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July's Journal
September's Journal
[16:25] I decided to go to the doctor this morning to make sure that the bite
on my right upper arm wasn't anything to worry about. I now have antibiotics
to take and a mild worry that the infection in it is going to start feeding on
the fluids in my elbow, for some reason. Cue pills four times a day on an
empty stomach. I'm not a huge fan of antibiotics for 'no' reason but this
bite is really, really itchy and the skin around it - and yes, slowly getting
closer to my elbow - has been very, very hot compared to the rest of me. I've
managed to not scratch it as yet but sometimes it's really tempting.
This morning was a bit of a rush once Kris and I got our wiggles on. With
only twenty minutes to get breakfast and get to the surgery I had to buy lunch
at work today which was a tad annoying. Still, I got in what felt like an
awesome 6km run over lunch time.
I've been helping people with DNS/web site related issues today as well as
talking online about FTPS mirroring solutions (unsatisfactorily,
unfortunately) and generally tidying up for my week away next week. Not much
happening/needing to be wound up, which is nice. I'll head off now, meet Kris
for a drink and a chat and find out about her day and then head on over to get
the headset on my bike hopefully fixed a bit at Cormac's. I don't think there
will be any rowing this weekend which means Kris and I will have two full days
of relaxation together for the first time in I don't know how long. We'll
probably go stir-crazy unless we completely clean and tidy the house, go for
at least one run, one cycle and do a test pack for Sunday evening.
I hope you have a nice week next week while I'm away. There will more than
likely be photos from next week for me to upload as soon as I'm able. We'll
be doing plenty of cycling, walking and maybe even some running if we have
the room to pack our trainers. I'll tell you how it all goes on the Tuesday
after the bank holiday. Hurrah! Hmm, that'll be September. This
year is going so quickly and it really does feel like the time to start making
big decisions is getting closer and closer at a stupidly fast speed.
But, not tonight, not this weekend and not next week. I've got at least that
long to have a brilliant time. With Kris, and bikes, and Scotland and
probably midges. Must buy some repellant...
[17:05] I appear to have just received an attempted phish for Red Hat Network
subscription renewals. Somehow, I don't think so. They'd need to get a few
more details right, I think.
Today I have been mostly passing up a golden opportunity, talking about Big
Things with Kris completely out of the blue, writing down a list of things I
really should know more about, thinking about Seattle, having lunch with Kris,
heading into meetings about major applications and making a contribution just
like a real sysadmin and collecting Tyan servers from people who don't want
them any more and getting double the amount of cores than I thought I would.
Which is nice.
I'm off home now to wash up, have a Thursday, have some lovely Indian food and
try to put to one side the big things which are going to need thinking about
in the near future, at least for a little while.
[17:00] Last night didn't go 100% according to plan, but it was pretty great
nonetheless. I really do think these AR things take their toll on me either
physically or mentally/emotionally. It's a bit of a bind to be honest as it
means I end up not being at my best for Kris and myself for a few days. We
don't like that. We don't like that at all. Still, nothing last forever so
eventually things even out again. Having a bit of a rest for the evening
rather than doing lots and lots was probably a good thing.
I'm rowing this evening, having run a reasonable 8km in the blazing midday
sun, so we'll see how that goes. Being in a mixed boat with the Dev guys may
prove to be an distinctly 'interesting' experience. Still, it's all good
Today's work day consisted (in reverse order) of me failing to put the right
webauth keys in the right place to make three new web server instances work
correctly (fixed), waiting around for the air-conditioning engineer to check
a unit (in my sweat-soaked running gear on account of the rest of my team
being either in town or on holiday), fixing up about a dozen scripts and
catching up with a whole lot of correspondence which had been pending. I also
picked a few apples from the tree in the car park.
Excellently, Kris finished her first draft of her entire dissertation today.
That's blimmin' brilliant!
[17:00] With the help of Cormac and his toolbox of great fullness he and I
dismantled and reassembled the head set of Kris' bike last night. I have to
say it was extremely simple to do when you have everything you need. I really
should think about a) tidying and clearing out the garage a little and, b)
spending some serious amounts of money on a properly-equipped bike tool set.
Hell, when I eventally get around to redoing the kitchen I can use
the old work surfaces and cupboards to keep lots of stuff in neatly. Not my
idea originally, but still a damned good one I'm thankful to have been told
Anyway, now that we have a second set of panniers (borrowed), both bikes that
we'll be using are in as good a condition as we can hope for (I'm not taking
my commuting bike as its head set also needs some work and the tyres might not
be quite good enough for some of the routes we do) I think we're pretty much
ready for our holiday. Of course we may need a map (or two, judging by the
Ordinance Survey's web site) but we should be fine.
Today's work has been steady and quiet. Nothing much to report that you don't
already know about my days. I have to admit in a side note that rather than
suffering from physical tiredness after the ACE Race this weekend I've been
very down/drained/emotionless for the last few days instead. I wonder if I
have to get at least one or the other following the amount of exertion/energy
I tend to expend...
No rowing this evening so I'm off home to have a wonderful time with Kris
instead! I think we deserve it. Also to put a chain guard back on her bike
with help from some screws I was kindly given.
[16:00] The weeekend's ACE Race was a bit of a trial. I mean, getting up at
05:20 to get a train to where I and my bike were due to be picked up was bad
enough, even if the drive to just north of Portsmouth was fairly OK. But the
race itself was pretty tough. Starting off with a 3 mile foot race (half of
it up an unrelenting steep hill) we then collected our maps and had to run
back down again to the bikes. Lots of very steep hillside mountain biking
(seemingly mostly uphill) then followed with a brief interlude of about an
hour in the middle when we were required to go on foot again. Hills, hills,
hills. Lots of hills. Checkpoints hidden in the most unlikely of places and
(for the first time ever in a race for me) a puncture. This wouldn't have
been so bad except that my pump chose that exact moment to give up pumping air
thus necessitating I and my race partner waiting for someone kind to stop and
let me use their pump on the spare inner tube I'd speedily put into place. I
loaned them my compass for the duration of the race as thanks.
We did pretty well, considering we only came in fifteen minutes behind our
other team (the length of time we were waiting for the tyre to be fixed). Of
course we'll be behind them in the results and pretty far down considering we
went over the time limit by about five minutes or so. Still, for five hours
of non-stop running and cycling I think it was a pretty good day. I kept nice
and hydrated, ate enough and didn't feel too bad almost immediately
afterwards. The journey home was fast and uneventful and it was a real
pleasure to relax in the shower knowing delicious home made egg-fried rice and
delivery Chinese food was on its way. Naturally Kris was also there to make
me feel like a hero and soothe my weary brow. She's lovely like that.
Rather than get all stiff and achey on Sunday we got up fairly early and I
followed Kris on a 5 or 6km run around town and up our only decent hill. That
was rather great and meant that I felt nice and loose for the rest of the day.
A day which included not only more washing and washing up but a well-timed
trip to Tesco, some emergency pump-shopping on Wiggle for our cycling holiday
next week (even if I did manage to work out how to fix the pump while sitting
on the floor of the kitchen last night) half of the hedge being trimmed (all
of the outside, rather than half the outside and half the inside) and a bit of
According to Wiggle I'm now due three packages from them in the near future.
I do hope they all arrive by the end of the week otherwise I'll be most
displeased. Not that I paid for faster delivery, but you'd have thought even
first class mail would take less than five days. You'd have thought...
We have a full compliment of people back at my end of the office this week.
One person was off with illness, another's been on holiday for a few weeks.
For today and tomorrow we'll get together and catch everyone up on what has
been done and needs to be done over the next ten days or so when at least two
or more of us will be off again. My work today has consisted of patching,
fixing, backing up and giving helpful advice to people who I wish would think
before they asked.
I also went for a nice fast 6km run in an attempt to push back the muscle ache
for another day or so. I'm not sure if I'll go and do group ergs tonight.
Maybe I deserve an evening off.
[16:25] Today I have been mainly trying to tease out of people the story
behind why things are apparently 'broken'. What it turns out is that
sometimes people make lots of silly mistakes. I really wish they wouldn't.
It bothers me. Being able to legitimately foist off the problems to other
people was marvellous though.
It meant I was able to go for a nice 6km run at lunch time which I do believe
I did in a pretty good time (for me). Perhaps not a brilliant idea
considering I'm off to the ACE Race tomorrow but it felt really good to get
out and stretch my legs, literally. The weather was quite nice too.
So yes, a very early morning tomorrow to get to Portsmouth in time for
registration, then the race, then home again. Should be back in time for
dinner. Sunday will be a mixture of Tesco, planned hedge-trimming (at least
one side anyway as it really needs doing) and some relaxation, where possible.
Part of me hopes it rains on Sunday, part of me doesn't.
We watched the Muppet Movie last night. That was excellent. Even though I
was quite worried that Kris still knew all the words to the songs.
[16:30] So I managed to neither go to the cinema last night nor to erg
training this morning. I did have a very wonderful evening though, even if
parts of it went by too quickly. I'll have to work on that.
Happily, the weird throat thing which I woke up with this morning seems to
have faded away overnight. Which is good. Watching too much House can leave
you feeling like every odd symptom you have is something which'll end up
making your eyeballs pop out and your tongue explode. My neck ache caused by
enthusiastic exercise also seems to be going away too in time for the ACE Race
this weekend (which I'm going to have to get up horribly early for).
Work has been surprisingly busy these last few days and for the most part I've
come up with solutions and things for pretty much everything. In fact,
looking at today/this week's to do list I don't actually have anything of note
still to do. This means, of course, documentation and tidy up. I've
provisioned a new Resin container, an Apex instance and all the ancilliary
stuff that goes along with that kind of thing as well as helping one of our
Ruby developers, well, develop with the judicious use of some Ruby gems. As a
final pat on the back to myself I managed to sneak by the last of the
essential RHEL4 upgrades this morning before I even got into work too. This
means only the two DB boxes I just did the specifications for the replacements
of are out of date now and they should be getting turned off in a few weeks
anyway (if we get the replacements from Sun in good time and I can install
them quickly).
In a mild fit of trying to get things sorted in good time for the holiday (no,
not panic) I've asked Kris to come with me to Halfords straight after work
today to see what they can do about the wobbly bottom bracket her bike has
developed. It's either a two minute job or a ten day (their backlog duration)
job. If the former then it should be free under the warranty (I hope). If
not then we'll go elsewhere and try and get it done by a decent bike shop in a
faster time.
I should probably pack up and see if I can get out of here early so I can meet
Kris. Tonight's a Thursday too, which means I need to get home, do the
washing up and try to make the house look presentable too.
[16:30] Today has been a really good day in terms of work. I've done all
kinds of useful things. First off I've patched a whole slew of servers for
some moderately important security and bug fixes. I've arranged to patch one
of the remaining servers which I mentioned a few weeks ago as being massively
out of date (tomorrow morning), I've managed to snag two free servers which
Cormac and I will hopefully be collecting on Friday (car availability
willing), worked out why the PHP/Oracle php-oci8 stuff wasn't working from
with Apache when it was from a shell (stupid environmental variable passing)
and ascertained that the Apex applications which weren't working are like that
because they don't actually exist yet.
Basically I've fixed everything, everywhere.
To counterbalance the sheer awesomeness of me, last night's rowing outing was
distinctly odd. The boat was amazingly balanced but the amount of chatter and
lack of concentration in the boat was equally high. I think we annoyed our
cox somewhat. Still, given there's a lot of other stuff going on at the
moment it's kind of useful that there's not another outing until next Tuesday.
Off to the cinema this evening to see G.I. Joe basically because it'll be
highly amusing. Tomorrow should prove to be fun with a portion of running at
lunch time and the regular Thursday evening wossname.
[17:00] Today has been filled with work on Apex instances (apparently the
number we need just jumped from three (Live, Dev, UAT) to manylots more. This
is annoying but probably something I can weave into the load balancer rule we
have such that it can all still come together under the one URL I've been able
to cluster them under up until now. Of course, the first new instance that's
been installed doesn't seem to be working within the infrastructure I'm
talking about but that could be down to all manner of things outside of my
control. At least I hope so.
The other thing I'm working on is that php-oci8 (Oracle) connection thing.
Did I mention that previously? I think so. Anyway, aside from people
creating users on machines without going through this office it also seems
that the connection thing isn't connecting. This is a bit poor and very
worrying in case it's something to do with the mildly shonky assemblage of
Oracle client/instantclient stuff I installed back in the day to deal with
the DBI::Oracle perl module and stuff. Hopefully it's not all my fault and
things will work out once a) the developer knows what he's doing and, b) the
OCM instance he's connecting to is actually running (not that it wasn't, it'd
just failed over to the other instance which happens when the primary is down)
and answering correctly formatted requests.
I went for a run at lunchtime today (rather than get a burrito). Did the 6km
loop to make sure I didn't re-destroy my feet and ended up collecting about
1.5kg of mini plums for free off various trees. I think we may end up eating
them over the next few days in lunches. Rowing tonight, so I should head home
and do some washing up before I go out again. Cormac and I put the new rear
cassette on my bike last night. It's nice to know the chain won't be slipping
any more but has highlighted that a) I bought kind of the wrong one and, b)
that maybe the chain'll need replacing anyway as it seems to be stretched and
really feeling odd now.
[16:35] I probably made a little bit of a mistake this weekend. I had the
generous invitation of a 24 mile walk across London (near the airport to
Barnes) and wore the wrong socks. As a result, aside from a brilliant day
with a good friend I ended up with a few blisters on each foot and a bit of
worry about next weekend's ACE Race. I also didn't manage the complete
distance and had to make us bail out about 7 miles from home so I could save
my feet for the trip home. Luckily there was barely any walking between
stations and I still had a bike when I got off the last train. I think I'll
be OK if I treat myself gently for a few days, and maybe go for a gentle run
on Wednesday/Thursday and/or Friday. Suffice it to say when I got home in the
late evening after a truly delicious Thai meal I wasn't in any shape to do
anything other than sit back and relax with Kris. Apparently we missed a bit
of an epic party, which is a shame.
We got up a little later than usual on Sunday. Just in time to potter a bit
and then do a Tesco run before lunch. Lunch! Wow, yes. That was my first
proper experience of dim sum and aside from being completely fabulous was
nearly my last on account of nearly detonating my stomach with the amount I
(and everyone else!) ate. Completely worth the money and meaning we didn't
need to eat again other than some pineapple chunks and a few slices of
baguette towards the end of the day. Delicious!
Work today has been moderately interesting. I've been setting up a new Resin
container to run a Java application that's going to be tied into an Apex
application instance. I have no idea how the Oracle magic is going to work
but if it does we'll have saved ourselves quite a hefty amount of money.
Speaking of money, mine seems to have slipped through my fingers somewhat this
month already. Almost all of it has gone on useful and/or essential things
(including the holiday Kris and I are looking forward to in the next few
weeks) but the rest somehow just seems to have vanished on... things
and stuff. It's most disconcerting. Anyway, other than the things I
need to pay for I think that's it for me until the next wodge comes in from
the people who seem to think I'm doing a useful job.
And as for useful jobs, Kris has filled me in on what she thinks she might
begin to do once her Ph.D is done and dusted. I have to say I look at her
ideas with a mixture of trepidation and excitement. I really do hope
everything she wants to do comes to fruition (with my help, perhaps) because
things could be really, really good then.
[16:30] An early rise saw me on the water for 06:30. After the rain last
night (which happily I wasn't out in the boat for) the river was slightly up
over the bank on the hard outside the boathouse. Luckily we were still about
four inches off having to call off the outing. All things considered it was a
pretty good one. Not perfect by any means; while quite well balanced now and
then we were still pretty tippy, there was some slide-rush and now and then we
tended to yank things through. The rain held off too.
Work today has been about keeping things stable. I've talked to a few people
about the Tomcat servlet I have to install for some strange PDFarisation
reason and been fiddling with one of the main DB boxes we have to find out
whether the problem the DBAs were having was down to disk contention because
of a large file move.
Otherwise I've been sitting here waiting for the week to end by doing lots of
tiny scripting jobs so I can then spend it on a date with my girl, a very long
walk in London and a day of absolute relaxation perhaps with a not-so-relaxing
12.7km run at some point.
[16:20] Another day when I wake up pretty shattered. So tired in fact that
Kris managed to get up without waking me and get on with her morning. Still,
that was only just past 05:15 this morning so I think I can be excused. In
between work today I've managed to panic about getting trains to Edinburgh
and back sorted for Kris and me and our bikes (Qjump 0 - 1 National Express
East Coast), fought with PDFs to get them printed in the right orientation and
in colour and had lunch at my desk.
Work-wise I've been rerolling RPMs to be happy with a php-oci8 I may use in
the future, completely failing to talk to a DBA about installing a Tomcat
engine to run some little hack to get around us needing to spend a couple of
grand on a piece of software and working on some RAID monitoring which won't
complain quite so much when the temperature changes by a degree.
Last night Cormac helped me dismantle and reassemble my commuting bike with
the aid of the right tools and get around the fact that some bits aren't quite
the same spacing/fitting/size as the ones I've had to bin. I've ordered a
rear cassette to replace the one which has been "sharked" for a while now and
that should arrive with the cycle shorts she's going to need for our Scotland
adventure (more on that another day).
[17:05] Last night I really wasn't in the mood to go rowing. Especially as,
even after working from home for the days, I was still exceptionally tired.
However it appeared that either a lot of people in the boat have improved, the
coaching was spot on and/or I was so relaxed that I didn't affect the balance
very much. Either way the outing really wasn't that bad at all. I came home
shattered to find that Kris was in the middle of cooking up an absolutely
stunning lamb korma. So stunning in fact that we're going to do it again
very soon. My contribution (other than a little bit of preparation work) was
adding creamed coconut.
Other than working from home yesterday I also managed to break my good bike
by trying to take off its cranks to make sure they actually still did. One
bolt came out easily and the crank itself seemed to come off easily too with
very little effort from the crank extractor. When I tried to put it back on
again I discovered that I'd crushed the thread a little. After about half an
hour of trying I resorted to going to the local cycle shop to get them to
re-tap the thread. This cost £2.50. I then spent a further £6.99
on an extrator which didn't actually break things.
Today most of my efforts have been centred on getting php-oci8 installed for
RHEL5 servers. I tried to use an RPM but it necessitated rebuilding the
Oracle-provided RPMs to fix their provides and ldconfig operations. In the
end I just went with "peardev install pecl/oci8" on account of pecl giving a
memory error.
I'm off now to do some hopefully final work on my commuting bike with the help
of Cormac and some large metal tools. Here's hoping I don't manage to break
the thing utterly.
[12:00] I'm working from home today on account of being just a little bit
too tired and having made a few too many mistakes since getting home yesterday
evening after the weekly Tesco run. You might have noticed a few grammatical
errors in what I wrote yesterday. Suffice it to say they were the least of my
mistakes. The others I made (and actually had been making for some time) were
a lot more important. I don't deserve that and Kris certainly doesn't. Today
is therefore a chance for me to take stock, get some things sorted and make
sure I'm doing all I can to be who I can and should be.
Some of the things on my list to try and do today include: a nice breakfast
(managed that in style), shave (yup), sort the kitchen whiteboard so Kris and
I can get a calendar/scheduler up to allow us to both know what each other is
doing for the next few months (nearly done), start using an RSS feeder, make
more notes on some of the things Kris is doing as it turns out there's much,
much more to it than I thought and I really should be more aware of what the
last six and a bit years of her life has been focused on, have a nice lunch,
do some planning for the cycling holiday we want to take up to Hadrian's Wall
in a few weeks time and last but by no means least relax. Oh, and do
some work.
Other thoughts that occur today include in no particular order: just how badly
I've been looking after my commuting bike if I can't get the pedals or the
cranks off with some serious elbow grease and a blowtorch (to heat up
the metal), just how weird it actually was to be running around Sheffield
after last having been there to visit Elaine all those times and then to watch
her graduate with a Masters after my small part in helping her finish it, how
great it is to be able to get in through our draconian firewall and have
access to my linux desktop and the unlimited power I can wield from my comfy
chair at home and lastly that after not being able to get the old pedals off
my bike that if I canget the cranks off instead the last bits of stuff which
weren't stripped from the bike I left at the station a year or so ago are just
the bits I need. That last one is very convenient... if I can get the old
bits off the commuter I'll be sorted!
So, things to do today, probably rowing this evening (here's hoping it doesn't
rain)_and a brand new day tomorrow. I've also got some emails to reply to
with regard to AR training and stuff, but I think that can wait a day or so.
[16:45] Don't get me started on the fact that it's bloody August already.
Seriously, how is that even possible? It puts into relief that there are a
good few things I really need to get on top of in the next few weeks or so
both professionally, athletically and personally.
Anyway, speaking of athletics it looks like I won't be going to Peterborough
this weekend for a chance to break my Novice duck in rowing. This is because
the race secretary failed to apply for a place in the regatta until the vastly
over-subscribed event was thus. Such is life. It does mean I get to spend a
whole weekend with Kris for once, which is guite marvellous. It doesn't, it
seems, stop me from having rowing outings this week though. That's OK as I
definitely need something to help me stay loose and limber after this weekend.
Following a long drive on Saturday morning I and my race partner (Hannah)
arrived in Sheffield for the Rat Race. A quick check in and a walk to the Rat
Race HQ and we had not only registered and collected our goodie bags, I'd also
bought a multi-sport helmet (thus not needing to cart around both a mountain
bike helmet and a climbing helmet on the Saturday). After having some packed
lunch back at the hotel we changed for the evening's 2.5 hour
prologue/orienteer and headed back to the start to wait for the other mixed
pair running under our group team name. Vastly more experienced I viewed them
as the yard-stick to compare against. They arrived just a few minutes before
the registration closed. Two hours before the start we recieved our route
books and spent the next forty minutes marking up our competition-provided
Sheffield A-Z.
The run began at precisely 17:00 and Hannah and I headed off into the city to
do a variety of challenges, long runs and general route finding. We didn't do
too badly all things considered and as the rain which had pervaded all through
the lead up had stopped it was fairly pleasant to speed around the streets.
Among the standard checkpoints to 'dib' at we had to fight against the current
in a leisure pool (and do the flume), sing a song on stage, make an origami
flower, skate board, do a climbing wall traverse and climb a tree. There were
others, but those were the ones that stand out. After about two hours and
twenty minutes we figured it would be better to head home and not incur a time
penalty. Our partner team beat us by a few checkpoints but we did pretty well
considering. What was equally pleasing was how tired we didn't feel at the
end. Even so, heading home, changing and showering in time to wander the town
in a fruitless search for some decent food (we resorted to a mobile van in the
end) lead to an early night for everyone even if I didn't get to sleep for a
good hour or so.
Given the obvious nature of the "Nine2Five" race and the need to get
routebooks, breakfast and bikes assembled everyone was up and about and eating
porridge for 06:00. This is pretty unpleasant for a Sunday morning. Still,
once there (having checked out and put all my stuff in someone else's car for
the trip home) we managed to scam a map from the organisers to replace the one
I'd packed into my bags as we left the hotel. This was duly marked up with
the monster route for the up to eight hours of (bike) saddle time we'd be
putting in and then we waited for the start. Racing with our partner team we
completed the initial foot race to spread out the pack and then actually got
ahead of them on the first dash to the dry ski slope where rubber rings were
employed to slide down to the bottom following the slog up to the top. The
cycle up to the "Ski Village" was pretty unpleasant in and of itself. It
paled in comparison to the slight wrong turning we took in trying to get to
the top of the hill behind the slope. That was where we probably lost the
first chunk of time to the rest of the pack and our partner team. Still, with
plenty of hard cycling up hill and down dale (and a few more wrong turnings)
we managed to make our way towards the Magna Centre via woods and a BMX track
and numerous steps and steep streets. It was exhilarating and with sensible
hydration I felt strong and energetic the whole time.
Unfortunately, owing to again following people too much, not quite reading the
route directions properly and generally being a bit new at this kind of thing
we got thoroughly lost and into a dead end for about twenty minutes which
really caused us to lag behind. By the time we were to dismount and do the
rope and harness stuff in the ex-steelworks we were about 55 minutes behind
the people I wanted to catch. Queues in the Magna Centre hindered us even
more but some rapid checkpoint discovery and some extraordinary cycling took
us from there to another bit of map reading failure on the way to Don Valley
stadium. Still, once that was done (and I'd failed to kick a rugby ball for a
conversion) we slogged a quick kilometer on foot to pick up another checkpoint
and then cycled for the kayak stage. This is where we made up serious time
and (by my calculations) did it at least ten minutes faster than the others
such that by the end of the whole race we finished only 45 minutes behind
them. Either way, the kayaking was a wonderful chance to stop pedaling and
use some other muscles. This did mean that when I got out of the thing at the
end my inner thighs cramped for a few minutes. Rehydrated and fed we powered
on back to the start to complete a space hopper challenge, a cargo net crawl
and an inflatable... thing. This just as our friends were finishing!
Still with five more checkpoints to go we headed back out on the bikes and
got a little more lost looking for a checkpoint I'd managed to tear off the
map in my haste to minimise the amount of folding I'd need to do. We binned
that one and endeavoured to find the others, managing to do so even while
going the "wrong" way up some of the steepest streets I've ever seen. We
finished feeling very happy with what we'd achieved... especially as, after a
change of clothes and some food we returned to find that we'd come second in
our class (behind our partner team of course) and 23rd overall against some
very experienced competitors! Blah blah blah, drive home, very tired, shower
and bed.
I was thinking about taking today off to recover but I felt pretty good when I
got up this morning so I've been drinking lots of water, eating slightly more
than normal and celebrating the fact that I'm free this coming weekend! There
were some moderately major problems at work over the weekend with log files
overflowing and backups failing to run but they're slowly getting sorted,
which is going to allow me to leave work dead on 17:00, go to Tesco and then
So, how was your weekend?