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August's Journal
October's Journal
[16:50] Another month gone, and a fair bit has gone on with it. I have to look
at Google Calendar to check what's gone on so I don't miss anything of note.
Let's see... There was a lot of early morning patching, a weekend in
Northumberland with Rachel and her family where we did a bit of running, a bit
of walking, and generally relaxed somewhat. I did some running on weekends, and
tried to get a bit more speed into my legs with mid-week sprintervals, Rachel
spent some time with me, some time at home, and some time with her mother
picking out flooring and furniture and things like that for her new house.
Towards the end of the month we headed to Cheltenham, stayed in an AirBnB for
one night, then did two days of running ~25 miles on the Cotswold Way, staying
in the Hotel du Vin each night as a reward. That was rather nice, although the
running was somewhat harder than I would have liked given the training I've been
doing for the last few months/years. Immediately after finishing that we caught
a train to meet Rachel's mother and spent a week in Cornwall with Rachel's
mother's sister and her partner. Lots more running, walking, and delicious food
was had and I'm sure I put on even more weight. From Cornwall it was back to
Croydon last Saturday, with a very early start the next morning to run a half
marathon in and around the Olympic Park in London. Rachel did amazingly well, I
was quite disappointed to be a good few minutes outside my target time. It
doesn't bode well for the marathon we're doing in the middle of October,
although I get the feeling Rachel could be on for a PB...
Work-wise it has been pretty full-on for me. Possibly for others in my team,
but it doesn't feel like it, if I'm honest. Up to my week off I was doing lots
most days. Then the day I came back (Monday this week) I've been catching up on
all the things that should have been done while I was off (many of them could
have been done by other people). Still, in good news someone's managed to
reclaim a massive amount of space back on one of the SANs, which has meant we
call all breathe a bit of a sigh of relief on that score. At least for a few
weeks/months until something eats it all again. We still need more trays of
disks, although it's going to be me who has to cycle in to the server room to
mind the Dell engineer who comes out, I bet. I came in this afternoon (which is
why I'm in the office now) to replace three disks, track down a DRAC switch
port, and replace a DIMM because no-one else was available, apparently. I've
got an early start tomorrow to patch some servers and increase the size of some
VMs' disks. Hopefully that'll all go smoothly.
Rachel also arrives tomorrow evening (hurrah!). I've got a present for her
which I hope she'll like, which should be very useful for next year when she's
running at least four 50 mile ultras (I have one road marathon planned).
Otherwise this month I'm getting a local company to give me a full fibre
connection to the house at 600Mb/s for about £15 less than I'm paying
Virgin Media for 100Mb/s, so that should be nice (although completely
unnecessary from a bandwidth point of view!).
I think that's it for now. See you in October, if not before.