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September's Journal
November's Journal
[16:35] I didn't erg last night, and I'm doing no exercise today. Not only that
but pretty much nothing happened at work either. I probably needed the rest,
but I could have done with something worthwhile to keep my brain exercised.
Anyway, I'm off for my physio session, then home to prepare for the weekend of
rowing. Two outings on Saturday, one on Sunday. Rachel arriving on Saturday
afternoon with a Halloween party in the evening. Then on Sunday I'll have to
drag myself out of bed for an outing, then we get the remainder of the day to
share together, plus a trip to see the new Bond film. It'll turn out to be
quite a social weekend, for once.
[17:10] I have to say that last night's outing wasn't too bad at all. We're
getting to the point, as a crew, where bad strokes are the exception. As a
result we tend to focus on them more than the good stuff sometimes. Anyway, it
was a good outing, and I went home quite pleased. I promised myself I'd get up
early this morning and run somewhere between 20 and 22km before work. And I
did. I got up at 05:45 and was running from outside of work at 06:35 or so. I
didn't do the full 22km in the end, deciding that a) my feet would appreciate a
few fewer km to not get blisters during, and b) I was just a bit tired after
last night's firm pressure row to the lock and back. I've felt a bit drained
for most of the day, to tell you the truth. Looking back at the week thus far
it turns out I've done two sessions of exercise every day apart from today (when
what I did was the duration of two sessions of exercise). 10km and weights on
Monday, 8x500m pieces and a Widowmaker on Tuesday, 10km and an outing on
Wednesday, and ~20km running this morning. I think, therefore, I'm going to
give this evening's 30min AT erg a miss, and take tomorrow off exercise
entirely. There's such a thing as overtraining, and while I think I could do
the erg tonight and even run tomorrow, I don't think I'd gain much from them
other than not doing them to the best of my ability, and being even tireder for
the three outings I have over the weekend (two on Saturday, one on Sunday).
Plus I want at least a little bit of energy to match the boundless amount Rachel
has (and to survive the Halloween party we're going to on Saturday night).
Work has been overly quiet today. I've had very little to do other than read up
on new technology stuff... which is all very interesting, but I'd rather be
Doing Stuff with it than just reading about it. Anyway, that's that. I think
I'll go home and see if the sausage and lentil stew from the weekend is still
edible without repercussions. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's total rest day
with trepidation more than anything else. I think that, too, might be a sign
that I'm close to overtraining.
[17:10] The 'widowmaker' erg last night wasn't nearly so hard as I thought it
was going to be. And each and every one of the erg segments I managed to do
under the splits I'd set myself based on doing a PB 2K. At least on average (in
each segment). It was nice to know I had the strength, cardio, and general
fitness to do it.
It was hammering down with rain this morning, so I wasn't all that keen to get a
run done before work. As a result I cycled in (getting quite wet in the
process) and did a very relaxed 10K at lunch time instead. Hopefully it'll stay
dry for this evening's outing in the 4-. I have to try and work out how to get
a long run in this weekend while still taking a rest day, so it may be that it's
tomorrow morning that that happens. We'll have to see how I feel if/when I wake
up in time to do it.
Work today has mainly been about trying to reduce the number of red lights on
our monitoring system. I wouldn't say I was particularly successful, but
nothing seems to have exploded. I suppose I'll settle for maintaining the
status quo at the very least. I think everything I have that was wet seems to
have dried over the course of the day, so it's time for me to pack up and head
down to the boat house. See you tomorrow, at a time to be determined by my body
(and alarm) clock.
[16:40] I got weights over and done with efficiently enough that I was showered
just as the boat house started to get really busy. It also meant I was home in
time to greet Rachel. She went for a quick run while I prepared dinner, which
helped her settle somewhat after being trapped in a training course all day.
Once she was back and showered we managed to fit in watching Skyfall before an
early as possible bed time. This was because I had to be up and at the boat
house for 05:40 this morning for an outing. Given I'm not sleeping all that
well at the moment it wasn't too hard to be awake when the alarm went off,
considering I'd been fitfully in and out of sleep since about 03:30. Whilest it
wasn't the best outing in the world (early morning, one sub in the boat, not
everyone 'feeling it'), we still managed to get our 8x500m pieces in, and had
the river to ourselves (apart from the two other boats from the club doing the
same thing), before any of the other clubs got their boats on the bit of water
we were using. We actually got back to the boat house pretty close to 07:00,
which was very helpful in allowing me to have a nice long, hot shower, and then
cycle in a leisurely fashion to work.
At work today we've had a few minor issues with regard to how one of the tests I
wrote to check web application loginability worked with what appears to be a
stealth upgrade (in the end I solved it by making the test a lot less good, but
more reliable), and firewall issues with a new development service popping into
existence (solved with a tweak to the firewall ruleset). I also need to have a
damned good think about what I've achieved over the past year so I can say
something in my (almost meaningless) appraisal, which will probably happen this
week. Oh, and I went for a haircut at lunch time, because I was beginning to
feel really quite bushy on top.
We're doing a "widowmaker" erg this evening. I won't describe it, but suffice
it to say I'm looking forward to it being over, and my being on the way home to
a steak dinner and some television. Rachel won't be around tonight, or for the
rest of the week until Saturday, which is poo.
[16:45] Tons of rowing this weekend just gone. Two outings on Saturday morning.
One being a 4- outing with some hard 2K pieces, and then a 2- outing, just to
keep things interesting. That meant I was then free to have a nice lunch with
some old rowing friends in town before going home, doing the Tesco thing, and
then collapsing for the afternoon. Sunday was then a long 4- outing over the
lock to do some fartlek-type things, as well as a sneaky little bit of
side-by-side racing with the 4+. As we only decided on one outing on Sunday I
was able to go home and have a second breakfast before Rachel arrived having run
near her house in the morning and then taken the train to me. Both of us were
pretty tired from the day (and travels, in her case), so we settled in with hot
chocolate and marshmallows (in my new shipping forecast mug!) and watched some
Daniel Craig Bond films in preparation for seeing the new one next weekend.
This morning Rachel headed out for a day of training before she'll be coming
back here for the evening. I did a slightly abbreviated morning exercises thing
and then got to work to firefight all of the minor issues that go on with
servers when you leave them alone for the weekend. Nothing too problematic, but
we've got a few things to puzzle over that're going to carry over until
I was going to run with Max at lunch time but he's still suffering DOMS from
getting back into running after about three weeks of not doing so because of a
foot injury. So I did a moderately fast 8km on my own and went back to work.
Disappointingly, whilest the run was fairly OK in terms of bits of me hurting
(although my left achilles was quite sore right down where it attaches to the
heel), after I finished and did my stretches my right adductor started hurting
again, which it hasn't done for almost a year now. I'll have to make sure that
doesn't flare up again.
Anyway, for now it's weights time, then home to see Rachel again! Sadly
tomorrow morning I have to be at the boat house for 05:40 so that we can get in
all of the work we want to do on the water before all the novice crews get out
too and get in the way. That means an early night and definitely no lie-in
[16:55] Today was a Friday. I guess that's as much as I can say about it. I
mean, I haven't done (and won't be doing) any exercise today, which feels a bit
odd. However, I think my body definitely needs time to recover from the last
week and a bit of continuous pushing. I would have done the erg last night but
as I think I said, I was just too tired. I promised Rachel I wouldn't do
anything today, so it'll probably go wanting. Someone who's gunning for me in
terms of performance beat my current season's best for that distance last night,
but I think with some actual effort I can beat him in return... if I need to do
one before I stop officially rowing on the 8th of November (following my last
rowing race before I begin marathon training properly). Anyway, I went home
last night by way of Tesco and tried to tidy the house a bit, did some washing
up and waited for Rachel. I was very glad when she arrived. I hadn't realise
how much I'd missed her until she came in the door. We had a lovely evening of
food and relaxation and went to bed early as we were both pretty exhausted.
Disappointingly, I slept incredibly badly, and when I did I had some very odd
dreams. Hopefully they were both as a result of over-training and taking things
a bit more easily next week will help things settle down somewhat.
Between now and then there's the weekend to consider. Two mornings of early
rowing, with Saturday morning being some full on bridge-to-bridge 2K pieces at
various different rates (but always at 'race pressure'). Hopefully we'll have a
working rate meter fitted so that I have something to concentrate on (I'm
stroking the 4-, if I neglected to tell you before now). Rachel will either
come on Saturday evening (here's hoping) or Sunday around lunch time. Either
way it'll be wonderful for her to be back again and I'll try to make it more
than worth her while. We probably won't go for a run on Sunday afternoon... but
you never know.
[17:35] I spent a lot more of today standing up that I thought I was going to be
doing. First thing this morning was the amount of time I expected. I got up
(too) early and cycled to work so I could do my long run of the week. Without
my GPS watch I have to estimate it being about 22km. Or between 21 and 22
anyway. No idea of the time. After a shower and some protein drink I was able
to get on with my day, which ended up being about five hours of trying to get
the fourth of the four identical servers to boot when told to use the serial
console to show things. To cut a very long and dull story short, it turned out
that this server behaves differently based on whether console redirection is
enabled or not after boot. I've no idea why. After standing in an overly
air-conditioned prep room all morning I've spent what remained of the afternoon
back at my desk doing post-install configuration on all four servers. I was
going to go and do a 10K erg after work, but I just don't have it in me to do a
good job at it, so I'm going to go home instead and wait for Rachel. This may
involve going to Tesco for dinner supplies, too. She's seeing her parents off
at the station, so hopefully she'll get the train on time.
Tomorrow's an actual rest day, without any exercise at all. I think I need it.
Especially considering how full-on both weekend mornings are going to be in
terms of rowing.
[17:10] It may not have come until two minutes ago, but I finally achieved
victory today with the installation of the four new servers I got yesterday.
For some weird reason, Oracle Linux 6.7 would not install (initrd.img wouldn't
unpack) unless there was a fresh copy of it on the USB stick. If I'd booted
from it once then the next server I tried to boot with it would lock up and then
kernel panic repeatedly. I've absolutely no idea why. Anyway, I finally got
the last of the four servers past that step about five minutes ago. It's now
merrily on its way to installing and configuring and upgrading itself as I write
In other news, the 4- outing last night was surprisingly good. Speeds on the
five 500m pieces we did (should have been eight, but our bow man had both a bad
back and a healthy fear of us hitting the bank at high speed (he steers the
boat)) were commensurate with a much stronger 4+ (contains a cox) that's been
rowing together for much longer (it's the one I was in, and will be in for Vets
4HoRR the day after 4HoRR). Hopefully we'll repeat the quality of the rowing in
tonight's outing (when we'll probably just do some steady state with a few
At work another member of my team seems to be being given loads of work to do
and I don't seem to be getting any of it. I'm not entirely sure why. It may be
that he has a higher profile than me, or that people think I'm not capable of
doing what they're asking for. Either way, it's a bit disappointing and makes
me feel somewhat disregarded and surplus to requirements. I'm going to have a
word with my current line manager (as opposed to team leader, who I guess is
also my immediate line manager) and see if I can't get more involved in new
projects which come down the pipe.
Right, I think that's it for today. Tomorrow is a running day, and potentially
a 10K erg in the evening day as well. We'll have to see how everything fits in
given Rachel's also here tomorrow evening as well.
[17:20] Weights last night was... efficient. I think that's the best word for
it. I got in, did my thing, showered, and went home. I'm pretty sure I was
sitting on my sofa by 19:00, which isn't too bad. Dinner was leftovers from the
roast on Sunday with fresh vegetables. And home made crumble for pudding. Made
by Rachel, not me, of course.
As I wasn't going to have time over lunch today, I got up early and got in to
work for 07:00 so I could run from work. As I'm running without a GPS watch
until the St. Neots half marathon I'm not exactly sure how far I went, and
definitely no idea how long it took. Given the route I ran I'd guess it was
about 12km or so, though. Far enough. There were only a few MySQL replication
issues today so I was able to spend the morning building a RHEL7 VMware guest
(from scratch, as we still haven't got templates and customisations working) for
a colleague. Then it was home to wait for an E.ON engineer to come out and
replace my gas and electricity meters with smart meters. Other than him being a
bit late everything went very efficiently.
Back at work this afternoon I had enough time to unbox four new servers and get
their out of band management settings in place and set up their hardware RAID
configurations. I'll leave them soak-testing their disks tonight and make a
start on installing them tomorrow. I'm off shortly to have my first full crew
outing in the 4- we'll be taking to 4HoRR (not the crew/boat I was hoping to be
in, but it turns out that the reason I'm not is that I won't be trying for a
place in the actual HoRR (eights, rather than fours) crew next March. Yes, that
doesn't make much sense to me, either. Anyway, we'll see how the outing goes
tonight. Then I'm home for sweet and sour chicken and rice, and a spot of
television before a moderately early night.
[17:00] Another full weekend. Saturday was two races on the river in two
different 4+ configurations. Both races were recorded on my new fake Go-Pro
clone (yes, really). I need a better place to mount it next time, but it was a
good proof of concept. After the rows it was time for a very big meal at one of
my crew's pub (he's the landlord), then home to do video editing, to Tesco, and
finally home again for a fairly lazy end to the day. Sunday morning was
supposed to be an outing with the landlord in a 2-, but both of us were
shattered (he'd raced three times). We ended up coaching other crews as we were
already up and about. That meant I was home in time to do a bit of washing up
and tidying before Rachel arrived. We went for a moderately long run (without
GPS watches), she carried on a little further after I headed home with achilles
issues, and then we went into town for lunch. After that it was a short ride
home via Tesco for roast dinner ingredients, she made a crumble, we watched a
film, made and ate dinner and ended the weekend far too quickly.
This morning I've been mostly concerned with trying to get VMware to apply
configuration settings to RHEL7 and 6 templates. Nothing seems to work, which
leads me to believe that there's something wrong with our installation's
permissions, rather than the virtual machines I've been whipping up to turn into
templates. With that and trying to keep on top of the MySQL replication issues
I haven't been able to get much else done.
I'm off to do weights now, then go home for a quiet evening.
[18:25] I'm at work a little later than I'd like to be, really. But given I had
to reschedule my physio appointment from yesterday to today, and 19:15 was the
only time they had available, it makes sense to stay at work rather than go home
and come back out again. I was a little peeved that I was going to have to do
my 30min AT erg last night as I really wasn't feeling it. But as seems to be
the case quite often, that meant that I put in a really good effort. In fact I
was only 1m off my all time PB. This was a bit of a shock, but quite pleasing.
I went home and celebrated with a huge stir-fry.
I didn't feel all that tired when I got up this morning for morning exercises,
so did those and headed to work with my running stuff. After a morning of
repeatedly fixing the MySQL replication on one of our main, live, servers, my
team got fed up and got the developers to move the site which was affecting it
to another server that doesn't have replication. Hopefully they'll fix what
they're supposed to and put the site back again next week. Once things were
semi-stable I was able to escape out into the world and run a reasonable 10K
before heading back to my desk. Most of the afternoon has been spent playing
with my new knockoff/clone/fake SJ4000 camera (after charging it), and trying to
work out why just one of our switches doesn't seem to want to report CDP
information to Observium, when everything else of a similar marque does.
As I said, I'm at work late, and frankly bored of work at this point, so I'm
going to stop working in a minute or two, catch up a bit on articles and things
and then head off to my physio session. This weekend I'm racing twice in boats
tomorrow (hopefully with the camera mounted to a rigger), going to Tesco, hoping
Rachel arrives on Saturday night (and if not then Sunday morning), going out in
a 2- on Sunday morning, and then hopefully relaxing for the rest of the weekend
(or what's left of it). Potentially I might put a long, slow run in there
(possibly with Max, if his foot's OK and our schedules match up) somewhere, but
that might not happen.
[16:50] Last night's outing wasn't too bad, all things considered. I was back
in the crew I like, and we started off quite well. It was only when we were
asked to bring the stroke rate down somewhat that we started to expose some of
the minor flaws in our syncing up. Still, for it being in the dark and us not
having been out together in a while it was quite pleasing to get some power down
and know that everyone else in the boat was trying their best.
I'd planned on being in an outing this evening rather than doing the dreaded
30min AT erg. The outing's been cancelled, so I'm erging instead, although I
only remembered after I'd said I could do the erg that I had a physio session at
17:30. Instead I've had to move it to tomorrow evening, later on than I would
have liked.
Work-wise I've been fiddling with VMWare tools and RHEL7 installations in an
attempt to find some way to create a configurable template image (configurable
within vSphere). I'm running into a few issues with regard to permissions and
potentially some kind of pre-installation stuff, but my team leaders swears
blind it's perfectly achievable. I just wish I knew what frobble I'm missing.
I'm heading off in ten minutes though, so I'll take a fresh look at it tomorrow.
[17:10] A lot more happened today than I was expecting. It started off
normally, with Rachel leaving at a horrible hour of the morning and me doing my
morning exercises. However, once at work we had some kind of DDoS which caused
a fair bit of consternation until we got it dealt with. This bled into lunch
time somewhat, but did mean I was still at my desk when the heavens opened,
rather than out running. I therefore got to go running in the sun instead,
which was nice. Just before I left I was asked to sub into a crew this evening,
which meant that I felt it was probably smarter to do a shorter run than I'd
been planning. That turned out to be a doubly sensible idea as even at a
slightly slower pace I still felt the effects of the week's cumulative training
(including last night's ergs) in my legs. Given we all want to make a good
impression on the coach this evening in the hope that he'll move me back into
this crew for 4HoRR it makes sense for me to be at my best.
In other news, one of the UPSes we brought back to the office yesterday has
extremely swollen batteries. It's a wonder they haven't completely split open
and exploded messily everywhere. I'm hoping they don't before I WEEE them out
of here. I did a RHEL7 install to be used as a VMWare template, but had no
idea what I was doing with regard to the templating aspect, so I'll be doing
that from scratch again tomorrow. Happily, an upgrade of Chrome on my linux box
means I can now use the vSphere web GUI again, which is nice. Other than that
there's been the usual day-to-day stuff going on. I need to head off shortly
though so I can go home and get my rowing kit for this outing. I'm desperately
hoping it doesn't rain this evening. I was really looking forward to going home
and watching television of an evening for once.
[17:00] Thus far I'd say today was fairly successful. It started off last night
with weights at the boat house going well. Then I went for dinner with Kate to
celebrate the beginning of her birthday (she's going for a few weeks of
celebration as its her 30th). I made the slight mistake of having a glass of
wine, so ended up crashing out in bed as soon as I got home at around 21:30. I
did manage to wake up in time to make it to the boat house for 06:00 for a 06:15
outing in the coxless four (a 4-). The row was surprisingly good, considering.
I got to stroke it, which is making me feel a little less worried about the
4HoRR experience in a few weeks from now. After the outing it was straight to
work where, after a few hours more of sitting around doing desk work than I
thought I'd be doing today, I and my Networks team leader went into town to get
various and sundry UPSes either back on the network or into the back of the car
to bring back to the office. Out of the fourteen UPSes we needed to do
something about we managed maybe seven, which leaves seven or fewer (not sure
about some of them) for the next time. I also decided to finally splurge on a
Go-Pro HD camera... Although I actually went with one of the perfectly
servicable knock-offs for about a tenth of the price. It should arrive before
the end of the week, so I can mount it on the boats I'll be racing in this
weekend on my home river. For now though, it's the end of the day, so I'm off
to do some ergs, then home to wait for Rachel who's coming over this evening,
[17:00] Back from seeing my family and all is pretty good. The trains there
were numerous but all on time and uneventful. Although I slept on the floor for
two nights it was lovely to see everyone and welcome my nephew into the family
officially at the family court. There had been some issues with extended family
coming/not coming, but in the end the event was only about a minute long anyway
so it was better that the grouping was small. We had a quiet get-together,
enjoyed each other's company, and I got to see some more of the newest member of
the family. The trains back were much less complicated and I was home in good
time such that I could go to Tesco and get the house in order before Rachel
arrived hot off the back of scoring two of the four goals in her hockey game
win. Coming as she had from a transatlantic overnight flight I was very
impressed. What impressed me even more was her beating me by a good 40-50
seconds in the 10K race we did the following morning. A new course after the
previous six years, it was flatter in gradient, but had more off-road sections.
I still don't have the fitness to keep up with Rachel on race day (or, if I'm
honest, on some training runs, too), but she gives me something to strive
towards. If I'm honest, I can't wait to knock rowing on the head for this year
so I can concentrate on running and get my body into running mode, rather than
this halfway house between strength and upper body mass, and lean running
physique. I think it's likely that following 4HoRR, and Vets Head the following
day in early November, I'll stop rowing until at least after Boston (April
2016), other than when someone needs a sub. I'll probably throw in an erg now
and again though, just to remind myself what they are.
I should have done a few pieces of work today, but decided to concentrate on
getting a few other things done instead. That, coupled with two of my coworkers
being out for various unplanned reasons today, has meant that I've been able to
stay at my desk whilest we've been shorthanded. Theoretically, tomorrow is a
day dedicated to UPS fettling. We'll see if that happens...
Now, I'm off to do some weights before dinner with Kate, did 8K at lunch time
(quite handily) and apparently am now rowing at 06:00 tomorrow morning. I do
like it when things are sporty-busy, as opposed to work-busy.
[17:05] This morning's work went fine. I had to get up a little earlier, but it
wasn't much of an issue. Nice to have that done before I go away for the long
weekend. Nothing else really went on today other than some new work coming down
the pipe in the shape of some VMware guest installs. It's always a bit of a
hassle working on VMware when you don't have a primary Windows workstation to do
things on. I end up having to use a terminal server, which is never entirely
satisfactory. Still, never mind.
Right, I better go home and get packed for heading off to see the family. My
brother officially adopts his son tomorrow and we're all going to have a party
to celebrate, which is fantastic. Then I come home again on Saturday, Rachel
arrives back from America late on Saturday evening after getting back to Croydon
and playing a hockey game, and then we run a 10K race on Sunday where I expect
to be roundly beaten by her as she's in far better running shape than me right
now. See you on Monday.
[16:40] I'm beginning to feel some of the ache from the exercise I've been doing
recently. So obviously the best thing to do is more exercise. Hence the
(light) weights session this evening before I'm out riding up and down the bank
for a 4+. I hope the outing is short, or at least shortish, because I've been
ragingly hungry all day, and doing weights on an empty stomach isn't going to
help that. There's things I can eat at the boat house, but I'd much rather go
home and have steak.
I put the final bits in place for my hopefully incredibly boring and short bit
of work tomorrow morning. This included getting the Service Desk to send out an
email about it, getting confirmation from the person in charge of the buildings
I'm going to be dropping off the network for five or so minutes, and making sure
I can either get into the building at 07:55 or know where the person who can let
me in will be.
Otherwise the day has been fairly dull. The highlights were probably seeing
Rachel briefly on Skype, and emailing her replies to the messages she sent me
whilest I was asleep and she was returning from the first day at her conference.
[16:45] Today probably could be classed as a good day given all of the things
that've happened (or not happened). After last night's return to doing weights
I got home aching slightly and was very happy to have the first portion of
leftover Moroccan stew that Rachel made on Sunday as I was absolutely famished.
Getting up this morning wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it was going to
be with regard to DOMS, etc. Maybe that'll be tomorrow morning instead.
Anyway, morning exercises, breakfast, cycle to work before it started raining.
All good stuff. Then a morning of getting two hardware problems fixed without
even leaving my desk, recovering a PC and RHEL subscription, a monitor upgrade
for my test workstation, and even a nice moderately quick 6km run at lunchtime
which didn't seem to bother my achilles tendons at all (plus I barely got rained
on). I've had a useful afternoon of emailing people about things I want to do
on Thursday, or that they want to do (like ordering a UPS and network card for
it), caught up on other emails, cleared down a few tasks and even updated all of
our linux workstations and a few of the servers that aren't involved in live
functionality, so are fine to be fiddled with as well. I'm off in a little
while to do the usual Tuesday 3x 20min ergs, at which I'll be pushing a little
harder, then home for more stew and a relaxing evening, I hope.
About the only things on my mind at the moment are what crew I'm going to be in
for Fours Head of the River Race, whether I'm going to be doing my UPS switch
over on Thursday morning, and of course how Rachel's doing over in America at
the moment. I've had a few emails from her to say she's there, OK, and things
are happening, but I'd much rather she was back here. Still, roll on Saturday
[16:25] Exercise-wise I wouldn't say the weekend was 100% awesome... but it
certainly wasn't too bad by any stretch of the imagination. Most of the awesome
was down to the fact that Rachel was around from Saturday evening until this
morning (when she had to get on a plane to the US for most of the week), so we
were able to run together on Sunday morning. The next largest part was because
I managed to run basically a half marathon distance before I just ran out of
useful energy and stopped enjoying the run. Rachel could have gone a lot
further, I think, but it was good for me to stop at that point. I just haven't
done enough long runs yet to have the kind of cardio and stamina that I had
around the time of my marathon earlier in the year. Still, as I wasn't rowing
on Saturday morning either I did go and do a set of ergs at the boat house
instead which got me nicely hot and tired. After that it was mainly about
relaxing and enjoying a weekend without anything scheduled other than relaxation
and reading. After getting up late on Sunday, we went to Tesco, then did the
run, taking in the 10K course we'll be racing on next Sunday morning. Hopefully
the weather will be as perfect as it was yesterday.
Rachel's about 1000 miles, near as dammit from her arrival airport in the US as
I write this. She seems to be on time and going well. Hopefully she'll have a
useful and safe time there and come back not too jet-lagged by the Atlantic
hopping. I'll be heading off for a weights session shortly, then home for food
(I'm weirdly very hungry today) and an early night. This week, I hope, should
be fairly normal, other than the fact that I have an early start on Thursday
(UPS changeover) and then won't be here on Friday as Thursday evening seems me
heading to see my brother officially adopt his son on Friday, with me returning
on Saturday afternoon in time for the race on Sunday.
[17:00] Sadly, last night's erg did not go as well as I hoped. Not only was I
well off the split I wanted, I had to stop with ten minutes to go to make an
emergency pit stop. Coming back my heart just wasn't in it, but I only had
7.5min left, so I just did what I could. Hopefully I'll do better next week
when I don't have anything going on that might interrupt me. I went home in a
tiny bit of a funk and tried to enjoy my dinner.
I therefore considered going for a long run before work this morning, but just
before I dropped off to sleep remembered that all my running stuff was at work.
That meant I could sleep in (or at least lie in bed) until the usual time, do my
morning exercises and get in to work at a vaguely sane time. I ran at lunch
time instead. As everyone was out of the office I felt justified in running
a bit further than normal and getting back to my desk post-shower a little more
than an hour after I left it. No-one cared, and I felt better about myself for
having gotten in a reasonable run, even if it did get slower as the distance
Anyway, I'm off home for the weekend now. No rowing for me this weekend for
various reasons, and in fact at all next week and weekend either (for other
reasons). That means I can both sleep in on Sunday morning, and then go running
with Rachel, who'll be here from Saturday evening to Monday morning, all being
well. What I do with Saturday is still to be determined, though. Maybe a
[16:50] Sadly, last night's outing was not the culmination of a great day. I
mean, it was a great day, but the outing was most decidedly sub-par. The cox
and one of the rowers were from my usual boat, but the other two weren't, and I
could tell. Theoretically mixing the crews up all of the time makes for better
rowers all through the squad, but I was really hoping to have a nice, balanced
boat and some good rowing last night... and we didn't get it. Still, I didn't
get too soaked and was able to get home in reasonable time to have dinner, watch
a bit of television and look at Boston Marathon accommodation for next year.
This meant I didn't get to bed much before midnight, but it was a useful
Of course, in the end, all the AirBnB searching I did was for nought, because I
ended up booking a hotel for Rachel and I this morning instead. Certainly not
the cheapest option, but all of the AirBnB people I contacted either didn't
reply or said they were going to be putting their prices up for the weekend of
the Marathon. That just made me sad. The hotel's a good choice for knowing
what we'll be getting, and the location is pretty hard to beat, so all in all
it's probably close to the best we could manage. Like I said, it's not cheap,
but this is probably a once in a lifetime experience, so we're going for it.
We'll try and make the rest of the trip post-marathon as cheap as we can to claw
back a bit of budget.
Work today has mainly revolved around providing support for a colleague dealing
with a machine being dealt with by an engineer. That and doing restores from
backup for fumbly-fingered database administrators. I'm off in a few minutes to
do a 30 minute AT erg at the boat house, then go home as I really can't be
bothered to do circuits this evening. Tomorrow's Friday, a running day
(hurrah!) and hopefully one where I won't set back the healing of my blisters.