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December's Journal
February's Journal
Happy new year! Even if it already a month old. As per usual I've lots going
on and as I don't really work in the office any more I don't have a slot at
the end of the day when I put down my thoughts in my journal any more. I
suppose I could do it sitting at my desk at home, but somehow I just don't
quite feel like it as much. Maybe I'll try to do more entries per month this
year. Obviously I've failed for January, but maybe February will be where I
turn over a new leaf. Probably not, but who knows?
Anyway, let me tell you about January. To be honest it started fairly quietly
for me. Back to work, things to do, servers to patch and where possible either
retire/decommission, or LEAPP from RHEL 7 to RHEL 8. Rel was here as much as
she could be, but also had plenty of her own things to do, so we saw as much of
each other as we could. In the second week I LEAPPed the first of two very
important hosts to RHEL 8 (went well), and then at the end of the week went to
Rel's for us to drive to Sherwood Pines to do a 6 hour event. I have to say
it was a pretty fun day, with cold weather which suited me, and a course that
was just varied enough that we didn't mind running it nine times in my case,
and ten in Rel's. I could probably have made it ten times too, but Rel asked
to do lap seven on her own (we'd been together until then) and while I enjoyed
taking a bit more of a break before the next lap, I never got up the speed I
needed again to get another lap done (comfortably) before the time ran out.
Also I'd been having digestive issues all day, which really didn't help.
The rest of the month since then has been more patching, more LEAPPing (one of
the most important servers I manage; it went well), and the migration of a
service from a physical host to a VM, thus enabling me to decommission two
Fibre Channel-attached hosts, which were connected to the old SAN. A double
Extremely disappointingly, and worryingly (given how long it's taking to heal),
Rel and I went for a sprintervals session on Wednesday 17th and I managed to
severely pull (tear?) a muscle in my right calf. So much so that other than
the occasional run to see if it was fixed (it wasn't) I haven't run since then.
This is a bit of a problem as I have a number of races coming up over the next
few months and I'd really like to not miss them (and not just because of the
financial outlay). I saw a physio a few days ago, and will be seeing them
again on Thursday 9th, which is the day before I head to Harrogate with Rel to
race that weekend (and also do some recce work on the Dales Way the day after).
But that's January in a nutshell. Not a huge amount going on, and other than
my calf thing, all's mostly well.