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June's Journal
August's Journal
[16:55] Up at 05:30 this morning we actually had a key for the boathouse (not
like last night where we had to stand around for about half an hour before we
could find someone to let us into the boat house). Last night's outing wasn't
great. This morning's was a whole lot better, even if the whole boat feels
really, really unset. I'm pretty sure it's down to me not being in the bow
seat at the moment and two 'new' people in the crew, on the opposite side than
they're used to. I have to admit I'm pretty much keen on getting back in the
bow seat as soon as possible. I used to hate it but now, well, I love the
ability to steer the boat (at least in one direction), the need to be fast
and the ability to do my own part in setting the boat because of my view of it
and everyone's oars. Here's hoping I'm back there after Peterborough.
Work has been dull today. Which has been useful on one level as its been far
too hot and muggy to actually concentrate on anything important. I have
reset an SP on one of our Sun x4200 M2 servers which complained about a -12V
rail problem, prodded Redhat about RHEL 4 Update 7 and written a ton of
emails. It must be nearly time to go home.
[16:45] Another beautiful day here. I started it, as I'm trying to (and have
succeeded so far since I started last week), with some exercise. This nicely
loosened my legs up again after the tightness in my muscles caused by my first
trip back to the gym in quite a number of weeks. The gym session was rather
good though, actually. I enjoyed it quite a lot and found I wasn't much off
the strength I'd built up before I took my enforced break. Following that I
cycled over to Cormac and Steph's to help them finish off the last of the
party food and watch some Life on Mars episodes.
It's cool enough at night that I'm still managing to sleep fairly well, not
only that but I'm sleeping to a moderately sensible hour too. I think I have
exercise and keeping the curtains mostly closed to thank though. I've no idea
what kind of state I'd be in if I wasn't tired/relaxed enough to sleep long
enough past sunrise.
Aside from from quite interesting email conversation and some show and tell
excitement the day has been fairly relaxed and moderately productive. I've
tidied up a few httpd configuration files, organised my rowing for the next
few days (tonight, so no climbing, and tomorrow morning) and had a
constructive conversation about SSL certificates. As it is I should probably
head home now and get ready to go out on the river. As I said the weather is
pretty lovely here today so I'm actually looking forward to being out in a
boat rather than inside on a wall.
Now I think about it I wonder if there's going to be an opportunity to get out
on some real rock this year. The weather has been so good recently it'd be a
crying shame not to. I'll talk to Cormac and see what he says. I've a few
weekends filled up with stuff coming up, but the weekend of 30th/31st August
might be good.
[17:05] After work I went to Tesco and did my 'bulky buy' run. This left me a
little tired, but still with enough energy to attempt my standard run again.
It was just as humid as Sunday but I managed it with only a stop for ablutions
at a handily-located pub on the return leg. A definite improvement over the
previous attempt but my legs haven't thanked me for it. Tough titties to
them, they're going to have to learn. Especially as I'm not in the boat for
the upcoming Peterborough Regatta (and therefore the training rows leading up
to it). As a result I'm also heading off to the gym for the first time in
ages to see if I can't get some of my other muscles back into shape. I'm
pretty certain it's going to be a fairly painful and tiring session, but it's
for my own good.
Another thing which is most definitely for my own good is not looking at
certain journals/blogs/web pages when I've been doing really rather well at
getting my head in order. Silly; must remember not to do that again until I'm
much further on with more important things. A conversation the likes of which
I've been having more of again recently certainly got me back on track again
but I shouldn't have come off the rails so much to begin with. The idea of
transmuting regret into nostalgia sounds like a good one. I'll try that.
Workwise the web developers managed to run the main web server out of memory
twice in fairly quick succession today with badly formed CGI queries. I've
prodded them (the machines and the developers) and things seem better now.
The crowning moment of the day was when one of them emailed me and said "hey,
why don't we do failovers to the standby boxes on a regular basis? You know,
to test that everything works as it should?" If he'd been a girl, and pretty,
and we'd both been single I'd have gone upstairs and kissed her. However none
of the above is true, so I settled for emailing back an effusive affirmative
and left it at that. Maybe he'll tell other people and the sysadmin job might
not be quite so hard for other people.
[15:50] Well, we bumped on Friday. Very quickly too, surprisingly. Possibly
even faster than the night before. This means we got 'blades' which is rather
funky. I'd explain, but I don't think you're actually that interested. What
is amusing is that we probably rowed less than 130 strokes over the course of
the week's races. In anger anyway. To be honest some of the rows back were
more tiring than the actual races themselves. The party in the evening was
pretty fun although I did leave at about 01:00 before the naked rowing took
place (if it did).
The early departure was so I could make something of the day on Saturday.
With an early start I made it to Homebase and back with some pollyfiller, a
filling knife, sandpaper, bathroom sealant, sealant gun mechanism and some
paint brushes. My first ever go at filling then followed with me learning a
lot rather quickly. Although I think I've done a good job I'm pretty sure I
can do better the next time I need to do some filling. I'd fully intended to
sand it down and paint it in the afternoon (it's quick drying stuff) but I'd
forgotten that it was Cormac and Steph's house warming in the afternoon so I
toddled over there instead and had a great old time with most of the people
who'd come to Porlock a few weeks back (must get those photos up!) before
leaving there and cycling home some time around midnight.
Sunday I decided to get back on the exercise-other-than-rowing bike and went
for a run. It was hot. Damned hot. Real hot. I didn't manager the full
distance for ankle and energy reasons but I fully intend to go for a second
attempt tonight once the temperature has dropped a little. After that there
turned out to be something of a picnic with most of the people from the
previous evening's party so I bought some food and headed out there to join
them. That then turned into a laze about with Cormac at his house while Steph
went shopping and then we all toddled over to the cinema to see Wall-E before
going home, cooking some slightly out of date steak and going to bed happy, if
not a little too hot.
Today has been hot. Extremely hot. Most of the morning was spent walking to
and from town to visit the two other server rooms to collect rack rails,
install a switch and buy soap. Annoyingly Boots appear to have discontinued
the oatmeal soap I've known and loved for the last fifteen years or so. This
is deeply annoying as I liked it a lot and made my skin actually stop being
spotty when I was a younger person than I am now. I don't know what I'm going
to switch to now. Work this afternoon has been sparse and consists mainly of
replying to emails (not all of them work), thinking about the reply to one
specific email (yes, that one) and planning the next bit of Oracle-based work
that I need to do.
Tonight is a hot and sweatsome trip to Tesco and back with an airconditioned
struggle through the aisles in the middle. I may then go for a run/jog
depending on how hot/humid it is and how much I can be bothered.
[14:10] Another bump last night. Our fastest yet. I think the boat in front
caught a crab, but our bank party claims not. Either way we had them within
22 strokes. This time around it was me (at Bow) rather than Stuart at 2 who
ended up beating up the cox of the bumped boat. Given she conceeded late it
was just as much her fault as ours that I smacked her across the lower back
with my loom while my guys were trying to hold up the boat. When the other
boat rowed on they ended up dragging my blade back over her so she ended up
with her head danging into the water in an attempt to get clear of it. I
apologised, of course. She looked near to tears but I think it was the
adrenaline of the race coupled with a good few beatings with an oar. This
does, however, mean that we're on for 'blades' this evening. Blades (a
painted oar in your club colours with your club's crest and the crew names
painted on it) are awarded to any boat which bumps every day of Bumps. The
fact that we bumped twice on the first day has no bearing on things
There's no-one else in the office today which means I'm left to my own devices
for once. This has meant I've been doing some work. Just perhaps
not as much as I might. I'll get out of here at 16:30 today, head home and
eat something before tonight's race. We have no idea if we'll catch the boat
in front of us quickly or not this time. Theoretically they're not very good
but we also have to worry about the boat we bumped last night being out for
blood... A quick bump may be what we need if the boat behind looks like it
may be catching us.
This morning's conversation with Kris was lovely. Its been a while since
we've been able to talk about things as concentratedly and in-depthly as that.
Definitely a highlight to the day. I should get on with eating lunch and
then go for a short walk outside with something to drink. It's another hot
one here and I'd like to experience it more than just from inside a boat. We
have a party at the boathouse this evening after Bumps. It may be a late one.
Hopefully this weekend will see me getting back into running again. Perhaps
even a trip to the gym. I certainly intend to get down to Homebase or B&Q for
some polyfiller to start patching some holes in preparation for repainting
parts of the entrance hall and kitchen. I'l let you know how that goes on
Monday. As well as the Bumps result, of course.
[16:55] We bumped again. This time in less distance than it took the previous
night for the second bump. That's right, from the back (but one) of the
division we still managed to bump the crew ahead before they'd reached the
road bridge over the river. So concentrated on the boat in front was the cox
of the boat we bumped that we had to hit her on the back with the blade loom
of the number 2 seat before she'd conceed. Not that that wasn't amusing for
us. It's just a shame that the few starts and practices we did on the way
back weren't as clean and set up as the race had been. Tonight's bump is
going to be extremely hard to achieve given who's ahead of us. It may be that
we have to overbump as the boat in front of us stands a good chance of getting
the boat in front of them quite quickly. This could mean we're rowing
hard for close on the whole course before we potentially achieve a
bump. It'd be nice to get one, that'd keep the pressure on for getting blades
on Friday.
After the race I was convinced to cycle back down the course with most of my
crew to watch the higher divisions race. That was pretty great. Just as
great was going home and having a nice pizza with a mass of vegetables and a
tin of rice pudding (not at the same time) before relaxing for an hour or so
and heading to bed. Exercise is brilliant. You really do sleep well at night
and wake feeling all rested and a tiny bit achey and ready to face the day.
Of course, when the day is a a work period of dullness, a hefty and filling
lunch and an anticipation of the evening's activities it can tend to drag
somewhat. I should head off and get myself ready for this evening. Here's
hoping we do what we need to and no-one catches a crab. More tomorrow.
[17:05] Hurrah, two wins last night! We're out of our division and into the
one above now. Not only that but we're out of the sandwich boat position too.
The first race was a little worrying at the start as we were close to getting
caught right off the line but we pulled away and caught the boat in front in
short order. The bump was quite light and the relief was strong when I felt
the impact. The second bump was even better, despite a fluffed stroke/crab
from Stroke we still managed to land a rather hefty thump on the boat in front
and we cheered quite loudly in response.
Oddly there wasn't much feeling of celebration for me once I got home. I
think I was more tired than elated. Food was eaten and my mood improved
slightly before I went to bed.
Today I have been famished almost all the time. Breakfast, three quarters of
a malt loaf, a bacon and sausage baguette, lunch... and I'm still hungry. I
should go home and eat something else before the race at 18:45. Have a good
evening and I'll tell you about tonight tomorrow.
[15:30] I woke this morning feeling fairly good. Stuffing down two bowls of
cereal was probably not the best thing I could have done but I really feel
like I need to be as full of fuel as possible for this evening (and the next
few days). The lunchtime burrito helped but I'm still feeling a little bit of
stomach ache which is either remnants of last week, nervousness or overeating.
Today's work has been light (happily), with just a bit of discussion about
backup schemes and some Apex cogitation on top of the usual day-to-day things.
I'm looking forward to getting out of here at 16:30, heading home and then to
the boathouse for the first of (potentially two) races this evening. I'll let
you know tomorrow how well (or badly) we did on day one.
[17:05] I'm better, but not best, with regard to the stomach bug I had last
week. Last night was probably the first night I've slept soundly and not felt
I needed to go to bed at 20:30 just so I wasn't falling asleep on the sofa in
the evening too. Not that that didn't mean I needed some pick-me-up in the
middle of the afternoon (which was pretty great, let me tell you). As for the
weekend, both mornings was rowing training. One a late one and the other
early. Both seemed to go quite well all things considered (what with me
sometimes slamming a blade handle into my tender stomach) and were helpful
considering we've been messing about with gate heights for the blades. I
opted to do very little else in the day past some minor housework, washing up
and tidying over the weekend. Hopefully this kind of slothful indolence
(which gave me itchy feet) will have helped my body recover from the illness,
the rowing exertions I put upon it and served as a great reminder that sitting
still at the weekend is really, really dull. Still, Kate came over (being
back in town for the week) on Saturday to say hi and catch up on this and
that. Sunday I did my usual Tesco run but half way through contemplated just
dumping the entire trolley and heading home, so overtaken by lethargy was I at
that moment. I think my energy levels are on the rise again now, luckily. I
should be careful for a few days, I think.
Otherwise, tonight there's our last session before tomorrow's start to the
week's racing. I imagine the river is going to be heaving this evening.
We'll see. We were nearly hit by a women's boat from our own club on Sunday.
That would have been embarrassing. Today's work has been struggling some more
with Dell's OMSA, a PowerEdge 2650 and RHEL 5 as well as a smidgen of Apex
stuff. I must remember to eat something before rowing tonight or I may just
feel a little drained afterwards. I have to say generally that I don't feel
as fit as I used to, recently. Once these races are over I hope to get back
into some more regular climbing, running and gym so I don't feel quite so... I
don't know... unfit.
[17:00] I made it into work today despite a very tender and aching stomach.
That kind of thing is not a reason to stay off work. I've tried to get some
things done today but the discomfort has been fairly pervading. Still, better
than sitting at home feeling sorry for myself and guilty that I wasn't sick
enough to be there.
PowerEdge 2650 servers feel very old these days. Especially when you're
trying to install even slightly more recent software on them (Dell's OMSA 5.4
for example) and things go tits up when it comes to IPMI interfaces and the
like. I'll take another look on Monday when the collective might of the
mailing lists have pondered it and given me a solution.
I really hope I'm mended by tomorrow morning or the outing is going to be...
uncomfortable at best. See you all on Monday when hopefully things will be a
little more interesting to read about than my gastrointestinal problems.
[18/07/2008 - 11:15] When I woke at 05:00 I had about two seconds of simply
feeling tired before my stomach began to feel really very odd. I don't know
what caused it (possibly using a chopping board that I hadn't washed properly
the previous night for my pizza, putting extra chorizo on said pizza or just a
stomach bug) but by the time I got to the boat house I'd already had two
incidents in the small room. The outing on the other hand was pretty
brilliant. After all the time we'd spent re-rigging the boat, aside from a
few people not completely keen on their gate heights, we had close to our best
full-speed piece ever. And that with a replacement in the boat for the outing
who wasn't very good.
I came home after the outing, had a shower, emailed work to say I wouldn't be
in today and went to bed. Happily I never actually vomited but I felt
completely rotten all day and only drank water when I began to feel dehyrated
and got the standard headache. By about 19:00 I felt I should have some food
so cooked up some carrot and coriander soup and did two slices of bread and
margarine. Pretty much straight after that I went to bed for the night. Cue
another night of being alternately too hot or too cold and waking every 1.5
hours or so.
[17:20] Another early morning outing. 'Luckily' I'm waking early anyway so
that 05:00 is merely unfortunate rather than impossible. The outing was
tolerable. We'd been out last night in one boat and then found we had the
repaired part to fix our old boat. This necessitated a few of us volunteering
to stay behind and spend about an hour swapping footplates around and rigging
the boat to make it ready. Unfortunately the boat still needed a lot of
adjustments which meant that this morning's outing saw us listing to the bow
side almost all the time. Hopefully some work on it this evening will see it
right for tomorrow's outing and future rows (like the races next week).
Today there was something of a breakthrough (thanks Kris!) at work with regard
to the Apex project I'm working on. It turns out that if our Apex
developer(s) 'simply' turn off the login page in whatever application they
create, the work I've done on plugging in our in-house authentication
mechanism will be enough to provide them with a REMOTE_USER variable which
they can use to say either a) you're a Joe User and you don't get any rights
other than to use the application or, b) you're one of my bestest pals and you
have rights above the ken of mortal men. The trick is now to find/create some
sample code to give to the developers so that they can get on with doing what
they need to and I can get on with the multitude of other task - big and
small - which require my attention. For example, this afternoon was mostly
spent in town realigning a wireless transmitter/receiver pair with the most
acute line-of-sight angle I've ever seen... and then bringing a decommissioned
PowerEdge 2650 back to recommission it as our new SNMPd trap server.
Now though I'm off to the boat house to finish rerigging the boat and to hope
that the person with the tools is going to be there with them. It's highly
likely there will be all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet in my future.
[17:00] Some progress on the Apex stuff today. Nothing but some relaxation
last night and I'm still tired today. I was tempted to go to the gym but
erred on the side of caution in case tonight is a really tough outing. Anyway
this Apex stuff is really annoying. With the help of a coworker I thought I'd
made some real progress, but it turns out the problem is going to be much more
complicated than previously thought and therefore a whole lot more work. We
tried a new tack of analysing the POST URL sent back to the web server on
successful login, and then modifying it to make it as simple and generic as
possible. It turns out that this doesn't work when there's no session or page
IDs previously set up. I know you don't really know what I'm going on about
but it's useful to me to talk it out somewhat. Anyway, I'm not sure whether
to carry on in this area or try something else.
Either way it's the end of the day and I need to go home and eat something
before the outing.
[16:45] It's all about the rowing at the moment. Saturday and Sunday both had
outings. For one of them I was in the 7 seat and the other at bow. All good
stuff and we're really starting to come together as a crew now. The balance
(or "set") to the boat is beginning to become more natural. Saturday evening
one of my crew created a culinary curry masterpiece and fed 21 of us down at
the boathouse before I managed to escape just before midnight. I heard tell
on Sunday that others had stayed until 02:30. Sunday afternoon I was so ready
to go for a run but ended up simply relaxing and eating (more 'grazing') for
much of the afternoon before going out to see Kung Fu Panda with some of the
usual crowd.
We had a morning outing before work today. Up at 05:00 I was down to the boat
house for 05:45 having even dome some chores and things. The outing was
another man short again but we did some seriously useful technical work and
were setting the boat better again.
Work today has been completely different to what I was planning. Getting my
head around the authentication/authorisation issue I had last week was the
idea. What I've been doing instead is trying to figure out which Oracle
applications are installed on some of the linux boxes here and how those that
need to be can be upgraded with minimal downtime on the applications and
databases they support given a bug in SQL*Plus to do with long system uptimes.
An email about it all has been written and sent. Now there needs to be
discussion and resolution before I start doing things. After that I can get
back to the other thing I was doing. Or maybe do them both at the same time.
Men can multitask just as well as anyone else.
Hurrah for no rowing this evening. I might go to the gym, but probably not
given I want to stay rested for rowing. Definitely after the races are over
at the end of next week though.
[16:45] I'm just a smidgen unhappy about how things are going with this
project. There really isn't a clear path to get things working with our
in-house authentication and the Oracle authorisation scheme (not the two
different words there?) short of doing some actual Javascript which is run on
the return from the external authorisation to load the page we should have
gone to beforehand, stript some autogenerated values from the autogenerate
HTML (probably from some bastard mix of XML, CGI, PHP and Oracle DB) create a
POST string with some dummy username and password credentials, wrap all that
up in some tags and send that to the Oracle (*cough* Apache *cough*)
web server and break on through to the other side. Break on through to the
other side.
This stuff is actually really interesting. Really. I just wish I was smart
enough to get my head around being able to do it. Still, I know what
I need to do so I can be explicit and concise in the help I ask for on Monday.
That, at least, will mean there's some more progress next week. Of course, I
need to reread this entry on Monday so I can remember...
There was a brief deluge (again) today, with associated thunder and lightning.
Happily it seems to have stopped in time that we'll be able to get out for our
outing at the proper time (ARA rules dictate that you should wait a period of
time after a storm of that kind before venturing out on the water). Hurrah.
I then need to get back, get clean and dry, make some food and do other
important things with the evening. Naturally this weekend will contain more
rowing, a curry at the boathouse and probably some kind of Sunday afternoon
exercise too I'll be bound. It may be the gym (unless the weather is
incredibly good) as I'm wasting my membership if I don't get back there now
and then.
Last night's Thursday was quiet. Just a few people and a single film. Still,
nice to see Ian who hadn't come on the Porlock holiday with us. Oh, and
finally it looks like the free RAM I got from a friend has been making my
home desktop machine crash (possibly in conjunction with the filling up of the
C: drive I did a few weeks back). I've swapped the RAM back out again until I
can ascertain what the cause is. Installing Windows XP Service Pack 3 is most
definitely not a sensible thing to do right now. Having the box
randomly reboot in the middle of applying that would be... Bad. Have a good
[17:15] Rowing wasn't too brilliant last night. Everyone catches crabs now
and then (although I think some of the crew haven't yet) but I caught two.
The coach we had was pretty brilliant and taught us a whole lot of stuff. So
much so I think that by the middle od the outing we were all a little tired
and despite thinking we were "switched on" and concentrating our technique
suffered a little. As a result we didn't go for our early morning outing this
morning and instead are taking today as a rest day. I have to admit, I think
we all need it, despite our complaints that we're all good to go. I know I
enjoyed not getting up at 05:00 this morning.
Today's work has mainly revolved around trying to get Oracle's Application
Express to work with our in-house authentication mechanism for Apache. I have
to say, it's not going well at all. There's so much php, cgi and plsql in
there that I really don't know what the hell I'm doing. I don't hold out much
hope that I'm going to be successful in getting things as they're required. I
find this distinctly annoying as it's the first project I and the slightly
junior DBA have been handed and we may not be able to deliver. We'll give it
a good few more days though and see what we can rustle up. "Don't be afraid
to ask for help" is going to be our motto I feel.
So busy have I been today that I've barely had time to reply to any emails and
only just managed a walk around the building at lunch to relieve the monotony
of sitting in front of a computer all day. Right now I'm going to try and
finish at least one and then get on home to see if I can make an impression on
the masses of crockery that needs washing up.
[17:15] Kris went home today. She'll be back soon. I miss her. I now throw
myself into my work, rowing and generally getting things done. Pretty much
all the good things I can to keep occupied, busy and productive.
Working with Oracle's Application Express software is distinctly counter to
this decision as it seems to be a steaming pile of... well anyway. When you
install the linux version on a linux box and then wonder if (given there's an
apxs binary) you can add in another Apache module to the rebranded httpd in
the web front end and find hardcoded references to perl modules along paths
that don't exist and Sun compilers you know it's not going to be a good day.
Hopefully I may have a solution, but we'll see tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow. I'm rowing at 06:00, have a dentist appointment at
08:00 and will then be in work and doing things hopefully by 09:00. I'm
rowing this evening in less than two hours so I should probably head home and
get ready. Of course it's raining, quite a lot. Still, mustn't grumble. At
least not too loudly.
[16:35] It was rather pleasant not to have to get up at the crack of dawn this
morning and go down to the boat house. Especially when I had company.
Instead I'm rowing this evening in a Head race through basically the twisty
part of the river here in town. With luck we won't be subjected to torrential
rain the likes of which we had yesterday for most of the day.
Last night's relaxation consisted of watching the Top Gear from Sunday along
with lashings of cheese, bread (home made), apple, vegetables and pate.
Pretty much the best indoor picnic I've had in a good long time. And there
was also beer. I still went to bed before 22:00 in an effort to recover some
sleep from the deficit I amassed last week which meant that when I woke this
morning I didn't actually feel too bad, aside from from stupid dreams.
Today's work has consisted of install Sun compilers and compiling Apache
modules for Solaris 10 Apache 1.3.x as well as working out what run away
processes were bringing one of our linux boxes to its knees (stupid MGE UPS
software). Lunch with Kris, Cormac, Shaun and co. was pretty lovely too, even
if the last few minutes of it were rain-covered. Definitely nice to see Kris
meeting another one of my friends and both sides telling me that they liked
the other. Definitely something to be encouraged and a really positive aspect
to things that hadn't always been in evidence previously.
Kris heads off back to America tomorrow and I go back into batchelor mode with
regards to nutrition, abode cleanliness and personal hygiene (just kidding).
I will however miss her quite a bit and am looking forward to her return in
August (especially as it gets me out of a loud overnight boatie drinking
session in Peterborough). Must go, rowing to do.
[16:10] Hallo there! Welcome back. You may not have noticed (what with you
doing other things, like traveling the world, traveling home, seeing old
friends and enjoying the incredible British weather but I've been
away for a week. Yes, I and twenty nine or so other people (including
children, married couples and Kris) have been in Somerset (and Devon, briefly)
staying in a small hotel/large house just outside of Porlock. We were there
for two of the group's delayed 35th birthday celebrations. Oddly it turned
out that, after journeying there by multiple trains and hired cars, I'd
actually been to the area before only a year previously and so it was with a
mild sense of deja vu that some of my wandering time was experienced. As fun
as that had been, sharing a fifteen room house with pretty much almost all of
my current friends and acquaintances, having Kris with me and doing all our
own cooking and entertaining was a completely different experience unlike any
other I'd had to date. I was pretty damned sure there'd be some kind of
argument or busy up before the end but remarkably everyone survived intact.
Even the children.
Actvities included dressing up in formal wear and taking a vintage open-top
double-decker bus to a steam train to have dinner on a train while a Murder
Mystery was performed for us, hiking, running most mornings for Kris and I,
kayaking and sailing on Wimbleball Lake, more walking, cycling to Porlock to
spend massive amounts of cash in the local economy, power kiting, reading
while the heavens were open and deluging the earth, pass-the-parcel, bouncy
castle fun and hiring a cinema (in Lynton) for a private performance
(including a tour of the projection room). Lots more happened, there was
plenty to do, lots to see and as much fresh air as you could breath. Other
than running to Bossington one day (but not up the Hill) it was all a
wonderful set of new experiences which left me significantly tired on my
return on Friday.
Having broadband at the house meant I was able to keep up with email every now
and then so I was able to confirm that I'd be rowing on the Saturday and
Sunday mornings. Not only that but that I'd also be in the boat (at Bow,
obviously) for the races at the end of the month. As a result it's likely
there will be outings almost every day between now and then. I was up and on
the water for 06:15 this morning and there's another one of those planned for
Thursday morning too. Between now and then there's a timed Head race tomorrow
evening and an evening outing on Wednesday. Yes, all go at the moment. I'm a
bit disappointed that gym and climbing are taking a bit of a back seat to this
new sport currently. Hopefully once July is over I'll have some time to
devote to keeping the rest of me in shape again.
Kris is still here (until Wednesday morning) so I've more than enough reason
to leave work on time and get home. If nothing else there's last night's Top
Gear to watch. Hmmm, what else? My brain continues to bubble and froth a
little now and then. Now I think about it though, its been a few days since
any kind of major upheaval, which is nice. I wonder if it's the exercise
evening me out again. I should go, today has been an extremely busy day with
lots of software to install/upgrade (including that more recent version of
CVSNT) and documentation to write (which really could have done with being
publically accessible before I went away given some of the things I'm told
happened). Oh yes, and we all have Cisco 7941 IP phones on our desks now. If
someone knows how to change the ringtone without resorting to Cisco Call
Manager then let me know.