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February's Journal
April's Journal
[17:30] So things didn't exactly go according to plan. The weather was pretty
great, but the wind was exactly against the tide on the Thames, so the first
seventy nine crews (out of four hundred plus) got into real difficulties and
ended up either sinking, crashing, or just about making it over the finish line.
We were just above the start line when the notification came through. That
meant we had to sit on the water for another hour or two before slowly rowing
back to the boating area again. Basically, at that point we just packed up and
went home. Everyone had a considerable amount of energy left over, so I doubt
anyone slept any better than I did. I spent Sunday morning at the boat house
doing a very light but long cardio-weights session. I was very close to going
for a nice long run in the afternoon after going to Tesco, but in the end...
So that's basically it. Not much went on, really. The highlight of the weekend
was Rachel coming over. Although that would have been a highlight anyway, I was
hoping there might be a little more competitive rowing involved. We're running
this evening. A second last run before the marathon. Just 10K or so, I think.
Work today was mostly about the two and a half hour meeting everyone had this
morning because my division and its sister become one glorious hole as of today.
No-one's really sure what it's going to entail/be like, but it's going to be
[12:45] Short day today. At least, I think so. There's a party to 'celebrate'
the end of my division given it's being amalgamated with the one with which we
share this new building. I don't think we're expected to come back to work
afterwards. So, free food. I probably shouldn't have made a packed lunch today
but I completely forgot.
This weekend I'm heading down to London on Saturday to do the Head of the River
Race, and then on Sunday very little at all except hopefully a 15K light run
with Rachel and some relaxation. She was here yesterday evening after I got
back from derigging the boat, I even got her to watch a proper 1970s science
fiction film. Hope for her yet!
Right, best be off. See you on Monday, without further injury and a top 100
placing, I hope!
[16:55] Today I have been mostly quietly celebrating the fact I appear to have
run 6km without too much discomfort. There was discomfort, even with
ibuprofen in my system, but I think I can deal with it so long as it doesn't get
any worse. I'm going to try 15K on Monday (possibly Sunday, with Rachel) and
we'll see how that goes. Obviously this morning's outing was fine. In fact it
wasn't too shabby at all. Some rough edges, as there always are with our
performance, but that's just part of our charm.
Did some work, did some emailing, generally held the place together for another
working day. I'm off shortly to do a nice UT2 6km erg and then dismantle and
trailer the boat for the weekend's race. Then home, hopefully in time to have a
nice dinner with Rachel, watch something nice on the tellybox and head to bed.
Happily, tomorrow does not involve a particularly early morning for me.
[16:30] Yesterday was a good day, back not withstanding. Today has not been.
It started off OK, but then I had a nose bleed during breakfast. That should
have been my first warning. My first train was four minutes late, which meant I
missed the train I wanted at Kings Cross by four minutes. The next train was
going to get me back precisely when my one hour sports massage was due to begin,
only six minutes from the train station. I called the massage guy from the
train and told him I'd be a few minutes late. Then the tannoy went on the train
to say that powerlines were off and no trains were leaving Kings Cross for the
forseeable. I called the massge guy again and hoped that I could rebook for
another time without forfeiting my payment. I got an answerphone so didn't know
initially if he was going to allow it. After about twenty minutes of waiting I
got off and used the Tube to get to another station I could get a train from.
Eventually, two and a half hours after I wanted to, I got back. I decided to
cycle to the sports centre and see if I could rebook in person with the massage
person, only when I got there he'd left for the day. As I was leaving to cycle
to work, the heavens opened and it began hailing hard, and then raining.
Naturally, this was the day I'd chosen to wear jeans so I looked a bit more
presentable. I was soaked by the time I got to work. I then had to do half a
day's work, hadn't run, and my back still ached. Also, it was appraisal day.
Luckily the appraisal seemed to go fairly well and I caved in and took an
ibuprofen for my back, something which I imagine I'm going to have to do for
the marathon at this point (only something a little more potent than a single
200mg tablet). I think I've managed to arrange a physio/massage session this
evening from the rowing club's resident rower/physio, so that's a bit of help at
least. Or at least, I hope. I don't know if there's anything that can be done
other than stretching to minimise the impact sensitivity, and lots of strong
drugs. I wonder if I should run at all before the 6th...?
[16:35] I'm trying not to speak too soon about my back, but it suddenly felt a
lot better on the cycle back from doing some work in town this afternoon. I
don't think it's better by any means, but it's hopefully on its way. Maybe I
won't run tomorrow, unless it feels perfectly normal. It's incredible how much
we take pain-free movement for granted. I feel wonderful now when it doesn't
hurt as I transfer weight onto or off my right leg. Anyway, no chicken counting
at this stage. Not until I've done more than one run pre-marathon and still
felt OK. Chances are I'll still be back to being broken before I get to
Rachel's this evening. Hopefully tomorrow's morning's hour of "sports
massage", plus some physio stuff tomorrow evening will go some way to making me
feel a little better, too. We'll see.
Wireless network work today, although it turns out I wasn't given all the
information I needed so the job hasn't been completely completed. I'll probably
have to go back there tomorrow or Thursday, although I have my appraisal
tomorrow afternoon, so it might not be then.
Anyway, I need to finish things off so I can leave a bit earlier today. Have a
good Tuesday evening.
[16:55] Interesting weekend. My back continues to plague me. Alternately
almost OK and quite painful. After Friday's abortive run I'm again scared to
even try it out when it's not feeling too bad in case I damage it further before
the marathon. This can't go on. I have to run at least a few times before the
6th. Anyway, rowing doesn't seem to affect it, so I was able to head down very
very early on Saturday morning to row with the rest of my crew in a
getting-used-to-the-Tideway row. All waves slopping over the side and being
surrounded by Cambridge Light Blue and Leander boats doing the same thing. A
heady group, and one we didn't try to mix with in any way, shape or form. The
outing wasn't too bad and should mean those people who hadn't been on the water
there before won't be quite so overawed come next Saturday. One minor issue in
that one of our crew needed to go to a nearby Accident and Emergency afterwards
for three stitches as he managed to gash his forearm wiping down the boat we'd
borrowed (caught it on the rudder fin). Sunday was just the one outing, but a
reasonbly long one. It was OK. Having not had time or energy to do the Tesco
shop on Saturday evening, I did it at Sunday lunchtime instead and got home just
ahead of Rachel. Cue an afternoon of lazing about before dinner at a local
restaurant with her parents. They're perfectly lovely people, and exactly the
kind of people I thought they might be. Obviously I was a picture of politeness
and maturity. I even wore trousers.
My kinesio tape arrived this morning and I did my first application at my desk a
few minutes later. I'm not sure I've gotten it quite right, but I don't want to
waste it, so I'll see how it works for this evening's erg. My back is feeling a
little better with every day I don't run, so I'm going to wait until at least
Wednesday, even if it feels perfect tomorrow. If it doesn't feel right on
Wednesday I'll wait another day and then another one until it does. If that
means no runs before a week on Saturday, so be it. But that's not going to help
my marathon hopes all that much. A light erg this evening, then I'm out bank
partying a women's crew. I should have brought something to eat.
[17:45] Only did one 8K erg last night as I had to be home to meet Rachel. I
think it was the right decision. Not getting up early this morning for the
first time this week was another one of a few good decisions which took place in
the 12 hours since I left the boat house. What was really lovely about this
morning though was being late for work, and then getting a really huge piece of
glass in my rear tyre. Right through my GatorSkin. As I was contemplating my
lot on the side of the road another cyclist stopped beside me and proceeded to
offer me a new inner tube, risked his tyre levers getting the famously tight
tyre off, swapped the tube, risked his levers again and then even did most of
the inflation. He had to be forced to take a £5 for his trouble and the
brand new inner. What a lovely person. I've now got a day or so pay pay that
kindness forward. Not that if I don't get the opportunity I'll forget about it,
but I'd like to do it while it's fresh in my mind.
Work today was pretty much a non-event with only a few routine tasks to
complete and very few people needing anything. I eventually decided to go for a
6K run at lunchtime to try out some new compression shorts and discovered that
my calf compression sleeves had arrived as I was leaving the building. So they
went on, too. After some stretching I started running and immediately noticed
that my sacral area was very, very uncomfortable/painful. Achilles? Perfectly
fine. So, rather than do something stupid I purposefully chose a route that
would take me back to work in 3km rather than 6km. It's probable I shouldn't
even have run 3km given how it felt. It's not the distance I wanted, but at
least I got out and found my achilles was still doing mostly OK. I've two days
of rowing now (one on the Thames, one on my home river), and then I'll see how I
feel walking around on Monday before I try another 6K.
Other stuff happening this weekend is Tesco, and hopefully a nice dinner out on
Sunday evening.
[17:05] Another early morning today. After last night's nothing at all and a
moderately early night I wasn't feeling too bad. Although my back isn't feeling
all that smashing, the rowing didn't affect it, luckily. I did a lot of
rollering before bed on my legs such that they don't feel to bad. In fact, I
ended up sleeping with my roller, completely by accident.
I've managed to get my inbox down to an almost sensible (for me) 27 messages. I
think only one or two need actual replies though, which is great. I'm going to
call it a day and get out of here before the people who work late start emailing
me and asking for things. Two supposedly gentle 8K UT2 ergs this evening, then
home to await Rachel, watch something nice on the computer and head to bed.
Tomorrow's my only other day this week (other than Monday) that I don't have to
get up at 05:20 and I intend to make the most of it.
Work has consisted of dealing with power blips and other events out of my
[17:40] Last night's 30 minute AT erg wasn't too bad, all things considered. I
held a reasonable split/wattage given we were all on sliders, and recovered a
lot more quickly than the others (even beating the guy 13 years my junior with
muscles like watermelons, then again he was doing much much heavier weights than
me last night). Anyway, went home, ate lots, rollered my calves in bed, and
then went to sleep, hoping things would be OK for a run in the morning.
I'd certainly like to lay the blame for my achilles feeling pretty much fine in
the morning to the rollering the night before. I'm certainly not going to stop
doing it this side of the marathon if the results I'm getting continue. Up at
05:20, out of the door and to work and changed by just after 06:00 I started my
run in the half light and hoped for the best. 2h13m later I was back after two
15K laps feeling pretty bloody shattered, but without anything major wrong with
me. Sure, sacral discomfort on the right hand side and there'd been prolonged
periods of what felt like firm finger pressure on the worry area of my right
achilles, but there'd also been periods when neither had been noticable at all.
I did try taking a gel before I started, and nearly had to stop before the end
of the first 15K lap to find a secluded place. Not sure I'm a big fan of gels.
Managed to hold things together (literally) for the whole 30K though, even if it
was slightly off the pace I'm hoping for on race day. No sign of my strapping
tape as yet, and this current application is beginning to lose its stickiness.
I've made do with some sellotape over the top for now, which really isn't the
best thing. We'll see how I feel tomorrow morning for the outing.
Work? Yes, there was some. Our sister department managed to cut some fibres of
ours they thought were not in use, rendering a chunk of our network off the net
for about two hours this morning. They fixed that. Otherwise I've been doing
useful small things for the day and trying to remember (and failing) to get up
regularly to stretch. I've eaten a lot though. And more to come this evening.
Definitely no weights for me tonight.
Oh, and I've booked an hour's assessement and sports massage for next Wednesday
morning. That should be interesting, and in plenty of time for my muscles to
recover for the HoRR on the Saturday.
[16:55] I got my achilles retaped last night. Only this time it doesn't seem to
be as good as the last application. I've got some of my own coming soon, so I
can experiment to my hearts (5 metre's worth) content after that rather than
wasting my physio's. Did a half-hearted weights session last night afterwards
and realised just how much muscle strength I've lost since I started running
heavily. That's going to have to change once the marathon's done (or at least
the date of the marathon has passed if I don't actually run the damned thing).
Regatta season is approaching and I need to be ready. Not only strength, but
mass too, I think. Anyway, that's a month away before I begin that transition.
Got up this morning and again I couldn't tell if my achilles is happy or not. I
really can't tell. So much so that I still don't know if I should run tomorrow
morning (30-35K) or not. It's my last long run before race day. I could do it
tomorrow, or Friday. I guess I'll see how I feel tomorrow morning at 05:21.
Tonight is either a 30 minute AT erg, or I might jump on the watt bike instead.
I'll see how I feel when I get to the boat house. Then it's dinner with Kate
and then home for an early bed.
This morning's outing wasn't too shabby. Not much in the way of exercises, more
a steady UT2 paddle. It went well, even with two subs in. Other than that I
went into town at lunch time to get Rachel something and got rained on on the
way back, and did a load balancer software upgrade this morning which went
pretty much by the numbers and have been trying to catch up on other things
since then.
[17:25] Hmm, where to start with the weekend. I guess I could begin with Rachel
arriving on Friday and making Friday evening awesome. Saturday morning was two
outings in the 8+ which went fairly well, and then Okayish. I should have gone
to London to watch our womens crews compete in WeHoRR but I was just too tired,
so instead I went home went to Tesco, weeded the back garden and then did lots
of washing. Productive, but not terribly sociable. The weater was wonderful
too, so I had all the doors and windows open, which was almost an acceptable
substitute for not being outdoors.
Sunday morning was more rowing, followed by going to the pub to see all the
women who'd rowed and hearing about the race. I would have gone for a long run
after that but I purposefully left my trainers at work so I wouldn't run until
today in an effort to let my achilles heal a little more. In the end though I
just dragged on my old trainers and went for a walk, 7.75km slow run, walk and
got back just in time to meet Rachel. It didn't seem to do my achilles any
damage, so I packed my bag for a run this lunch time. A rather nice evening was
had, with us both coming close to falling asleep for good on the sofa.
This morning I stayed in bed for a fair amount of time before getting in to work
just about on time. The lunchtime 15K weighed on my mind all morning, and it's
fair to say I ran gingerly the whole way around. I think the ache I'm
feeling in both calves is down to standard muscles-after-running rather than
anything else, but at this point I don't think I can tell any more. My EVA foam
roller arrived from Amazon about an hour ago, so I can now torture myself in
the privacy of my own home from now on.
I think I'll head to the boat house now and see if weights is a good idea for
me, after that it's home to do a mountain of washing up. Outing tomorrow
morning, and then I'm upgrading the load balancer software. Hopefully both of
those things will go well. After that, well, I might just be able to catch up
with my email. That would be nice.
[16:55] Physio last night was remarkably positive, considering what's wrong with
me at the moment. She seems to think that as there's no real sensitivity to my
achilles at the moment it might heal relatively quickly, which is wonderful
news. In other news I have two bullet-hard knots in my outer calves (one each
side). No matter what she did she couldn't seem to get them to release. Given
how hard she was pressing I'm surprised my muscle didn't end up as liquid. If I
get the chance I'm going to get some acupuncture, which might do the trick. My
back/sacral area is still playing up. Somehow I don't seem quite so worried
about that despite it making it interesting to walk/transfer weight onto my
right leg sometimes. I guess because I know it's something I can control with
ibuprofen, and it's not actually going to be any real damage, per se. The
achilles on the other hand...
So, I'm off to the boat house tonight. Purely to do static stretching,
rollering, and some strength work on my achilles. Gently! No circuits tonight,
but I might get some people to help me move the trailer so the women can load
their boats tonight for this weekend WeHoRR on the Thames/Tideway. I've got the
usual outings this weekend, and Rachel turning up this evening, so that should
be nice. No running until Monday at the earliest, unless my achilles feels 100%
awesome before then (it won't).
[17:05] Day one of being worried about my achilles... and my back starts aching
a whole lot more than is has done previously. Still, it didn't interfere with
the 4+ outing this morning, for which I'm thankful. I've got a physio
appointment this evening, so hopefully I'll have some kind of good news, or at
least some kind of plan of action to follow to get me back running again at
least a few times before Paris. Or at least running in Paris. Before that
though I've got at least one erg to do this evening, which I should get off and
do in the very near future.
Work today was bitty. Nothing really of note. How're you?
[18:20] It wasn't the 30 minute erg last night, but I can't tell you exactly
what it was... I now have nascent achilles tendinitis in my right ankle again.
This is so stupid I've immediately shot through anger and frustration and right
out the other side into some oasis of calm. This could spell the end of my
Paris Marathon. We'll just have to wait and see. All I did was a 6K run at
what I thought was a moderately gentle pace. And I thought I'd stretched
beforehand, too. No run for me on Friday, or over the weekend at this rate.
Immediate cessation until at least Monday, if not Wednesday. I really hoped I'd
seen the last of it before Christmas, or whenever it was I last suffered from
it. But apparently not. It's back. I've asked for a physio appointment, but
short of a new tendon, I doubt there's anything she can do other than tell me to
stay off it for a few weeks. Unfortunately, in a few weeks I'm running
42-and-a-bit kilometres on the streets of Paris.
Some other stuff happened today, but none of it as important to me as this.
[17:25] I'm back, and still alive! I really needed yesterday off as recovery
and decompression time after the weekend. It started off pretty easily with the
two outings on Saturday morning. We motored through them with the head coach on
the bank doing some rate pieces against M2 and walking through them without much
trouble. The coach was surprisingly positive about our improvement. M2 was
down two usual guys though, so they weren't at maximum effectiveness. The
second outing was lots and lots of drills. I'd like to think they were very
helpful, but only if everyone in the boat remembers what we learned from them
whenever we get in a boat from now on. Judging from this morning's outing (more
on that below) we didn't quite manage to. Saturday afternoon was Tesco and
housework before Rachel arrived. Something else probably happened, but for the
life of me I can't remember what it might have been. Rachel arrived later on
and we tried to get an early night before the race.
Race day, and a quick breakfast before getting down to the boat house to meet
other rowers who were racing to do plenty of stretching and chatting. The
weather was almost completely perfect so the only advantage to being there
rather than with the 4000+ other runners was the secure storage and no queues
for the loos. I positioned myself fairly close to the front of the fastest pen,
with Rachel a good way back in the same. The horn went and we were off. No
matter how much I tried I seemed to be running far faster than the pace I'd
planned on, but I seemed to be holding it... At least until the end of the first
lap (~7miles in). At that point the wheels didn't so much come off as develop
something of a slow puncture. Looking at my splits for the second half I got
slower and slower per mile. Amazingly though, my first half speed saw me
through to a new PB time (1:25:22) despite worries about my lower back, and
being in the midst of a cold. Rachel was only four minutes behind me with a new
PB for herself too. I'm very proud. Back at the boat house we stretched, had
some food and chatted with rowers and runnings as they came back from their
respective exertions. Eventually we headed home to chill out, watch television,
and not feel too guilty about not making the most out of the year's best weather
to date.
We had Monday off, so after a leisurely breakfast headed into town for me to get
my £40 medical for the Paris Marathon, do some shopping, window shop for
outdoor and sports gear, sit in a bookshop and read and drink, and have a brunch
somewhere nice. After a while though we felt a bit drained and cycled home to
collapse on the sofa again for the remainder of the day.
This morning I had to be up and out of the house before 05:40. Even though I
hadn't slept terribly well I managed to get to the boat house before everyone
else in my crew. We had a moderately tolerable outing, with the first half
being somewhat better than the second in my opinion. It felt a bit like
everyone's attention just drifted a little as time went by. I can't point too
many fingers as I don't think my energy levels were at 100%. After the outing
it was in to work to patch servers, do some OS-level software maintenance and
catch up on everything that happened over the weekend and on Monday.
Right now I'm about to head off to the boat house again for this evening's erg.
I don't think I'll try to do a full-on 30 minute AT erg, but something
reasonably close might be a good thing to try. After that it's home for lots
and lots of leftovers from the fridge, and an early night. I'll decide tomorrow
morning if I feel like doing my long run before work, or a shorter one at lunch
time and the long one at the end of the week. I think it might be the second
[16:55] Other than morning exercises, I haven't done any exercise today either.
Last night's physio session confirmed what I had been thinking for a while; that
I don't hold my pelvis correctly when standing/walking/running. She doesn't
think there's any damage, or that I'll do any damage, bit it is going to ache
until I make some changes. I'm trying to already. My cold is beginning to take
a bit more hold now, which is going to be extremely frustrating this weekend
with the outings on Saturday and the race on Sunday. Hopefully I'll still be
able to give something close to my best both days.
Nothing's really happened at work today, thankfully. This has meant that I've
been able to reduce my inbox to only 16 messages, none of which really need any
kind of reply or action, which is great. Now I have to decide if I'm going to
go and do a core session at the boat house this evening or just go home. Given
I have to go there to find the new sidings for the boat trailer I may as well
stay there and do it, I guess.
So yes, rowing Saturday, plus Tesco. A half marathon race on Sunday, and then
Monday off when I'll get my Paris Marathon medical certificate and generally
relax and recuperate a bit. If I can't pass it the day after a half marathon I
probably shouldn't be running a whole one. I just wish this lower back thing
would sort itself out. See you on Tuesday.
[16:55] I seem to be doing surprisingly well at keeping this cold at bay, and
possibly even fighting it of to some small degree. This has been
helped in no small part by not going to weights last night, or having an outing
at 06:00 this morning (there was one, I got a substitute, apparently everyone
was still pretty tired, it wasn't a smashing outing). The extra sleep, the
reduced strain on my body, and basically having some quiet time is probably the
very best thing I could be doing for myself at the moment given the small but
possibly significant things that're bothersome about my body right now in the
lead up to this weekend's race.
Anyway, I've got a physio appointment tonight and no exercise today, and
hopefully no exercise tomorrow either. That just leaves me with two rowing
outings on Saturday morning (whichs shouldn't aggravate any running niggles) and
then I'm good to go, modulo how my cold might affect my lung capacity and energy
Also, having missed Shrove Whatever this week, Rachel's coming over this evening
and we're going to have lots of pancakes with all kinds of things on them.
[18:15] Annoyingly, I appear to be getting a cold. Five days before my half
marathon it couldn't have come at a much worse time. I expect to be right in
the thick of it come Sunday. I don't think I got it last night when doing the
ergs with the rest of my crew, but given I was using an erg that someone else
with a cold previously was using... I don't know. Anyway, lots of vitamin C in
the vain hope that'll help. We'll see.
I did do a quick 6K at lunch time today. That's left me feeling fine
fitness-wise, but bits and bobs in my lower joints aren't 100%. This too
frustrates me. As does one or two other bodily issues which I'm not going to
go into. Hopefully they won't be a problem in the short or long term.
I spent most of the afternoon getting a server in the old server room booting
again. We have no idea why it decided to get in a snit, but it did, and I
wasn't easily able to get it up and running. However, it is now, even if we
can't get to it via remote serial console any more. As a result of that work
I'm only now about to leave my desk as everything else I was doing got pushed
back a good few hours. No weights tonight, and likely no outing tomorrow
morning in an effor to see if I can recover from this cold, or even fight it off
before it properly takes hold.
[17:25] I'm feeling remarkably good after yesterday's run. Recovery seems to
have gone quite well. I still have what feels like a lot of tension in my lower
back but not going to weights, stretching with Rachel, and doing this morning's
early morning outing seems to have dealt with it quite well. Of course, I've
been sitting down all day and when I get up to head off for this evening's erg
it might be all tense again. We'll see. Anyway, everyone was pretty tired
still after the weekend's rowing so the outing wasn't as great as it has been.
However, it was still better than it has been previous to last week.
It was freezing cold this morning. This lead to me worrying about getting
soaking wet and cold in the boat being splashed, but amazingly the people in
front of me were on good form and didn't splash much at all. This was good.
The weather was amazing though, in terms of river mist, the sunrise, and it
being still and calm. Rather lovely, really. Still, it was nice to get off the
water and into a hot shower before work.
I'm off now to erg, then work out what to have for dinner, get another early
night, and then get up again tomorrow and do it all over again. Other than the
rowing. Tomorrow it's my last run before the half marathon (10K), and then
potentially some coaching of the W1 boat.
[17:10] March! Already! I really don't know what's happening. I've said it
before I'm sure, but time seems to be accelerating in its passing. Anyway, it
has been a pretty packed weekend, and I'm sure you want to hear all about it.
Rachel came over on Friday night, which was pretty awesome. Unfortunately I had
to leave pretty early on Saturday morning to get to Norwich for the Norwich Head
(rowing race). The weather wasn't 100% brilliant for the first division, but we
survived it, and even managed to place second behind our local arch rivals (by 9
seconds over a 5K course (about 17min24sec)). We then had some lunch, stretched
a lot and generally tried to dry out a bit before going back and doing the same
thing all over again for the second division. Owing to a lack of competition in
our category, we were bumped up to the one above, where we imagined competition
would be pretty stiff. Which therefore meant that when we ended up winning the
division we were pretty amazed and pleased. After more food and showers, and
things we went home, half assembled the boat along with all our other crews
who'd also raced, and then went home to bed. I was asleep by 21:10, I would
have thought. I managed to sleep until around 08:00 Sunday morning, and then
had a lazy few hours before getting to the boat house, doing a gentle 10min UT2
erg with a few of my crew, putting the riggers back on the boat and then, when
scheduled, boating to do our last race of the weekend. It rained a little, but
was fairly breezy. Coupled with just how tired we all were we weren't as good
as we had been for both rows the previous day. Nevertheless, we managed to only
lose by 4sec over our same arch-rivals, but over three legs managed to finish
2sec ahead... so, another pot claimed for the weekend! There was celebratory
pizza and drinking in the boat house until early evening, at which point I
headed home and met Rachel returing from a half marathon. Both of us tired, we
ordered Chinese food and collapsed onto the sofa for the evening. Amazingly we
managed to stay awake until around about 23:00.
This morning I managed to convince Rachel that as she'd run on a rather swollen
ankle (from being hit with a hockey ball) it would make sense for her to work
from home today rather than commute. Amazingly, she agreed. Now I just have to
decide if I go straight home this evening, or do weights (and coach the W1) boat
and then go home. I think given I ran 15K at lunch time I might miss weights
this evening. Or at least this evening. I'll only be doing 10K on Wednesday as
taper for the weekend's half marathon, so that should make a little more sense
than doing it today. Speaking of which, my back doesn't seem to hurt much more
from the run today than it did beforehand, which is good. I think it's
becoming clear that it's something to do with my posture and pelvis angle.
Hopefully Thursday's physio session will confirm this. In the meantime one
Nurofen/ibuprofen post-15K run seems to make everything OK. I'll let you know
more as it develops. For the time being though, I'm going home, pretty much on
time, for once. I'm going to have 'an evening'. I've heard about them, but
can't remember quite what they're like (usually getting home after 20:00 most
evenings from the boat house).