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March's Journal
May's Journal
[16:55] Last night's outing wasn't super terrible, but it leads me to believe
that unless something magical happens we're going to get soundly beaten at the
regatta on Sunday. I'll be trying my hardest, as will everyone else in the
boat, but not counting me (who will only be on a second outing since February,
the first being last night, so I'm definitely not rowing at my best) it just
doesn't feel like the crew has the togetherness, strength, or
preparedness/maturity to put in a useful performance. Not, as I said, an issue
per se, as we'll still all try our hardest and it'll be a very useful experience
for everyone, including the very novice cox, but there are going to be some
very strong, well-drilled, and experienced crews racing... and we're not one of
them. Such is life. It's also going to be a very long day with an early start
and a late evening. We'll just have to see how it goes. I don't think the
weather's going to be all that great either, but it might brighten up. We've
one more outing this evening, which I'll try not to coach from the boat again
like last night, and then we'll see what happens. I've asked everyone to come
down a little earlier so that we can get off the water a little earlier than
last night. This will hopefully mean I get to have a little bit of an evening
with Rachel before she goes away to India for a week on Sunday. We'll have to
see what happens there, too.
Nothing going on at work today. It was actually quite dull. Although I did
have a useful conversation with my operations manager about systems management
and stuff. Something interesting might come of that in the future.
[17:20] So last night's erg went as well as could be expected. I picked a 2K
split time equal to one which would have gotten me my 2K PB and tried to stick
to it for the duration of the Widowmaker session we did. I managed to maintain
it for all but the hardest/later sprints. I'm definitely not built for
sprinting at the moment. Had we been doing a 3 hour erg I'm sure I would have
been up there with the fitter rowers, but right now I'm just not adapted for
rowing/erging. This may make tonight and tomorrow evening's (I'm not needed to
sub into tomorrow morning's) outings interesting. Frankly I think more than
anything else it's my hands that're going to suffer the most. At least it
doesn't seem to be raining, as that would really cause my hands to be a complete
mess. As it is I'm going to Wallingford Regatta on Sunday after two outings
with the crew I'll be racing with (M2), and probably nursing a few pretty
unpleasant blisters. Still, the chances are we'll only be racing once (over the
2K course) so I'll just tape everything up and deal with the seven or so
minutes of unpleasantness that may occur if my hands aren't up to this week's
rowing. We'll see.
Nothing much out of the ordinary happening on the work front today. I managed
to get a purchase order done on a day that the secretary doesn't normally do
POs, which was a fairly major achievement, but other than that its just been the
usual grind. Nothing much happening tomorrow other than my second outing of the
week in the evening, then Rachel being there when I get home (which will be
awesome). Hopefully the hard drive I ordered will have arrived, but I doubt it.
It looks like a lovely evening outside at the moment (a complete change from
earlier on in the day when it was hammering down with rain). Here's hoping it
stays like that while I'm messing about in boats again.
[17:05] I'm back from London. Rachel did really well in the marathon. A huge
PB, and other than the usual aches and pains her feet are fine, and I'm sure
that by the middle of the week she'll be fine and dandy. I also think her
marathon was harder than mine, so I'm of the opinion that she might have gone
even faster if she'd done the same marathon as me. Anyway, I headed to London
on Saturday and met her and her parents in the evening. Walking around was
pretty tough for me although at some points my shin was fairly relaxed. We
headed back to Croydon after a last big carbohydrate meal for Rachel. In the
morning we both headed back into London for the race. After parting company at
London Bridge I checked us into our hotel for the evening and then made my way
out to Canada Water to watch her run past at the 9 and 11 mile points. She was
right on time, which was great to be able to work out when I needed to be where
after I realised that. However, waiting around at the first passing point I
got pretty cold. Moving on from there to the second, and then heading back onto
the Tube to Canary Wharf I got a little lost and wasn't able to see her at one
of my anticipated points, instead having to stand with makeshift earplugs right
in front of "the loudest point on the route"'s speakers. Rachel didn't hear me,
let alone see me. I moved on and made it to the 23ish mile point and was able
to get a good photo of her looking strong as she passed before making my way to
St James's Park and finding her shivering and stiff with her finishers medal and
goody bag. I was able to guide her back to the hotel her parents had been
staying it and we got some food inside of her before too long. After that it
was just a case of getting the Tube to our hotel and her into the jacuzzi in the
spa for an hour or so before a dinner and a moderately early bed due to us both
being absolutely shattered (oddly, I think perhaps me more than her). Monday
was a day off for us both and started slowly with a leisurely breakfast, a
wander around an outdoor shop or two to get me some new shoes (I hadn't realised
just how bad the ones I were wearing had gotten, despite achilles rubs from
walking across London the previous day), a massage in the hotel's spa for Rachel
while I reintroduced myself to the erg (more on that in a moment), and then a
visit to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Natural History
Museum. Just time for a nice mid-afternoon lunch kind of thing and then we
headed back to Croydon for a late afternoon of watching stuff and a delivery
I had to be in work fairly early this morning so I was up and out of the house
for around 05:55. After some ticket refund failure in Croydon I tried again
once back here and was able to get it done, thank goodness. Long story, not
worth telling. By the time I got to work though (on time for what I needed to
do) someone had already done it, which sort of meant I could have had another
few minutes in bed, but frankly it was quite useful to get the trains I did from
a rush hour point of view. Now it's the end of the working day and I'm going to
be heading down to the boat house for my first proper rowing training session
since the beginning of the calendar year. I'm starting with a session called
the "widowmaker" which is going to be deeply unpleasant. Honestly, I'm not sure
it's going to be a good advert for how fit I was leading up to the marathon (if
the erg I did on Monday is anything to go by), even though I know running
fitness and rowing fitness are quite different with regard to how the body
remakes itself. I just have to bully it into being ready for a regatta this
coming weekend (unless I'm not going, I don't know), and be able to deal with
the rather short window I have to try and get back into the top boat before
Henley Royal Regatta without injuring myself. Here's hoping!
[15:25] Another day, another small incremental improvement in my shin muscle. I
did another watt bike session last night. A little further, a little faster.
All seems well there. I'm just waiting as long as possible before I get back on
an erg again in case it's not good for my shin. All change on Tuesday next
week though. Sadly, this'll be after the training camp which started yesterday
and goes all the way through until Sunday, but that can't be helped. I needed
the time off.
This weekend it's Cormac's birthday. Hopefully we'll do something fun tomorrow
before I head to London to meet Rachel and her parents for dinner. Sunday it's
the London Marathon and I'll be aiming to see Rachel a good few times on the
route if things go according to plan. Then there'll be a meal with her and her
parents again, then we check into a nice hotel for her to recover for the
evening and night. I've booked her a massage the following day (Monday, which
we have off like last Monday for me), and then we'll go back to her place for
the remainder of the day and I'll wait on her hand and foot. Tuesday is
therefore a bit of an early start for me, but hopefully I should be able to get
to work in time. It's possible I may not, so have set up the thing that needs
to happen for someone else to deal with if necessary.
Anyway, that's about it for me for this week. A short one, with another short
one to come. I'll let you know how everything turns out when I'm back on
[16:25] Shin feels a tiny bit better again today. I guess this is how it's
going to be; small improvements every time I get out of bed. It's pretty
disappointing that I'm not 'fit' enough to go to the rowing training camp which
started today and which goes on until Sunday afternoon (although I would have
had to have left on lunch time on Saturday to get to London for Rachel's
marathon the following day). The weather is perfect (perhaps a little too hot
and sunny, people are going to get dehydrated and sun burned), and although the
accommodation has been messed up a little, everyone should still have a great
time. Still, I imagine my body does actually needs a proper week off before I
throw it into the deep end with rowing training. Although to be honest I'm not
entirely sure how successful I'm going to be this year with the rowing. I feel
like I've probably missed too much training at this point to be a useful rower
(especially in the top boat, which is where I'd prefer to be). We'll just have
to see what happens from next Tuesday when I officially get back into things.
It was an earlyish start today for PHP updates to the main live web servers.
Everything went perfectly, and I was done by 08:15. Since then its been another
one of those bitty days. I haven't walked around as much as I should have to
keep my shin loose, but I did get some resistance band material from the physio
yesterday, so I've been using that while I sit at my desk.
Rachel's here this evening, so I'm off early to get a quick 40 min or so done on
the watt bike before popping to Tesco, then going home to try and make the house
at least a little bit more presentable.
[18:55] I'm not sure why I've stayed so late at work. probably because Rachel
is too, I don't know. Anyway, I wasn't in early this morning, but I did spend
the whole morning patching and rebooting servers. Theoretically, the patching
process I started in December of last year is now over... except that most of
the machines that've been patched are now almost as out of date patch-wise as
they were before I patched them given how long things have taken. I'll have to
start all over again very soon. On top of that my left shin wasn't all that
much better this morning either, so other than the cycle to work (and last
night's 30km on the watt bike) things haven't been great when I've been using it
to get around. I headed to the physio at lunch time today and had the
equivalent of a meat tenderising hammer used on it (physio's fingers and full
body weight), so I'm going to see how it feels to walk on when I get up from my
desk to go home as soon as I've done this entry. I've also done a lot of
planning for watching Rachel do the London Marathon this weekend. Whether or
not it all comes off we'll have to see, but I'm going to try, given how well she
did at cheering me on in Manchester.
Right, I guess that's it. I'm in for 08:00 tomorrow to do some upgrades of PHP
and stuff, but otherwise it should be a fairly standard day. I'll do another
watt bike session in the evening at a deserted boat house as pretty much
everyone will be at the training camp, which I almost wish I was going on.
[17:10] I'm back! And with a new marathon personal best. But also a horrible,
horrible case of shin splints (hopefully nothing worse than that) back in my
left leg. I'm basically crippled at the moment. But anyway, let me tell you
about the weekend.
Things weren't going well gastro-intestinally for most of the time between
Friday and Saturday evening. I was beginning to worry so much I thought about
medicinal solutions to the problem. On top of that my left shin was aching
gently, which made me worry about how bad it was going to be on the run itself.
So anyway, I got to London on Saturday around lunch time and met Rachel at
Euston where I was sitting out on the grass, eating lunch. The train to
Manchester was fine, although we'd been allocated seats sitting opposite each
other so had to sneak into some 'airline' seats and balance the laptop on the
tray table to watch things. Being at my parents with Rachel was lovely.
Everyone got on really well, and it being a race weekend for me meant that
everyone was trying not to stress me, which made for a very calm and relaxed
evening for the most part. Dinner was just what I needed, too. Sunday morning
(after a moderately poor night's sleep) went mostly smoothly, although it turned
out that we hadn't left in time to get to the car park at the football ground
before the roads closed, which meant that my expensive car park ticket was
useless. It also meant that my father had to drop Rachel and I off short of the
race village and then spend over an hour and a half looking for somewhere to
park. He managed it, and even saw me twice on the route, which was smashing. I
saw my mother twice, too, which was great as well. She stayed close to home,
but I ran past her twice at around 11 and 16 miles. Rachel was awesome though.
She managed to get around on the tram (and run about 5km) so well that she saw
me seven times (the last time running alongside me for a significant amount of
time). She also saw me walk twice and stop once to stretch out calf cramps,
which was a bit disappointing. I've still yet to run a complete marathon, which
bothers me probably more than it should. In any event I'm very grateful for all
the support I got from everyone. Happily, even with the worries about shin
splints and stomach issues, walking and stopping during the actual race, and
discovering I'd bled through my sock and stained my right shoe with a blister, I
managed a new PB of 3:10:46. Quite pleasing, and probably a good reflection of
my training plan (although I think I could have gotten at least 3:07:00 if I
hadn't walked or stopped at all. After the race I ended up in the medic tent
getting my foot dealt with and then hobbled to find Rachel and my father. As
the car was so distantly-parked Rachel and I went home on the tram (beating my
father back) and I spent the rest of the day relaxing and feeling my shin
splints begin to return in force. We stayed the night and got a leisurely train
home on Monday around midday. By this time my shin was almost unwalkable on,
even if the rest of me felt moderately OK. Things have just gotten slightly
worse or stayed the same since then. Walking from Euston to Kings Cross was a
nightmare, cycling home from the station just about OK, shopping in Tesco
possible only because I had a trolley to lean on, and the stairs at home a real
problem. Rachel did her second last run before London this coming weekend, and
I sat on the sofa and tried to do some massaging of my leg.
Things were just as painful this morning, with cycling into work being just
about tolerable, but staircases and a lunchtime walk being rather uncomfortable
and causing me to lean heavily on bannisters and walls when my leg would give
way. I haven't taken an ibuprofen today, but I might tomorrow if the
discomfort is just as bad. It's frustrating as other than this injury I feel
almost completely ready to resume rowing training. I feel like the race was a
95% success and I'm pleased (I am, really), but not totally over the moon.
Maybe next marathon I'll manage to run it all and achieve my maximum potential.
I guess I did this time too, but I think there's a few more minutes in the
tank, somewhere. We'll see where I end up next year, perhaps... Hopefully with
the wonderful Rachel running with me.
For now I'm off to the boat house for a gentle watt bike session in the hopes
that'll loosen up my shin a bit before tomorrow lunch time's physio session.
[17:10] After meeting Rachel at the train station we cycled home via getting a
few small bits and bobs to eat at Tesco. Then there was food, and relaxing.
Disappointingly, I didn't sleep very well and woke some time around 03:45, whch
wasn't helpful. Hopefully the next two nights will be a lot better.
My calf/shin wasn't feeling excellent, but massaging it a bit - and getting up
and walking about now and then - seemed to help it a little such that I was able
to run for 30 minutes fairly gently (as far as I was concerned) at lunch time.
I ran down to the running track about five minutes from my workplace and went
around it a half-dozen times or so, then ran back to work again. My last run
(or exercise of any kind) before Sunday morning's marathon. I'm trying not to
think about it, to be honest with you. I imagine that would lead to tension.
Which is absolutely what I don't want if I'm going to be able to get the
distance done. The shin/muscle ached. But I think not enough to stop
me getting through the first 8km or so, at which point it should have relaxed
somewhat. I'm still debating taking ibuprofen beforehand, as I did last year
for a different injury when running Paris. I guess I'll see on Sunday morning.
Anyway, I'm off now. Home for the evening, then bed. A gentle morning
tomorrow, then on the train to London to meet Rachel, and a second train up to
Manchester and seeing my parents. I'll be running Sunday morning, recovering
Sunday afternoon (I hope), and then coming back home on Monday. No work until
Tuesday morning, when I'm patching one virtual machine first thing. Not too
stressful, I hope. See you all next week, hopefully with some good news as to
how my race went...
[18:05] Almost nothing went on today. Well, not after 09:00. I did a whole
load of patching and updating from 07:00 onwards. Then basically that was it.
Keep things ticking over, tried not to stress about the marathon, stared at the
fabulous weather outside and checked the weather report for Manchester on
Sunday (initially raining, now not). Rachel arrives in an hour or so, so I
might go and meet her at the train station. I've been trying to roller and
stretch my calf all day after last night's physio session, which went really
well. In fact, for most of yesterday everything in my calf felt great, but
this morning it was really unpleasant. We'll have to see what it feels like
every morning. Especially on Sunday morning.
[16:30] A morning of confusion brought on by the names of servers and their
guests having too-similar names, plus some people not having listened during
meetings involving them. Eventually it was all sorted, and I've been able to
get pretty much all my prep work for tomorrow morning done. I'll be starting
work at 07:00 tomorrow, which is a bit poor, but necessary though, sadly.
I ran at lunch time. Only 5km, but possibly faster than I should have done. The
thing is that slower seemed to make my calf ache more. I'm not sure why. In
good news, I think I might have found a pressure point that seems to help relax
the muscle tension (or whatever it is) in my shin (splints)... at least for a
little while. It's still a pretty much unknown how things are going to go when
I'm running for three-plus hours.
I've got a physio session this evening at 17:00 (which is why I'm leaving as
soon as I post this). Hopefully the physio will be able to confirm that it's
'just' a shin splint that I have and nothing bone-related (like a stress
fracture), and maybe even provide me with a few exercises or some sensible
advice on what to do between now and Sunday.
[17:25] This time I was supposed to be in early, so I was. No great shakes
there. However, both the two DB boxes I updated, and the four servers I
upgraded PHP and MySQL on also went perfectly, which was rather nice. I had an
email to deal with which left me on edge for most of the morning, but I think
that got sorted satisfactorily, too. Over lunch time I cycled to the boat house
and had the fire alarm people sort out the fire alarm panel issue (turned out to
be two flat batteries). The weather's been lovely, so that wasn't any real
hardship. This afternoon I've mainly been doing small things. Nothing
exciting. I'll go home shortly and have a drink of something cold in the back
garden and read my book for a little while.
[17:15] So, now I'm older. Another year passed and maybe something to show for
it. I'm still here, still moderately happy, and still mostly fit and healthy.
If I were to look back on the last 12 months I'd have to say I haven't done too
badly with what I've been given, and what I've achieved for myself. I've got a
year (or a few days fewer than a year at this point) to see if I can't do
something just as good or better again. Running this marathon next weekend
faster than Paris (so not walking would be a big improvement) would be a good
start. The problem is that my left shin definitely has some kind of shin
splint thing going on now. I'm 90% sure it's not an actual stress fracture,
which is a small mercy, so I guess so long as I don't do anything stupid (like
run a marathon) it should be OK, and heal eventually. Although not until after
this weekend, I'm sure. Anyway.
Friday was excellent. Rachel arrived on Thursday evening and I didn't work on
my birthday. There was breakfast in bed, and a few presents, then we
eventually decided to see if I could still actually run after having had almost
a week off from it. Well, five days. The answer turned out to be "yes,
mostly." It appears that it now takes a good few km or so before things relax
in my shin and most of the discomfort/pain goes away, and during that time my
gait is not what you'd call symmetrical, or any kind of graceful. I limited
the run to about 7km or so, and hoped for the best for the following day's long
run (the last of my training plan). There then followed a quick lunch, and
then we headed out into town for a birthday present of a hot stone massage (my
first). That was certainly an interesting experience, and one I hope did me
lots of good. Following that, given it was my birthday, we went to a local
Patisserie Valerie and had four different kinds of cake between the two of us.
Suffice it to say we were a little over-full afterwards. What better to do than
pop into a book shop and buy a book? I think we headed home after reading for a
bit as the cafe in the book shop was closed. We visited a pub on the way home,
but people didn't arrive much before the time I had to be home to Skype with my
parents and brother (and his son). That didn't matter as we wanted a quiet
night in anyway. Dinner followed, which was tasy. To be honest, the food was
delicious all weekend, mainly due to Rachel being awesome in the kitchen.
Saturday I did my last long run (only 16.1km or so) and Rachel did her own thing
for the hour and a bit that that took (including making an amazing cheesecake).
She also went to Tesco without me, which was most annoying. The
Oxford/Cambridge boat races were on, so we watched those, weeded the back garden
(which hadn't been done since well before Christmas), and then Rachel made a
rather delicious curry. All in all a rather excellent day.
Sadly, Rachel had to go to a wedding on Sunday, but also wanted to get a long
run in before she left town. This meant she got up at a silly time in the
morning so she could run 15 miles. Duly having done so (whilest I had a bit
more of a sleep, and also made her a packed lunch) she got on a train and left.
This meant I was able to head down to the boat house and cycle 16km or so on the
tow path with a women's crew who're aiming to get to Henley this year. Once
that was done there was lunch. And then, even though it was supposed to be a
rest day, I rattled around the house wishing I was doing something. I'm not
sure what I ended up doing, but it filled up the afternoon and evening, although
not particularly satisfyingly. I probably ate too much chocolate.
I had it in my calendar that I was supposed to be in work early this morning.
So I got up early, did all my morning exercises and other morning stuff and got
into work for about 07:45... Only to find that I didn't need to, although I do
need to tomorrow morning. It wasn't too frustrating though as I was able to get
on with catching up on everything that'd gone on on Friday and over the weekend
with my servers. Disappointingly though that meant I was all caught up by late
morning. As a result I was therefore able to schedule a visit from the fire
alarm people to the boat house tomorrow lunch time (a rest day) to fix the
intermittent fault our unit has. I also went for the first of my last three
runs before the marathon this coming weekend. Again, my shin wasn't very happy
with the experience, but even without a painkiller (which I took afterwards) it
was tolerable after a few km. I'm just as concerned about my cardio-vascular
fitness at the moment, which feels like it has taken a hit for some reason. I
guess I'll have to see how it goes at this point. Not really anything I can do
other than keep myself ticking over now and hope for the best on race day with
regard to my whole body.
No weights tonight (or at all this week, obviously), so I should head home and
perhaps binge-watch four episodes of Game of Thrones.
[17:55] Still no running, and I'll admit I'm starting to get a little concerned
now. My shin seems better sometimes, but not at others. And I'm sure the first
time I go running on it it's going to be pretty painful afterwards. I just have
to decide whether or not I do my sprintervals session tomorrow or save myself
for Saturday's long run. Right now I just don't know.
In other, better, news, the server I reinstalled yesterday continues to behave
perfectly, including the software I reinstated on it. Other than having to
downgrade the PHP from 5.5 to 5.4 to eradicate a zombie processes issue with
rrdtool I'd have to say that (modulo not being able to replace all the disks)
everything is awesome, in that regard.
I'm not in tomorrow. This is because it's my birthday and I really want the day
off. So there. I'll see you all on Monday when I'll obviously tell you about
how the weekend went in terms of what I did, and the nail-biting saga of my
running injuries. Also that I went to Tesco.
Rachel will hopefully be arriving soon, so I should head off and try and make
the house look at least a little presentable.
[17:15] I did an hour on the watt bike last night in lieu of my 13km tempo run
that I should have done. Whilest it just didn't feel as hard work as the run,
it was 37.4km, and I was certainly sweating somewhat by the time it was over.
I'd like to think I put a fair amount of effort it. It just wasn't a run, with
me carrying my own weight. Anyway, I'm sure it kept my cardiovascular system up
and running. Naturally, for me not having done much hard bike work in a while I
got a horribly sharp pain in the area below one of my glutes, but that went away
by this morning, which it how it urually works. Happily, my shin(s') pain is
slowly beginning to fade, too. Chances are I might be able to run on Friday,
which would be a great relief.
This morning I decided it was finally time to reinstall that server where
apparently two disks in a four disk RAID5 set decided to go at the same time
(and I managed to rescue one of them, but there were odd issues from then on).
Annoyingly, replacing all four disks with four different matching ones (one of
the first four being replaced with a larger but slower one) resulted in RHEL's
installer being unable to work happily when trying to write filesystem inode
tables and journaling information. I was pretty sure it was a RAID hardware
issue until I put the three original disks back (leaving out the larger, slower
replacement) and rebuilt onto those. Then everything seemed to be fine. Odd,
but acceptable. Since then I've been back at my desk rebuilding the Nessus and
Observium setup that was there before. Other than the Weathermaps in Observium
I think everything's back up and running, which is nice.
I'm going to head off and do a quick weights session shortly, then it's another
evening of relaxation. And then it's the last day of the week for me, hurrah!
A very short week this week, I'm pleased to say.
[16:45] A long Easter weekend. And one of mixed fortunes for me. Friday,
worried about my shins, I went on the watt bike for my sprintervals session and
came away thinking perhaps I hadn't worked quite as hard as I should have done
for that kind of thing. Perhaps I did. In any event I felt I'd given my legs
the time off they needed to be ready for the long run on Saturday. The
remainder of the day was spent on relaxing, a bit of tidying, a long Skype call
with my parents and generally not thinking about work at all. Smashing. Rachel
arrived around lunch time, and after a Tesco trip we had some lunch and digested
a bit (it turns out not quite enough) and went for our runs. Mine a relatively
short 15 miles to Rachel's 20 miles. While my run felt measured and steady, I
ended up feeling significant discomfort-tending-to-pain in my left shin/calf
afterwards. Rachel potentially hadn't waited long enough for her run and came
away with a rather nasty cramp. While I don't think her cramp will repeat
itself, my shin continued to become more and more uncomfortable as the weekend
went on, leading me to think that I could have something as problematic as a
stress fracture (but obviously I have no proof of this). Sunday, therefore, was
a very relaxed day with no exercise at all. This lead to a minor improvement in
my leg, but a migration of the discomfort from what felt like the calf muscle to
the shin bone itself. Or not. Oddly, it's not that easy to tell where the
problem is. On Monday we went to London so Rachel could run the Regent's Park
10K. The weather was rather nice so it was a fun day out. She did very well
(both overall and especially in her gender) which made me very proud. I
couldn't have run even if I'd wanted to (and I did), but I did get to be
bag-holder and position-shouter for each of her laps. We had brunch in London
before heading to the British Library for a quick look at an Arctic exhibition
and the 'treasures' room. After that it was back home and relaxing for the rest
of the day. All in all a rather good long Easter weekend, especially as we
cooked and baked a lot of rather lovely food (although in most cases I simply
This morning I got up and discovered that my shin is only barely noticeably
better than previously, so I won't be running today either. Potentially I may
not run at all this week. However, I will be going to the boat house straight
after work to put in a watt bike session as a replacement 'tempo' run. Here's
hoping that very soon I'll be back on my feet... I've got a marathon to run in
twelve days.
[17:30] I finally have my hair cut. Just in time for Easter, and probably not
being able to run tomorrow after last night's fairly quick, but I thought
fairly relaxed, run. The ache/pain in what I thought was my left calf, I think
is actually in my shin, and is therefore almost certainly shin splints. Again.
Today's a total rest day so it's getting the rest it needs. Just perhaps not
enough if I do sprintervals tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. So yes, haircut
at lunch time.
The morning and afternoon were spent decomissioning and deracking the last of
our SPARC/Solaris boxes. We are now a linux-only shop. This is probably
classed as "progress".
Happily, for the moment at least the wind has dropped/gone. However, I don't
imagine it's going to stay like this. Here's hoping though. Frankly though I'd
rather it was hammering down with rain, snow, hail, whatever... but that my legs
were OK to run on. I'm off now for Easter. Back on Tuesday. Between now and
then there might be as many as three runs, Tesco, time with Rachel, a trip to
London to watch Rachel run a 10K, an exhibition visit, and maybe some other
stuff I haven't even thought of yet. I hope everyone has a good time.
[17:00] Happy April. The wind seems to have dropped in strength a bit, finally,
which should make cycling a little less fraught. I'm considering running this
evening because "why not?" Not much happening at work, which is good, although
everyone's back in today so even if the world ended (from an IT point of view)
we'd have it covered. I was going to do that server reinstall today, but
various things meant that I didn't. That's about it, really.