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March's Journal
May's Journal
[18:15] It has been something of a day, not to mention a weekend. Let's get the
weekend out of the way first. It started off very early with me getting out of
bed and to the cinema to see the new Marvel film by 06:35. Being quite that
early probably wasn't necessary as there only turned out to be six other people
in the cinema, despite a whole lot more of the seats apparently having been
booked. I had a whole row to myself. Once the film was over and I was back
home I had a second breakfast and then settled in to clean and tidy the house a
bit and then binge the rest of Lost in Space. Some other stuff happened, I read
some of my current book, went to Tesco and tried to work out why my rear wheel
was making crunching sounds), had dinner, and then Rachel arrived. Which was
lovely. On Sunday morning we headed down to London quite early so that we
could run the last 3.7 miles of the London Marathon route (not quite) in memory
of the guy who died doing it last week. It was a lot colder this
time. The cycle to and from the station reminded me that there was definitely
something wrong with my rear wheel, and probably the bearings in the freewheel
itself. Still, once we were back in the house around 13:30 we settled down for
lunch, and then finishing up two films we'd promised ourselves. At the same
time I was finding out more about my grandmother, who's had a good run at 103
years of age, but is finally reaching the end of her life. Discovering that she
was closer than ever to said point put a distinct downward turn on the day and
rather than something fun and upbeat to watch after dinner we went with an
Attenborough documentary, as they're always beautiful and uplifting. Then we
went to bed.
This morning Rachel decided that it just wasn't a good idea to leave the house
early and head to London, and I couldn't have agreed more. When I did leave for
work on my crunching-rear-wheel bike Rachel stayed until the off-peak trains
started to run and then headed to work. I stopped at two different cycle shops
on the way in and ascertained that it probably was the freewheel that had
cracked a bearing, and I decided that I'd cycle to the second shop (where I
bought the bike) on Wednesday morning, leave the bike and run the rest of the
way to work, then run back to the shop after work and cycle the rest of the way
home. There's a potential issue with this that the blade of my left foot hurt
like hell all of Sunday afternoon and evening after we got back from running in
London, and I don't really know why. It has been slowly getting better over the
last 12 hours, so I'm hoping that if I don't run tomorrow (more on that in a
moment) it might be fine for Wednesday (and of course for the future). Anyway,
around mid-morning I got in touch with my mother (who's with her mother at the
moment) and we decided that I should head to see my grandmother one more time,
and as soon as possible. So, I've booked train tickets for tomorrow morning,
coming back the same day. As I've got machines to patch tomorrow morning I've
decided to get in horribly early, patch them, deal with any fallout, and then
head to the train station afterwards. After having seen my grandmother I'll
then get trains home and get back to my house some time just before midnight. A
long day, but very necessary.
Given tomorrow's logistics I patched a few servers this afternoon and had to
fight with something called Ucarp for about half an hour. Luckily a colleague
was on hand to do some useful things and I appear to have those servers all
sorted. The servers for tomorrow (fourteen of them) are all as prepared as I
can make them so that it's 'just' a case of pressing go on them as soon as I get
in and then waiting to see what goes wrong/right. Here's hoping I can get out
of work in plenty of time to make my train. Frankly, given the reason for the
journey I will just go when it becomes necessary.
Probably no journal entry tomorrow, unless I've got a bit of time before I
leave/during the patching.
[17:25] It rained all the way in to work this morning, and the chances are it'll
rain all the way home again this evening. Amazingly, once I'd decided to run in
the rain at lunch time it actually stopped once I'd been going for about 2km or
so. Otherwise it has been pretty grim out of the window today. That's OK
though as I've spent most of the day trying to negotiate patching and rebooting
schedules for loads of servers. I even got a few patched and rebooted there and
then, which was nice. A few mishaps and issues here and there, but they've all
been sorted at this point.
This weekend Rachel will be coming to me straight from Cornwall tomorrow night,
so in the meantime I intend to do parkrun (unless it's really raining hard), go
to Tesco, and maybe even clean and tidy the house a bit. Change the bedding for
certain though. On Sunday we're still undecided as to whether we'll go to
London to do a very short run in support of the guy who died at the London
Marathon this year. I think that's something we'll discuss between now and
Sunday morning. The remainder of Sunday will be spent relaxing and watching two
films back to back. Then it'll be Monday. Written down like that it doesn't
seem like the weekend will be very long at all.
[17:45] Had a short dinner club with Kate last night. As she'd decided to stop
eating all 'processed food' I had to change the venue, which wasn't so bad, but
I had been looking forward to some nice meat-based munching. We ended up at a
vegetarian place which served some delicious food, but I went home feeling
hungry and ate like a horse once I got back. It was raining too, so I got
drenched on the cycle back, as well.
This morning I wasn't patching, so didn't have to get in terribly early. I
still made it in close to 08:00 and settled in to a day of getting stuff done.
In the end I didn't achieve as much as I wanted, but I did get four new VMs
built, trouble-shot a few Ansible roles and playbooks, upgraded Ansible to fix a
major bug which was affecting something, and even did some logistics for the
North Downs Way 50 ultramarathon Rachel and I will be doing at the end of May.
Not to mention the trial run (no pun intended) of the course we're going to do
over two days the weekend after next. Hopefully we'll be meeting up with one of
my oldest family friends too, even if Rachel managed to conflate two different
towns/villages. Luckily they're only ten miles apart, so it shouldn't be any
kind of issue whatsoever.
No run today, but I will try and get something done tomorrow lunch time.
[17:30] Mostly today I have been getting in early and still managing to overrun
my vulnerable period for patching servers owing to one being exceedingly slow to
patch, despite me doing all the firmware staging the day before and even
patching the KVM host the day before too. Anyway, nobody cared and everything
seemed to work as it was supposed to. I then turned my attention to a server
which has been being complained about for hardware/memory reasons for over a
year. With one quick email to Dell I managed to get a probably resolution (two
firmware updates; one for the BIOS, and one for the iDRAC) which I was given
authorisation to do this afternoon. Between times I went for a nice gentle 10K
run at lunch time just before it rained, and got some other things squared away.
Now and again I was visited by people asking for things and in most cases I was
able to provide a solution. Sometimes it was even one they liked.
I'm heading off now to escape work for the day, and will be happy not to have to
arrive terribly early tomorrow morning.
[17:40] After the joy of Rachel coming back to see me again last night, and us
having a lovely evening together, I was very much looking forward to getting to
work just before 09:00 this morning in a relaxed and leisurely fashion. Rachel
left the house around about 07:15 and I lay around for a little bit longer and
contemplated not much at all... only to remember at around 07:55 that I was due
to patch some servers between 08:00 and 09:00. Cue jumping out of bed with a
curse, and getting everything morning-related done and being on my bike within
fifteen minutes. I made it in to work and had the servers patched and rebooted
by 08:58, which was rather amazing if I say so myself. Nobody noticed the late
start, or in fact the patching and rebooting, thanks to the redundancy we have
in place. Much of the rest of the day was then spent patching other servers,
and getting other servers again ready for tomorrow morning's patching, which I
will actually be in better time for. Mostly I've stacked up a load of firmware
patches and patched the KVM hosts underlying about fifteen guests. This should
make things a lot quicker to happen come reboot time. Over lunch I managed to
squeeze in a reasonably fast 8km run (my first run since the parkrun in Croydon)
which felt great.
I'm off home now to see if I can dodge most of the rain which was threating at
lunch time, and work out what I'm going to have for dinner.
[17:25] It was a packed and very hot weekend in London. I made it down to
Croydon in good time on Friday evening, and took Rachel's tiny lady's shopper
bike to her house at a nice relaxed and leisurely pace. Rachel was there and
waiting for me, which was very lovely. On Saturday morning I popped out to run
a nice parkrun at Rachel's local park, and then ran home again afterwards, just
in time to meet Rachel who was packing up ready to spend the day with her
parents and nephew at the Harry Potter 'thing', whatever it is. Once she was on
her way I got myself ready and headed into London to the London Marathon Expo to
take my turn schilling the marathon in Kenya which we hope will be happening
again in October (although I won't be able to go this year). We had our 'stall'
(a photo on an easel, and me, with business card-style flyers) on the edge of a
company's stall, and over the course of four hours or so I worked my way through
a stack of said flyers, trying to engage people in the idea of going out to
Kenya and running a marathon to raise money for micro-finance charities. Around
16:00 I packed everything up and got the trains of various types back to Croydon
again, and Rachel's house. A quick shower and I was back out of the house, this
time on a bike to the station rather than the tram (which'd been required before
to transport the picture and easel back safely) and thence to the hotel near
Kings Cross that Rachel's parents were staying at. After a drink in a pub next
door we had a lovely dinner together before I got Rachel to admit that she
needed to head home and get some sleep before the marathon the next day. We
made it home in fairly good order (bikes from the station in Croydon) and were
in bed fairly close to 23:00, which is good for Rachel. Sunday morning we were
out of the house and to Blackheath and Rachel's start area in perfect time. I
left her to joing everyone else in the Championship corral and walked the short
way to the 10km marker, where I staked my claim to a bit of space at the
barrier and waited. Right on the time she was expected Rachel came running
through looking very much in control despite the oppressive heat. I made my way
to the DLR station close by, at which point I realised that I wasn't going to
make it to the places I wanted to in time to catch her. Rapid recalculations
followed, and over the course of the next two and a bit hours I hopscotched
around the East London/Docklands area trying to spot her and on one occasion not
managing to. Otherwise I was successful. Eventually I made it to the 25mile
marker and settled in to wait for her... only for her to be somewhat behind
where I was expecting. Given it turned out to be the hottest London Marathon on
record, it wasn't surprising that the heat had got to her, as it had to
thousands of others. Frankly, I'm not sure I'd have been able to finish, let
alone get close to the time she clocked in with. Once she'd passed me and the
other people I'd recruited to cheer for her I took the short cut to the
finish/meeting area and waited for her. She came through after a few minutes of
waiting and after getting herself sorted we walked to the right Tube station and
headed to the British Library - via a cold drink at a hotel - where her parents
were waiting to have a spot of lunch with us. Following a bit of decompression,
plenty of drinking for Rachel, and some food, we said our goodbyes, retrieved
our bags from her parents' hotel (where Rachel'd left them the night before) and
went to our hotel near St. Paul's. We had fully intended to use the pool and
jacuzzi, but ended up simply having a nice cleansing shower and then relaxing on
the bed to doze and watch a bit of downloaded television. As is tradition, we
then popped out to a nearby GBK for celebratory burgers, sweet potato fries, and
cold drinks, before heading back to the hotel to relax and eventually fall
asleep. This morning we had a very late start before popping down for
breakfast, checking out, reading by the river for an hour or so and then going
our separate ways to work (two trains for me, a short 4 minute walk for Rachel).
At work today I managed to squeeze in all of my Monday morning work into a short
amount of time before I was asked to head off and watch someone install a
replacement switch into our storage fabric. Unfortunately there were some
issues (one of which I managed to solve), and the reboot cycle of the switch was
about fifteen minutes, which meant I had to leave and come back to the office to
write this and head off only 30 minutes after I was supposed to so that I can
meet Rachel at my house when she arrives, she having decided that we shouldn't
be in different places tonight (and who am I to argue?).
[16:00] Friday is here. The weather is hot and lovely. I've been stuck indoors
all day, and I'm about to get on a train. However, then I'll be with Rachel,
although not for most of Saturday, or Sunday morning. But then the remainder of
Sunday, and Monday morning we will be together. Not to mention tonight, which
won't be spent in a pub after all, but at home on the sofa together, instead.
On Saturday I'll be doings parkrun, then heading to London to work on a stall at
the London Marathon Expo while Rachel takes her brother to a fun thing in
central London. We'll probably have dinner with her family in London that
evening before heading back to Croydon. On Sunday, very early, I'll be
traveling with Rachel to the Championship start of the London Marathon, then
waving her off and hopefully waving and cheering her on multiple times between
the start and the end, when we'll hope to meet up again, see her parents one
more time and then head to a lovely hotel for the remainder of the day, stepping
out only to have dinner at a close by GBK (probably). I have Monday morning off
work and Rachel will go in to her work late(ish), and then we're back into
another working week. I have high hopes for Rachel surviving the heat on
marathon day better than I would. I'll let you know how she gets on on Monday.
[17:15] Another day of patching and rebooting servers. Other than a few
niggles here and there everything seems to have gone fairly well. I still have
hundreds of servers to do, but I'm slowly making progress, which is good. I
have a few emails to respond to tomorrow to say when I'd like to patch another
couple of chunks of the server estate, but they can wait until then.
I went for a run at lunchtime today in what was probably the hottest weather of
the year so far. It reminded me why I much prefer running in the cold, and why
I'm very glad I did the Manchester Marathon this year rather than the London
Marathon. I'm very sure I wouldn't do at all well in this weekend's forecasted
temperatures. I do feel for Rachel, even if she does a lot better in the heat
than I do. We'll have to see how she does though as she's pulled amazing
performances out of the bag many times before.
I should head home and work out the logistics and therefore packing choices I
need to make to head to Croydon directly from work tomorrow afternoon, and then
travel around London cheering Rachel on, and then not go back to Croydon, but
instead stay in London on Sunday night and come back to work from there on
Monday morning. Not complicated, but to keep weight down when I'm following
Rachel around London I need to have a think about what I leave where.
[17:45] Today has been the first day of patching all the things. There are
still very very many things that remain to be patched, but I did a few today,
which was good. There were one or two issues concerned with bringing servers
and workstations which haven't been patched in a very long time up to current,
but I believe I've 'solved' most of them. Couple that with the fact that I
mowed both of my lawns yesterday, and neither of them look entirely terrible,
and I've had a reasonably productive 24 hours for the first time in a while. I
also managed to not go for a run today, which was probably good for me too, in
another way.
For now though I'm going to go home and hope that this warm weather cools down
somewhat for the weekend so that Rachel doesn't get too hot when running the
London Marathon. It has a few days yet, but currently I think we're going to be
due some overly 'fine' weather.
[16:50] Not a huge amount going on today. The weather has been lovely, so I did
a slightly longer run over lunch time to take advantage of it, and I might even
get around to mowing the back gardens when I get home this evening. Work wise
not a lot is going on for me in the office right now. I'm keeping on top of
things where I can, and beginning to look at the Red Hat Satellite upgrade and
the yearly update of all of the servers I have some responsibility for. I've
even sent out the email to 'everyone' asking them to start submitting dates for
when they'd like their corner of the server estate patched and rebooted. It'll
mean a succession of early Tuesday and Thursday mornings, but hopefully at least
a few servers will be allowed to be patched and rebooted during normal working
hours. For now though the ball is out of my court and awaiting being batted
back by about twenty different people.
[18:10] I had a pretty fabulous weekend with Rachel. I got up on the Saturday
morning and did the parkrun at a fairly leisurely pace, which was nice. The
lack of all-outedness allowed me to dodge most of the really deep mud and
puddles and make it home feeling fairly dry. After getting cleaned up and
tidying the house a little I headed into town to bag a table in the Patisserie
Valerie and read my book until Rachel arrived (having gone for a quick swim once
she got into town to stave off tapering woes). We had food, then headed off to
try and find a) collapsable cups (came away with new shoes for me) and, b) spend
her voucher from coming third in her age category in a recent half marathon.
Sadly we weren't able to find anything that worked, so we went a few doors down
to another shop where she spent birthday/Christmas vouchers on something else
instead. Then it was home to relax via Tesco, and then for Rachel to prepare
dinner for the next two nights, which was amazing of her. On Sunday morning we
had a very slow start to the day before Rachel headed off to do her last long
run before her marathon next Sunday. I decided to stay home and work on getting
all my files from my old laptop onto my new one. Both things took roughly the
same amount of time, which was good. I don't recall much else happening on
Sunday that I should relate to you, but suffice to to say we had a wonderful,
relaxing time together.
This morning Rachel even got a slightly later train than even her normal 'late'
train, which was nice. We both got to work OK and in fairly good times. My day
has consisted of making sure everything survived the weekend, publishing new Red
Hat content views, going for a run with a 1km 'kick' at the end to remind myself
just how stupidly quick I ran for 42 of them, and then realising I should have
gone home over an hour ago. So I'm going now.
[17:55] I'm at work late today because my birthday present to myself from
Rachel and I (a laptop) arrived and I've been configuring it on a fast
connection. It's smashing, and far, far faster than the hand-me-down/second
hand laptop I've had up until now. It should work with all of my USB
peripherals (like an old Canon 350D camera), I think.
For a Friday the 13th things have gone fairly well here. Other than the return
of a very old running injury in my right knee, I've got my new laptop working,
replaced a hard drive in an unhappy server, and even fixed my
Satellite/repository issues from yesterday. I'm going to go home very shortly
and so long as I get home OK I'll consider today a huge success.
Rachel arrives tomorrow at brunchtime, and we'll be meeting and eating in town
before we go and buy part of something with her prize voucher from coming third
in her age group in a recent half marathon. I'll hopefully already have run
parkrun, showered, shaved, and been to Tesco before she arrives. We'll see. On
Sunday Rachel will be doing her last long run before the London Marathon the
weekend after this. If I'm feeling up to it I might go with her (and if she
wants company), but I'm wary of this knee issue which seems to appear at around
5km. Other than that we fully intend not to do very much else this weekend.
[18:10] Everything was going quite swimmingly today, until I tried to do
something moderately complicated. Now stuff is semi-broken (or at least wedged
in a way I don't know how to deal with) so I may have to leave it alone
overnight and see if things are working again in the morning. It's all to do
with Red Hat Satellite and the fact that Red Hat have moved where the Oracle
Java RPMs are to another repository, which you only get access to if you have
the right subscription... Which you first of all need to add to your Satellite
manifest and then resync. Which I thought I'd done, but it turns out I hadn't.
Only now the manifest resync I initiated about forty minutes ago both reports
that it completed, and also seems to have paused for no readily apparent reason
such that I can't get it to continue. In the mean time I have one new server
which needs access to the RPMs that the new repositories contain, and a whole
load of older servers which're eventually going to have to be migrated to using
the new repositories, if I can ever get them added to my Satellite,
synchronised, and then swapped into the relevant content view, which will then
be published. It's all quite multi-part, and I've been stymied at the first few
In other, lovely, news Rachel has decided to come to me this weekend. Which is
great and very nice of her. As a result I will be on my even better than best
behaviour and hopefully make her time here as smashing as possible. She'll be
arriving on Saturday morning after she's marshalled at her local parkrun and
I've gently run mine.
Anyway, I should go home now and see if this manifest refresh finishes
[17:40] Well. So, that was the weekend, and two days off work, and my birthday,
and lots of time with my most favourite person. Also, I ran the Manchester
Marathon in a time of 3:04:07, which is somewhat incredible, and a huge new
personal best for me. I'm very pleased, even if I'm still having a bit of
trouble processing it. Rachel and I headed to Euston on the Friday evening
after a nice quick burger at a close-by GBK, just in time to see that all
trains out of Euston were delayed indefinitely due to a major fire next to the
tracks just outside of the Wembley area. We hung around for a little while and
then decided to use the magic of the internet to book a hotel room for the night
and buggered off for a decent night's sleep. We got back to the station early
the next morning and boarded a train with our pre-existing tickets and managed
to make it to Manchester and be picked up by my parents to head to Bradford to
see my brother and his son only 30 minutes later than we would if we'd arrived
the previous night and stayed with them. From Bradford we drove north east
again and went to see my 102 year old grandmother for a short afternoon before
coming back to Bradford for dinner, and then a drive back to Manchester again.
I got a moderately good night's sleep before another early rise to get the
Metrolink from Sale to Old Trafford to run the marathon. To cut a long race
report short, I wasn't sure what to expect, and thought I might not have done
enough long runs. But it turned out that the training I did was pretty much
right on the money and I was able to maintain half the marathon at a little
faster than I needed to, and the second half just a little slower than I needed
to. This balanced out to a PB, and about 53 seconds faster than I'd been hoping
for. All credit to my coach for coaching me to the result, and to me for
trusting the process and not doing more than I was told to do. I think that's
also why I didn't get a major injury over the course of this training cycle,
too. After the race, which Rachel managed to see me at least six times at
various places on the course, we headed back to my parents' house and I
collapsed on the sofa for the rest of the day. On Monday Rachel went for a good
long run (she still has her marathon to do) and I spent some time getting my
parents' computers and broadband working better and generally relaxing a lot.
In the evening we all went for a rather delicious meal at a vegetarian
restaraunt, which I think was a nice change for Rachel. Tuesday was my
birthday, most of it was spent traveling home from Manchester. The trains were
flawless, but it still took a significant part of the day. As we were bringing
back a few things Rachel took them from the station to the house in a taxi,
while I cycled home. She then did her day's run running back to the station to
collect her bike for this morning's cycle to the train station. After that she
went all out to make my birthday special by making us a carrot cake, not letting
me pay for the Indian take away we had, and even going to Tesco for the things I
need to get through the week. On top of that she forced me to look for and buy
a new laptop so that she could pay for half of it. Happily I was able to find a
good one which I managed to get £180 off via various means. This meant
she didn't have to spend as much, which was nice for me. We went to bed happy
and content and really didn't want to return to real life and work this morning.
As a result Rachel got a later train, which was nicer for us both. I cycled in
to work via the bank to pay in a cheque, only to remember as I arrived at the
bank on the dot of 09:00 that they open at 09:30 on a Wednesday. I'll have to
do it tomorrow instead. I've spent the day catching up on everything that went
on over the weekend and during the first two days of the week, reporting a
failed disk to Dell just before the end of the working day, and preparing for
all the things I've been handed to do tomorrow. On top of that RHEL 7.5 was
released while I was away, so I need to do things with that as well. For now
though I'm going to go home and try to reclaim some of the relaxed sense/feeling
I had after finishing the marathon and realising I didn't have it waiting for me
to do. Then it's Thursday.
[16:10] A nice, if short, evening with Rachel last night. I think we were both
a bit tired for different reasons, so didn't make it to the end of the film we
were watching. That's OK though as we should be able to pick up where we left
off on the train to Manchester this evening. The day for me has consisted of
being baffled by quite how I managed to fix a hardware issue on a server that
was only complaining in one specific manner, and then making a manful attempt to
clear down various minor flashing lights on our monitoring system. The former
required me to cycle over to the furthest server room and do a lot of hardware
fettling, the latter a lot of sitting at my desk and doing a fair amount of
typing and thinking. Neither was particularly hard, which was nice. I even
managed to drink 750ml of water. Not much, but more than I normally do. I
should have a little more before I leave for the train station. Whether or not
I get to London to meet Rachel for dinner is another matter as there appears to
be an issue with the overhead electrical wires near my station, which may not be
fixed for a little while. We'll see.
Anyway, trains willing I'm off to Manchester tonight, seeing my grandmother on
the edge of the North Yorkshire Moors on Saturday and then running the
Manchester Marathon on Sunday. Monday I'll be relaxing with my family, and
Tuesday traveling home. Tuesday's also my birthday.
I'll catch you up on everything that went on when I'm back in work on Wednesday.
[17:45] Well, not counting a potential "leg loosener" on Saturday, I did my last
run before the marathon at lunch time today. I can't tell you if it gave me
confidence, a reason to panic, or just an opportunity to test out some nipple
protectors. In any event, I did it, and it's done.
I fully intended to go over to the furthest server room this afternoon and work
on the server with the "fan/cooling fault" that only ipmitool seems to be able
to see, but I got a request to create three new VMs and frankly I had a
preference for sitting down rather than standing up in a noise data center, so
now I'll have to go and do that tomorrow. Morning, probably.
Rachel's coming to see me tonight (hurrah!) although I haven't heard a thing
from her all day. Hopefully she's just busy and we'll be in touch later.
[17:35] A replacement fan that the supplier swore had been addressed to me
turned out to have been addressed to my colleague instead, which is why I didn't
get it yesterday. Still, I have it now. I've also spent the day fighting a
losing battle with our status systems to reduce the number of red light we have
flashing away. For a while there I was winning quite well, but there has been a
resurgence in the late afternoon. I took a break over lunch time to do a very
nicely gentle 30 minute recovery run (potentially my last before the marathon on
Sunday), had lunch, and fought with two printers instead for a change of pace.
I'm about to head off with Cormac to do some reracking of servers at his other
job, then go home and relax for the evening. This also involves creating a
bootable USB stick from a CentOS ISO, which is proving to take a whole lot
longer than actually downloading the thing.
[17:10] I had a great Easter break, thanks for asking. It started slowly and a
bit grumpily for all concerned, but got better and better as the days went by.
I don't really know why we were so down to begin with, but I don't think it's
anything to particularly worry about. On Thursday evening I had a nice quiet
night in and then tried to get a good night's sleep, which I didn't manage. On
Friday, to get it out of the way as much as anything else I did my run around
09:30, which then gave me plenty of time to get cleaned up, have a second
breakfast, and then head over to Cormac's to change the cassette on my bike.
After that I don't recall doing much else of interest. Saturday was a different
matter in that I got up very early so I could get my run done, get clean, and
then jump on trains to get to Croydon in time to have lunch with Rachel.
Happily it was simply a 30min recovery run so I didn't have to get up all that
early, really. We met at her house and then headed out to her favourite
close-by food place to eat and catch up on the runs we'd done (hers on the NDW,
and very wet and boggy). Pretty soon after that we grabbed some swimming kit
and headed to a hotel near the train station for a quick swim/use of the gym,
and then rather great strong massage. On the way back to Rachel's house we
popped via the local Curry's to pick up a replacement Garmin GPS watch for the
one she thinks was probably stolen from her workplace a few days previously.
Sunday morning I did my long run for the week (my last before the marathon) and
Rachel her second, but shorter, long run of the Easter weekend. Mine was a
1h30m fairly quick one, hers 2h30m or so. My GPS watch went a bit crazy towards
the end, but I think still recorded the paces of the kilometers fairly
correctly. Then it was time to jump on two trains down to Winchester to stay in
the Hotel du Vin there for a night. I'd tried to call the hotel to sneakily get
the room upgraded, but Rachel had already made sure we were in one of the best
ones, so I had to settle for asking for some chocolates in the room and booking
dinner (with the intention of paying for that). Sadly, there weren't any
chocolates, but they'd given us a free bottle of prosecco instead which we just
about managed to finish as we waited for dinner to come to the table. So that
was pretty cool, as was my getting us moved to the better of the three
'principle rooms' in the hotel after having a problem with a persistent buzz in
the first one we were allocated. We popped out to attend evensong at the
cathedral right next door and then came back to the room to relax for a bit.
After a lovely, lovely evening using the facilities, and then dinner, we just
about managed to stay awake to relax in the room for a bit before admitting
defeat and going to sleep. We'd purposefully not packed running stuff for our
planned Monday run, so luxuriated in sleeping in until breakfast, then making
our way out of the hotel on the dot of 11:00 to amble to the train station and
head further south west to see two of Rachel's friends, their new house, and
their dog. A pub lunch was first on the agenda, so we ate lightly owing to
barely having digested breakfast. After a sit and chat and tea/coffee at the
house we headed back to the train station and got two trains back to Croydon,
and cycled home.
This morning was the usual two trains back to my bike and a cycle to work. Over
the course of the day I've tried to drink more to stave off whatever's happening
in my left sinus, done my second to last marathon paced intervals session, tried
to stop my nipples from getting too sore (they've decided to be sensitive and
thin-skinned for some reason), and done the usual Monday-but-really-Tuesday
start-the-week work. A chassis fan for a server has apparently been delivered
for me, but seems to be missing, whilest still inside the building. We'll have
to see if the person who signed for it and then left for the day can tell me
where it is. I'm off home now to do a small Tesco shop to get me through the
short week and then I'll relax for a bit. Tomorrow, at some point, someone's
going to come and look at the extension to the house with a view to quoting for
cavity wall insulation (did I mention the belt and braces approach I'm taking to
that bit of the house?), but apparently I don't need to be there for that. Oh,
and happy April.