terms of me wanting to write things about what's going on in my life given I'm sitting at a PC in my front bedroom at home and just really wanting to get off the thing come the end of the working day. But anyway, let me give you a rundown on the things that happened this month...

Rachel and I did our 6 x 4 x 36 challenge and it was... interesting. Not hugely hard, but the middle of the night runs certainly required a bit of effort to get off the bed (I think I napped a little). There was a mass of server patching Tuesdays and Thursdays of most weeks this month, and on my birthday we travelled from Rachel's mother's to see my parents and actually went inside the house and had a meal. It was lovely. I spent some time at home, Rachel spent some time in her home, I went with Shaun to visit Cormac to make sure he was still alive and feeding himself (long story). And over today and the first of May Rachel and I are running the route of the North Downs Way 50 (mile) race in preparation for doing it all in one go in a few weeks from now. Today's run was ~34 miles and I'm beginning to think my plan to run it in well under ten hours (as I've done before) is now deeply unlikely and liable to result in me dying (or at least feeling like I have). We'll see what tomorrow's shorter run makes me feel like off the back of feeling like I do today...