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September's Journal
November's Journal

October started with a lot of operating system patching, a number of bank account changes, and Rel heading off to (deep breath) Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, DRC, and Malawi. Just a shade more than two weeks on the African continent. I got on with things here at home and looked forward to her safe return. In the meantime there was lots of work to be getting on with, runs pretty much every morning but Friday (rest day!), and my October half marathon in the cathedral city of Ely on the 13th of the month. Just prior to that my parents headed up to Edinburgh for a short break I'd paid for, to stay in the Hotel du Vin there and to see the sights they hadn't visited in many years. The weather just about held out for them, and they had a wonderful time.

Rel returned on the 18th and I took the train up to see her and reconnect. It isn't always easy to do so after time apart and given the other things which happened around that time of year, my stressing over our upcoming trip to Europe (more on that in November's entry), and much else, meant that it was a bit more emotional (or not) than we were planning on. What's important is that we talked about everything and things are I think much more sorted now.

The last full week of October was mainly about getting back on an even keel, forcing people to let me patch their servers, writing scripts for the finance developers, and having a quick trip to see my parents and enjoying their company (and them mine). It has been lovely to see more of them this year. I should have made these trips years ago, but at least I'm doing it now.

In the short week before our vacation I managed to rush through a mass of maintenance work, go into the office to print out all the things we need hardcopies of for the trip, and get my hair cut!