From: Pieter Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 15:03:38 +0200 Subject: for the Just PFY user contributions section It's Tuesday. More specifically it's the Tuesday just after the Christmas weekend. I just spent the whole weekend doing everything from drinking to scuba-diving and am feeling tired and not in the mood for work. I slither into the office hoping no-one notices me. It's 8:05 and the aircon already says it's 27 degrees. It's gonna be a hot day. I check e-mail, and see nothing worth replying to. I check other lusers e-mail and see more posts from bastard CAD operator shall have to be taught a lesson. (He's also the one I caught snooping into my office to read my mail, and then forwarding personal mail to boss... he was warned... seriously... nothing like have to redo a plan you've worked on for 5 days. [12:45] Beancounter walks in with smirk on face. Next to him is company's new head beancounter. The old one is retiring and over eager-friggin'-beaver that he is, tries to impress new lad (who looks like he needs mail sent to They need a list of all the machines in the office, since some of it might be useful (like they'll do anything with the 4 x 386's in the one office standing unused for the past 1 1/2 years). After long discussion (and interruption of my IRC session) I set about making the list... highly annoyed. Who the heck works so hard between Xmas and new year anyway. [14:25] I Return from lunch (and picking up new FreeBSD 3.4 CD) from a friend. I find there is exactly 4 people still in the office excluding me. Nice... now I can't get into offices to see what friggen' old Seikosha 9 chr/p minute printers the old gits have. New beancounter person seems to follow everything with a hawkeye... idiot. Instead of doing the full Access database thing I slap together a little Excel spreadsheet and start drawing from memory who has what machine, and how many times they've broken it... certain names come up more than others... including my friend. [15:00] Most of the list is finished... now to roam the offices looking for printer names... I hate this job.