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March's Journal
May's Journal
[16:30] I was out rowing last night with the beginners (they needed a sub) and
out again at the crack of dawn (actually before, being rudely awakened by the
alarm and down at the boat house before 06:00) this morning. Once in
an VIII, once in a 4+. Neither outing was brilliant but they were interesting
for how each crew reacted (or didn't) to boat balance and calls from the cox.
Surprise of surprises I've actually got a seat in the Vets boat on Sunday and
Tuesday with a potential option for Saturday morning too. Although I think I
want at least one morning over the weekend for lazing around so I'll pass on
I cycled two bikes home last night too, which was interesting. A quick minute
with my replacement allan key multi tool once I got home and the levers were
in the right place for me to feel comfortable about using them... Now all I
need to do is use them. I'm not quite sure where/when at the moment. I
should look for some AR or MTB competitions and get myself along to them. The
problems are mainly transport to and from and whether or not I need body
armour (AR mountain biking usually doesn't which is good as I don't have any).
Everyone acknowledges that work is currently pretty dull. Even my boss only
really has meetings to go to at the moment. Still, we know work is coming as
the calendar/scheduler is loaded up like a machine gun about to fire work just
as soon as the days count down. We're just preparing, getting scripts in
place and generally making sure when the need arises we're ready to go.
Speaking of ready to go, I think I'll head off early and go for a quick jog
with Kris before people come over for the evening's food and filmage.
[16:55] It's happening. The machine I set up for two people to do some
sandbox stuff on is now getting used by more and more people. I'm fairly
certain that someone is going to put something important on it shortly and
suddenly it'll become and essential part of the server infrastructure despite
my best efforts and it being a desktop computer on top of a set of shelves in
someone's office. I've had to write basically a Terms & Conditions email and
send it to all the users (that I know about) saying, basically, that I might
turn off the machine at any time and jump up and down on the hard drive in
spiky boots. Even so I still don't think they got the message.
I cycled both bikes into town this morning. I'd only hoped to go down the
road to the closest bike workshop but they were booked up until 8 May for
repairs and such like. As a result I had to pedal right into the centre of
town before I could find a place that'd fit my new
M530 STi brake/shifter levers.
I didn't need them per se but my previous bike (which got stripped at
the train station a few years ago) had them and I'd really liked them. Plus
they were kind of a present for surviving the downhill and 4 hour enduro
mountain bike races a few weekends ago. It was good I got them so cheap as
the labour for fitting them wasn't that much less than their cost. I know I
could have fitted them myself but having someone else deal with the cables,
getting the grips off and on again and basically getting everything working
right saved me a lot of time that I don't have spare at the moment. Now I
just have to get out and use them.
I'm off rowing this evening with the development squad. I'm taking any offer
of a seat going at the moment as my squad really don't seem to be able to pull
anything together right now and I really want more water time. I jogged into
town at lunch time today to pick up my bike and was pleasantly pleased to find
that while there was a noticable ache to my left knee it didn't seem to be
that bad. I'll give it a bit more time and see how more rest works before
subjecting it to road pounding again.
Work is basically nothing for the moment with a flurry of activity coming next
Wednesday (five machines to reinstall). Between now and then I guess I'll be
doing some server patching, writing more documentation and keeping an eye on
what the web team are doing.
[16:55] The day started pleasantly, if with a little bit of confusion on my
part, swiftly dealt with by Kris. There was also some morning exercises and
the minor joy of not needing to make a packed lunch because it was burrito
day. It really is the small things sometimes...
Anyway, today has been another one of those vaguely lacklustre days work-wise.
I don't have a lot on at the moment so I find myself doing small tidy-up jobs,
installing bits of software for people and running up a quick install of RHEL5
for two of the web team who need a bleeding edge Ruby/Rails installation to
break things on. Lunch with Kris and Cormac and Abi and Shaun was fun as we
got to stare at small birds (goslings, ducklings, etc.) for an hour or so in
the sun.
That's about it, I guess. I'm off the the gym with Kris this evening to do a
pure cardio workout to compliment the 40 minute uncoached coached erg last
night which was depressingly hard.
[16:40] Today was another day when we got up in time to go to the gym before
work. My right shoulder/lat has been aching on and off all weeekend (but
oddly not when cycling or carrying something in my left hand). I didn't push
it in the gym and now it seems to be on the mend somewhat, finally. This is
good as I've got a coached erg session this evening and I actually want to be
able to finish it.
I had rowing on Saturday which was OK, I suppose. Nothing special or out of
the ordinary. I'm still not sure whether I'm getting enough water time to
make the standing order I have set up with the club value for money but, well,
we'll see what the summer brings. Sunday was Kris and I getting out on bikes
and cycling to a National Trust property about ten miles away for walking and
picnic fun. We even came a different way back. She took photos, I didn't and
I still need to put up the Cotswold photos up (sorry). I'll try and do that
tomorrow. I'm sure more stuff happened over the weekend but... no, hang on...
Kris and I went out for a meal in town on Saturday night. A lovely Thai
restaurant I haven't been to in ages. The food was lovely and I didn't over
eat either, which is something I'm trying to do a little more (not over eating,
not actually over eating) at the moment due to somehow gaining weight in the
last few weeks and even over the IROC weekend.
Anyway, getting to the gym again, coached ergs tonight and hopefully trying to
run again without a painful left knee on Wednesday could see me getting back
into proper shape again. I wonder if I'll get to do the Keswick Open5+ thing
in a couple of weeks...
[27/04/2009 10:10] Sorry, I meant to write this on Friday afternoon but I was
handed an interesting task to get up and running before I left for the day.
Given I needed to get out of the office by 16:30 and I was handed it at 16:00
it was a bit of a rush job. Basically it was setting up a Logitech Quickcam
Pro 5000 to record images once a second between two times during the day under
linux. I ended up with a script, a cron job or two and the linux-UVC v4l2
compatible device driver.
The day started with me in town reinstalling two machines which the project
developers decided actually needed to be RHEL5 rather than RHEL4. These are
the sixth and seventh machines to 'need' reinstalling with another OS than the
one which was originally slated, but it doesn't matter as my kickstart routine
is now a slick and well-oiled machine.
[16:35] I tried running with the AR group last night. After fifteen minutes
of running my left knee began to make mention of the fact that it wasn't keen
on the activity it was being asked to undertake and I had to stop. While this
meant I didn't get a run in, it did mean I could cycle home slowly in lovely
weather and get dinner ready for Kris when she got back from her running club.
That was nice as she's been doing most of the cooking recently and it's always
a good idea to try and even things up a little where possible.
As an experiment we got up at 06:00 this morning and headed to the gym before
work. Aside from feeling a little dozy to begin with (as well as feeling
quite out of shape and a little heavier than normal) it seemed to go quite
well so we're probably going to try it again, maybe on Saturday morning.
Although I will have to be down at the boat house for before 09:00 to get in a
boat and row, too.
Otherwise, today I've been helping clear up the mess created by programmers
and developers who somehow misconfigured mail server settings after
they'd initially seemed to get them right. Over 1000 emails went out which
shouldn't have. I've also been doing configurations for the machines I have
to reinstall tomorrow morning, having lunch with Kris in the sun (I think I
need to start carrying my sunglasses for the glare we're getting as sunlight
at the moment) and trying to find out why Red hat haven't activated my new
RHN subscriptions.
My right latissimus dorsi is still playing up at the moment. It's beginning
to to be quite annoying now. I don't recall how I managed to make it happen
and I hope it goes away soon. Tonight it's Tesco, Thursday and crispy,
battered/fried squid and other take away Chinese food.
[16:00] Back in work today. Not a lot happening at the moment so I'm catching
up on updating our Nessus installation with new versions, etc. I'm still
waiting to see if we're going to re-purchase a ProfessionalFeed thingy (which
I think we have to if we want to keep up to date). Other than that there was
another wonderful opportunity for lunch with Kris on the grass and an
afternoon to contemplate missing cables and AR training tonight in light of an
unhappy left achillies tendon which seems to have occured in the last 24 hours
or so.
We'll see how it goes.
[22/04/2009 - 15:45] I was ill today so I spent the day at home. Aside from
recouperating I actually managed to tidy the house and garden a bit. By the
evening I was capable of leaving the house without worry, so Kris and I went
for a light picnic on one of the greens. That was nice. I had an early bed
[17:10] I got back from IROC on Sunday and boy am I tired. It started off on
Friday with a long drive to the Durham Dales. Unfortunately, owing to the
time we set off we didn't get to put the tent up until gone midnight. This
didn't matter as we all dropped off to sleep fairly quickly.
In the morning, after a bit of food we set off on the first race of the day, a
15km fell run over some very tough ground. That did some serious damage to my
knees within about seven kilometers and I was feeling pretty damaged by the
end of it. This meant that the next two events (orienteering) had to be
conducted at a little less than maximum speed so that I didn't do anything
permanently debilitating. As such I came somewhere towards the bottom of the
field after my mid-table effort in the fell race. Having recovered a little I
felt I was able to take part in the night time mountain biking time trial...
which went quite well considering I'm not the world's best downhiller. After
that though I just couldn't face the prospect of another knee-pounding fell
run, this time in the dark so I sat that out and got some rest instead
(although I didn't get to sleep until everyone else got back and the 'live
band' had fallen silent). It was surprising just how much I needed to eat
after each of the events. After the second orienteering session someone else
in the team actually sat me down and made me some couscous before I collapsed.
Sunday morning was the 4 hour enduro mountain bike. It was a seriously tough
big lap/small lap/big lap/small lap/lather, rinse, repeat course. There were
some really impressive downhill sections through the forest and some long and
painful uphill sections. There were a number of times when I got full-leg
cramps (couldn't bend my knees, couldn't come off my tip-toes). I think that
might have been down to not enough salts during the course of the day.
Anyway, to cut a long and badly narrated story short (sorry, I'm still a little
spaced) I ended up doing five of the six events I'd entered for, finished just
above mid-table and still have the use of my knees. Oh yes, and I lost
everything out of my saddlebag when, in an exhaustion-induced haze I forgot to
zip it up again after taking a cereal bar out. I am therefore now missing one
bike tool and one brand new inner tube. Luckily I didn't need either of them
during the course of the race.
On the journey home I convinced everyone to stop for a Burger King at a
service station where for the first time in living memory I actually asked for
and spread salt all over my fries before scoffing them down with an XL Bacon
Double Cheeseburger. It tasted even more wonderful than usual for only having
eaten sugars and sugar-based things for the previous 48 or so hours. Not that
I disliked the excellent home-made cereal bars and trail mix that Kris made,
but sometimes a little bit of protien and carbohydrate really are necessary.
I know this was a poor writeup, and there are no photos either, but you can
probably get a bit more information from
if you really want. I'm off into town to meet Kris and then laze around in
Borders until it's time to go and have Kerala food at a lovely restaurant.
[14:50] I pretty much finished packing last night after Kris and I had been to
Tesco to get an imperial buttload of nuts, seeds and fruits for my trail mix.
It heaved it down with rain on the way home but we dried off fairly quickly.
Kris became a whirlwind in the kitchen and with very little help from me
whipped up two batches of home-made cereal bars and a crustless quiche which
we dined on both last night and for lunch again today. She really is
super-smashing when it comes to cooking and stuff. Other areas too. I'm very
Work has been quiet recently, so I've been catching up on a few things to fill
in the time. One of those things was vacuuming the server room to make it
look all shiny for management to poke around it on Monday. Between now and
then there's a cycle across town with a big rucksack, a drive to Durham, two
days of extremely strenuous activity at the IROC and a drive home. At some
point I may even get to wash. See you next week.
[16:30] It's a good job I'm not exercising today or tomorrow because I think
yesterday's 6km lunchtime run, 1.5 hours gym and an hour of night time
mountain biking seems to have made me feel quite tired today. Happily, I
think with tonight's early sleep and a relaxing half a day tomorrow (the early
evening and night being a bit more stressful with a drive up to Durham and
pitching a tent in the dark) I should be as fit as I can be at the moment for
the weekend's activities. We'll see on Monday when I report back (hopefully
in on piece).
Last night's mountain biking was pretty fun. Turns out the lights I've been
loaned are really astonishingly excellent. And things will be even better
when I couple them with the head torch I've also been given for the duration
of the weekend. I have to say, once the most urgent house repairs cost is out
of the way I may have to embark on a short period of intense research and
purchasing of outdoors/mountain biking related items. Ones that'll last me
for a good few years, if not longer.
I really should make a food shopping list for this evening and then get out of
here, home and to Tesco. I need to do pretty much all my packing this evening
as I'm off out of here around about 15:30 tomorrow afternoon. Batteries look
charged and hopefully all of my clothes have been washed (thanks to the
wonderful Kris). See you tomorrow for a short day.
[16:55] There was supposed to be a run/cycle last night with the AR crowd but
we ended up just doing a cycle instead. It was pretty good actually, although
I wish I hadn't had my locks with me. A positive outcome of the evening was
also that I got to borrow a Blackburn X8 light system for the weekend as well
as a far better head torch than I current have. It's just a shame I have to
give them back next week. Still, with my run at lunch time today and a late
night cycle tonight to check that everyone's getting decent coverage with
their lights it should all be good.
Not much has happened today otherwise. We leaned over the new rack here so we
could fit proper legs this morning. That required a pallet lift truck and a
few strong guys while someone screwed in the feet. It all seemed to go off
without a hitch, which was nice.
Other than that I think you're all up to date except that I haven't put up the
photos from the weekend yet, there's a ton of washing up (and washing) to do
this evening and my new saddle bag arrived just in time to fill it with a
spare inner tube, a cereal bar and some tire irons this evening. Hurrah!
I should go and meet Kris and try some more cycling on slick tyres in the wet.
[16:40] What a brilliant Easter weekend and birthday! Friday - of course -
started brilliantly with a lovely amount of presents from Kris and my family.
After that we finished packing, went to Tesco and then cycled out to collect
the car and on returning to the house threw the rest of the stuff in and got
the hell out of town. The drive across the country was almost completely
incident free, even using Google directions. We eventually got to
Shipton-under-Wychwood and our accommodation for the weekend and settled in.
It was a fabulous place; kind of like a large studio apartment with a nice big
bathroom and a brilliantly equiped kitchen area.
The next few days were spent relaxing, running up and down actual hills,
cycling everywhere (the car was only used to get us there and back, and yes we
had looked into trains and it just wasn't going to be economical, especially
not with the amount of food we brought (self-catering)) and enjoying only one
meal out (even if it was damned fine). We both had an absolutely
fabulous time even if our sleep wasn't of the finest quality due to the
pillows and the sun didn't ever really shine per se. What we did do is come
back with a bucketload or two of wonderful memories and a greater appreciation
for the lower gears on our bikes!
Having come back fairly early on Monday we were able to get some housework
(mostly washing) done and I was able to convert my old mountain bike to a much
more road-orientated setup. As I'd finally spent some money on some slimmer
inner tubes I was able to fit the completely slick tyres I'd been given free a
few years ago, get rid of the shifter for my completely siezed front
derailleur, take the back brakes off my old 'new' mountain bike (the one I
cycled across the country on which got stripped at the train station a year or
so ago) and replace the old and prone-to-jamming set on the old old
bike. It's quite a bit lighter now, makes almost no sound on the road and
handles very much more differently! Other than the fact that the rear
cassette needs replacing it's almost like having a new bike! I'm looking
forward to riding it a lot more in the near future (although tonight I think
I'm going to need the off road bike again, as well as my new purpose-bought (a
present from Kris) off-road running shoes as it's AR training again for this
coming weekend in Durham). I'm just not quite sure what kind of grip the
super-slick tyres are going to have in the wet!
There'll be a few photos from the weekend coming soon.
[16:45] Oh, I nearly forgot, someone posted two science fiction books through
my letterbox while I was away this weekend. Completely unwrapped (although
one was bubblewrapped). I have absolutely zero idea who they're from
(although they are/were on my Amazon wishlist). If someone can let me know
please I'll be sure and give them the thanks they deserve.
[15:35] Easter (and my birthday) start tomorrow. As a result I won't be here.
Instead I'll be in the Cotswolds hopefully enjoying some good weather
(forecasts don't look good) cycling, running, walking and enjoying a wonderful
time with Kris. I'll post some photos and stuff when I come back, some time
after Monday.
Today I have reprepped another two machines (one requiring a cycle into town
and back due to an inability to PXE boot from the comfort of my chair here in
the office. Still, it got me out of the building for a while. I also did a
really lovely and relaxed 6km run and tried to make sure that I stretched my
hamstrings and knees properly afterwards.
This is due to the fact that the Monday run left me in a bit of a worrisome
state and I didn't want a repeat of that. I think the rowing last night was
actually good for me, even if two of the other people in the 4+ I was in
weren't really switched on last night and caused us to nearly tip over a few
times. Not that I was hugely better but I wasn't quite that bad. I
put in a decent effort and learned a lot about setting smaller boats.
I'm off for a haircut right now and then that's it until Monday. No more
email, computers of anything like that. Brilliant!
[16:15] Something of a good day today. Firstly I had an optician's
appointment which meant I didn't need to be anywhere particularly quickly
first thing. That's always good. Then I toddled into work to have a bit of a
play with my new workstation. As I said yesterday it's basically the same
setup as the old one with perhaps a little more zip here and there. Lunch was
going to be a run until the fragrant Kris came up with the idea of sitting
outside together to eat. So I did that instead. No contest really. When I
got back from lunch there was an email from one of the developers saying that
the last two Xen DomUs under one particular project were now free and I could
tear down the Dom0 and rebuild it as a plain old RHEL5 server. In a way it
was kind of sad to see the last of my hard-earned knowledge be flushed away...
but in another it meant I got to reprep and update a server in less than
thirty-five minutes from shutdown to ready to hand over. That was nice.
Other than that I think I'm done for the day. I'll be heading off in just
under an hour and going for a nice row in a 4+ with some people this evening.
It'll make a change from last night when myself and six people took some cars
out to a heath a few miles out of town and while four of them went for a nice
long run among the rolling landscape I and another guy called Russ did some
speed orienteering over an old course to help get my skills sharper for the
IROC the weekend after next. He was fairly impressed with my abilities and
seems to think I won't have (too m)any problems, which is nice.
I think I should look at bike lights before this thing as the night time
mountain bike race is the only thing which is really bothering me now.
[15:25] I am speaking to you now from my new computer. Hurrah. a new
computer for the first time since I started at this here workplace. Because
of my hard work in copying over everything to do with my desktop configuration
as well as my actual data it actually looks and behaves in exactly the same
way as the old machine, just perhaps a little faster. Also I now have a
DVD-RW instead of just a CD-RW. Other than that I'm all spanning-desktopped
and thus far it seems like everything Just Works.
What didn't just work last night was my left knee. After a perfectly normal
(albeit hot) run at lunch yesterday I must have not stretched or
flexed enough afterwards and as a result my knee was really achesome and stiff
for the latter part of the afternoon and evening. This continued even after I
went home and the to hash for the evening. As a result about a kilometer into
the hash I turned off the trail and found Kris who was finishing her free yoga
session. We made it home and spent some time making a rather lovely pair of
steak sandwiches before retiring for the night. I don't know where it came
from but also occuring after my lunchtime run was an absolutely dire runny
nose. I don't think it was hayfever but I guess it could have been
a really pollen-laden day yesterday.
Happily it seemed to have vanished come the morning. I've spent the day doing
small bits of systems administration, copying over files and so forth from my
old machine to my new one and eating lunch at my desk so I can leave early and
head to my doctor appointment for a checkup before I go running out in the
countryside for some orienteering practice. Surprisingly we're having roast
duck this evening. Kris is in London today seeing some collections and
exhibitions and then will be coming home this evening. Hopefully I'll make it
home in time to help cook rather than just reaping the benefits of her
stunning cooking skills.
[16:55] Success! Success that is on the dual-headed desktop setup. Not that
I've achieved it with the Intel chipset in the Dell 760 desktop (Series 4), no
a very helpful colleague happened to find an ATI X300SE card complete with its
dual-DVI breakout cable and just handed it to me this morning. After a brief
bit of fiddling to try and put a full-height bracket on it I settled for just
bending the half-height bracket's securing top section straight with the rest
of the card and slotting it in. A few minutes later I had a machine-generated
xorg.conf which happily displayed two 1600x1200 desktops in Xinerama spanning
mode. This is brilliant and only requires a plastic-wrapped cable tie or two
to make the whole deal fool-proof. Hurrah!
Other than that I've done my first 6km of the year in hot weather and
discovered just how much harder that can be (even if I got a pretty
respectable time), done something to my knee so it aches a little (which could
be annoying for the hash this evening) and been trying to make my now-useful
new desktop as similar to the current one upon which I'm typing this journal
entry as possible. This could take a few hours. Once that's done I'll copy
over all my files and move to the new, faster machine.
It was Kris' birthday on Saturday. We woke semi-early and did the whole
presents thing which went down very well as far as I can tell. For a
twenty-*mumble* year old she got a pretty good haul, even if I say so
myself. Once all of that was done and dusted I headed out for a row and left
her to a run and gym session before we met up again back at the house
afterwards. The rest of the day was pretty much fun, napping and enjoying
ourselves before we headed out into town to wander, buy things, have a nice
drink in Borders and then head to a local Kerala restaurant to meet friends
and enjoy good company. A very good day, I reckon.
Sunday was just as nice, as was the weather. I didn't managed to mow the lawn
as I'd hoped but Kris and I did host Kate and her boyfriend for a genuine
American-style brunch with pancakes, maple syrup and bacon (also orange
juice). After that we just had some chill out time and then headed over to
Cormac and Steph's house for an impromptu barbeque as the sun went down and
the temperature dropped. By the time we got home it was all we could do to
watch a smidgen of television and head to bed.
If my knee calms down I'll be hashing this evening while Kris is going to
yoga and then we'll come home and have smashing steak ciabatta sandwiches
before some well-deserved chilloutedness.
[15:15] Rowing last night was a mixture of being pleased to be back in a boat
and mild frustration at only having seven people in the boat (not including
the cox) such that the boat was unbalanced a lot of the time and rather
difficult to get a feel for. Still, being out in a boat again after so long
was pretty good. I went to bed fairly soon after I got home, although Kris
and I watched some television over dinner just to wind down from the day a
The reason for the early night was that I needed to be at work before 07:00
this morning for the major server moves we had planned. I arrived just as the
removals guys turned up. We got the kit out to their truck (with tail lift)
with only one mishap; they managed to snap one of the wheels off the rack we
were relocating by pushing it too hard into the slightly-angled lip of the
external door's frame. Luckily we pull in power and connectivity to racks at
the server room it was going to via the ceiling, so there was no problem with
taking all four wheels off and sitting the rack directly on the floor. Once
all the kit was in we headed down to the other server room and moved
everything into the room and then with my Ops Manager in attendance (he used
to be a field engineer for Digital) powered down the OpenVMS cluster,
partially dismantled it and had it moved back to our main server room (along
with a Sun E450). I stayed behind and racked up seven servers and a disk
array, sorted the power, service processor and network connections and got
them all up and running.
Rather than get a taxi back to work I wandered around town for a few minutes
to get some dried fruit for muffins this weekend and then headed back via
Kris' workplace to give her the fruits (ho ho ho) of my labours. Since being
back I've brought my blood sugar back into the normal variance with lunch,
sorted a few broken bits and pieces here and generally looked forward to the
end of the week and the beginning of birthday week (Kris tomorrow, me next
Friday). I think it's going to be brilliant.
Weekend plans: Rowing, a present or two, fun, dinner with friends, brunch with
other friends, cycling if the weather's nice and perhaps some really good fun
here and there as well.
[17:00] Mostly today I have been assembling everything I need to take a rack
and a pile of machines down to the other server room at a horrible hour of the
morning tomorrow. Seven machines, one array, two switches, four fibre runs
and a fair amount of cabling, power cabling and switch configuration need to
be done. I also need to coordinate with the Operations Manager who will be
waiting for me and the computer removals company so he can down the VMS
cluster (for the first time in years) and help transport it back to the
machine room here. That's going to to be deeply 'interesting'.
The weather has been lovely today but after yesterday's 45 minute, 12 mile
cross-country mountain bike dash yesterday evening and tonight's rowing I
figured I should rest for at least some of the day. Kris is yogaising this
evening so we're both doing lots of good, fun exercisey things.
In light of a lot of people not being able to come to the birthday brunch
thing we'd organised we've postponed it until more people can make it and are
hiring a car and will be driving across the country to a rather lovely place
north of Burford instead. This is for my birthday weekend which happens to
coincide with Good Friday and Easter Monday this year, which is nice.
Anyway, I should head off now and make sure I get to the boathouse in time.
Not that anyone else will, but I like to show willing. That and it's going to
be a long day tomorrow and could be extremely tiring.
[15:00] Right, so I was going to tell you about the weekend wasn't I? Well
to tell you the truth I'm not sure I can remember what we did on Saturday any
more. I think I went to the boat house and did my job on the cleaning rota
while Kris went for a run in the rain. After that we went to Tesco and got an
imperial buttload of shopping seeing as we'd been pretty low on quite a number
of things. While I mention it I should tell you about the excellent evening
we had last Wednesday (seeing as it was a week ago) which was a trip to the
cinema with home made buttered pop corn and then a fabulous meal at Pizza
Express. A cheap but uber-tasty evening in every respect. As for Saturday I
honestly can't remember what else happened that day. Maybe I'll remember (or
be told) for tomorrow's entry.
Sunday on the other hand was memorable. Kris and I toddled into London having
remembered to change the clocks at around 03:00. Well, I woke up and
remembered for no readily-apparent reason. Anyway, we got in in plenty of
time to wander around Covent Garden for a bit before the shops opened and we
spent some time drooling over and considering shells and other bits of very
useful outdoor clothing. Taking a break we met one of Kris' academic
acquaintances, wandered around a book shop and then took him for lunch at
Tokyo Diner before heading back to Covent Garden to bid him farewell and spend
more time pondering expensive bits of material. In the end we both spent a
fair bit of money (my birthday present to myself was a lightweight Gore-Tex
shell), checked out the ice-climbing installation at Ellis Brigham that we'll
hopefully go to try in a few weeks and then made our way home. After all that
it just seemed like the right idea to relax for the rest of the day...
although again I'm sure we did something else, I just can't remember what.
Maybe I'll add more tomorrow on that.
Today started off busy. First off Kris and I were a little later leaving the
house than we'd planned on account of discussing something really important,
then I had my contact lens checkup (must remember to book a sight test) and
came into work. Immediately I got to work putting that hungry CD drive back
in the server and kickstarting it and the other one into their new
incarnations. Since then I've had lunch out in the glorious sunshine with
Kris, sent a few important emails, confirmed my entry into the
IROC and tried to think some more
about which building quote to go with. The last one is extremely confusing
and I wish someone else would made the decision for me.