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June's Journal
August's Journal
[12:35] 40-1 So yeah, the wedding! I have to say that's probably the most
fun I've had at a wedding since ever. Thursday afternoon James and I drove
to Cheltenham and found the pub people were meeting in without any issues
whatsoever, which was nice. Had a pleasant evening with friends and the bride
and groom to be. I met one of the ushers with whom I was staying and as the
day ended went back, chatted with him, realised we had significantly similar
music tastes, outlooks on life and in fact were fairly similar generally. He
also did an excellent cooked breakfast on Friday morning. This offset some of
the energy I used hand-pumping the air bed I slept on the previous night.
After some lazing about, having Nigel drop off the music for the disco and
such and driving out to the reception venue to set up the PA system for the
evening we headed back, got ready and drove to the church. My fellow
'official' photographer was there so we chatted about things and took some
setup shots of the groom and his ushers and "second best woman" (female best
man) looking cool, calm and collected.
The arrival of the guests, the bride and father in the stunning Beauford and
the wedding itself went flawlessly from my point of view. The photographs
seemed fairly easy and there were plenty of opportunities to get some shots of
the registry being signed, the 'formal' ones and s good few candids. We all
headed to the reception where an awful lot of fun was had taking photographs,
chatting to some very lovely people, introducing more people to the perils of
Zen Wrestling and generally enjoying the food, speeches, alcohol and a
surrounding of friends on a lovely day when two of my good friends got
married. I can't really over-emphasis just how smashing the day was. The only
down side was that it had to end. Luckily a few of us headed back to Al's
house to chat, drink lots of water and listen to some rather stunning tunes
until well into the small hours. That was a great way of keeping the day
going. In the end I walked someone home to their hotel given the lateness of
the hour, without getting lost, and returned to sleep on a mattress in the
kitchen owing to the fact my previous night's locale was occupied by a couple
and the spare single camp bed was filled by a young lady who'd had nowhere
else to go. Truly Al was the very definition of an usher who ushed beyond the
call of duty. And I was still comfortable too!
Saturday morning was all about coffee, toast on the patio and memories of the
previous day. After being dropped off where James had left his car the
previous night I fell asleep on the grass until he turned up with the others.
Some driving around picking up luggage and so forth happened before we settled
on a pub to have an excellent lunch in and then heading home. The drive was
uneventful but required a pause for the tired and appreciated driver to take a
break from road-concentration. I really need to get some refresher lessons in
so I can spell those people who're tired or actually drink a significant
amount for long car journeys.
Anyway, back home tired but settled I called Gareth to let him know I was
available for heavy lifting and we spent most of the evening going to houses,
flats, storage lockups and a closed tip with all manner of heavy things. All
good exercise and happily paid for with a smashing meal at our new local
(Gareth's moved three streets away and is even closer to my closest pub than I
am). Needless to say I went to sleep fairly rapidly at the end of the day.
I let myself wake yesterday whenever my body felt like it. This turned to be
on the dot of 10:00. Rather than go climbing outdoors which I'd have loved to
be doing I spent the day dusting, cleaning and vacuuming the house. Its
needed it for a while and that plus putting some washing on and a trip to
Tesco courtesy of Gareth with his hire van meant that I was set for the week...
Which I hope will be climbing this evening and an early night for everything
that happens tomorrow. Work for example is beginning to ramp up again a bit
and early nights would be a bonus if I'm going to be getting in at a useful
time. For now, it's time to get back on with documentation and stuff. That
and spending the evenings talking to the new friends I met at the wedding and
sorting out the masses and masses of photos I've taken.
[13:15] Not here for long today on account of heading to Cheltenham for this
wedding thingy. All packed, sitting at work, thinking about ISO speeds,
exposure and shutter times and wondering whether or not any of my shots are
going to be any good at all. I'm nervous as all hell that I'm going to fluff
any good compositions I see and generate nothing but 'snaps' rather than
pictures that the bride and groom are going to look back on with pleasure in
the future. It's not like a party where you don't really care. This is an
event. Thank goodness there's someone else doing the same thing and everyone
and their dog is going to be tooled up with equvalent or better kit and
skills. I think we've got it covered.
Climbing at Mile End was good, if far too hot, but we got Helen doing
her first lead (woman's a natural), as well as Ian too. Sushi afterwards was
suitably smashing and a quick trip to Telehouse left Helen considerably more
informed as to the nature of the Internet after the cable leaves her computer.
We got home around 01:30 and I barely remember more than unpacking and lying
down on the bed. I think for the next few nights (where local conditions
allow) I will restrict my candle burning to one end.
So yes, up this morning and feeling fairly fresh. Far better than yesterday
anyway in terms of energy levels. This was good as it meant that I was able
to get packed washed and out of the house before 08:10. As I result I've had
a far more productive and enjoyable day than usual. As it is I should get a
few more things done and then be ready for my pickup by the always generous
James in an hour or so.
[13:20] Oh, yes. Won't be here tomorrow on account of that being the day of
the wedding. See you on Monday. Or not, I don't even know who reads this
thing any more.
[14:20] OK, I can't resist and I'm not here tomorrow for
Sysadmin Day so go take a look at
this Flash animation featuring
the O'Really designs in a rather amusing setting. Celebrate your sysadmin
[15:30] Oh, forgot to mention the climbing on Monday in Tuesday's entry. We
brought along two new people who'd expressed an interest at the circus arts
thing on Sunday. Both were pretty good at climbing and belaying and hardly
had any bad habits that couldn't be jumped on quickly. We had them climbing
and belay each other fairly confidently by the end of the night. There was an
unfortunate incident too which luckily didn't result in any problems, but
we've taken steps to see that it doesn't happen again.
I slept reasonably last night after a busier evening than I'd been expecting.
Also ended up stroking two cats for some time. Furry lovin', awww-yeah.
Still, this morning I was again extremely tired and have been close to dozing
off a few times today. I snagged a shower and the remains of last night's
pizza over lunch and feel a hell of a lot better now. Good enough to make it
to London again for climbing and stuff. Another Gaucho Grill experience and
an apparently short trip this time to Telehouse again is in the offing.
Today I've been working out why every RHEL3 machine I update and reboot has
been making Hobbit go nuts with regard to temperature and RAID status. As
opposed to other kernel upgrades which didn't see to affect Dell's OMSA setup,
this most recent one requires an un-and-then-re-install of all the components
to have them work properly. Now that I know, I can factor the necessary
actions into the update/reboot/redo routine for all of the servers that're
monitored. All I need now is to be told when I can reboot the boxes.
I'm so not with it today I was about to mention tonight's activities again. I
should get on with something with a low-intelligence requirement until I can
get out of here.
[14:45] Amusing thing of the morning from a close friend with too much good
luck. He met someone recently and, as things are wont to do in this day and
age, things apparently 'progressed'. A few days later they get back in
contact and he's been given the following compliment: For the pleasure of
future generations of women you should father many sons. And a request
for a repeat meeting.
My current thoughts tend to center around the word "git".
Otherwise it's just as hot, just as dull as I try to nurse RHEL3 machines
through the installations required to move to Update 8 and just as likely that
this evening will be another quiet one. Gym, then maybe some time on the
Green, then a drink with friends and an early night.
[16:45] OK. Still too hot. Getting things done though. Friday was excellent
as I met up with a friend and we had a mini-picnic and stuff somewhere cool.
Ended up kipping over rather than go home. Back on Saturday I toddled along
to a barbecue which started off in fine hot weather, progressed to a mild
hurricane and then became a monsoon. We took shelter under a nearby bowling
pavillion until such time as it'd passed and then carried on with the event.
Eventually it moved to being a house party at James' and then a DVD fest. I
spent much of the evening tuning iTunes to some reasonable playlists before
leaving around the time the first DVD finished.
Sunday I was supposed to go back over for a cooked breakfast but was too tired
given I got to bed at 03:30 again. In the end I pottered about for the day
doing chores and stuff and then went out early to the circus arts thing and
lazed on a blanket inbetween poi and staff work until some time around 20:30.
As my dinner guest had neglected to bring lights I ended up eating bacon, eggs
and potato cakes all on my own. Yumyumyum.
One thing I did over the weekend was to cancel all the RedHat Updates I had
set to go on Sunday evening. Turns out that if you have pvm installed it
really buggers things up when you come to do an RPM update to move a machine
to RHEL3u8. Today has been spent scripting rpm erasures, package profile
updates and rpm upgrades for most of my machines. Of course some of the users
noticed the activity and helpfully 'kill'ed the processes as "they were taking
up my CPU". Consequently some of the boxes' RPM databases are rather futzed.
Who the hell gave them root access? It certainly wasn't me.
So, anyway, bit of a day to be honest. Had some good conversations, looked at
some good pictures I took with someone else's camera and sorted out something
for Tuesday. Not so bad now I think about it. Oh yes, and two new people are
coming climbing this evening.
[17:20] Another day of humidity and heat. Also another day of trying
desperately to write documentation without going nuts and throwing something
across the room every time someone wants something fixed or upgraded. At
least today it was mainly about using gem to update Rails, and other
components associated with Ruby. Still, it does break the monotony somewhat.
Lunch was deskbound as usual, although I did get to go out and do some more
poi practice for fifteen minutes or so (carefully watching for ground-based
wasps this time). No-one I know of has done much work this afternoon though
so I don't feel too bad in slacking off to have some fun.
Other than that what else... Not much really. Am off out this evening, well
after other people have vanished to do their weekend things of note and fun.
Don't pretend I don't know where you are and what you're doing. I have spies.
Gits, the lot of you.
Back on Monday.
[15:50] 50 Phew, what tiring time I'm having of things at the moment. Went to
London last night to climbing with James and Ian. First of all Mile End
climbing wall was hot. Also full of very hot-looking climbing women
wearing very very little and looking very good for it. Happily many of them
were pleased to engage in conversation too. I did some really rather
strenuous roof routes (which is why, I realise, my hands ache today) and got
rather too hot and tired. Luckily the next thing we did was to drive to
Canary Wharf to meet some friends and engage in an effort to eat more
Argentinian beef that must be strictly legal in one sitting. It certainly
filled a hole created by climbing like a loon for two hours.
Once we'd cleaned the plates everyone but a few of us toddled off while the
remaining four went over to Telehouse and after security screening headed in
to do some machine shifting in some of the co-location facilities. Long story
short, James and I ended up racking an IBM blade server of great mass into a
rack some time around midnight/one-thirty in the morning. Luckily the
facilities are air-conditioned or the waiting for the lift from Goods In, or
falling asleep in the corridor waiting for someone to let me in to a room
would have been hell. To be honest I enjoyed it far more than I should have
given the mundane nature of the tasks.
We left Telehouse some time in the early morning and headed home. I think I
got to bed some time around 03:30 in the end. Oddly this morning I wasn't
completely shattered into small pieces. Not even with the heat and stuff. Of
course I'm not operating at full capacity today, but then what else is new
these days?
Not doing anything much this evening. Going to go home, relax, be glad I
made enough food to fridge the day before yesterday (eat that) and just chill
down and get an earlier night. I need my sleep given things that're coming
[16:40] Cor, that was an experience. I went out on the grass for an hour to
read and catch some sun and on my way back in got a stong from what I think
was a wasp to the arch of my right foot. You know how sensitive that part of
your foot is. Yeah. So not great. I don't think I've been stung by a bee or
wasp in over twenty years. Definitely not something I wish to repeat for a
while let me tell you. Pain's fading now and there's not really a lump any
more either. Good to know I don't have anaphylaxis.
In better news I have something to do on a Friday night for once. Hurrah. No
stay-at-home am I this Friday night. No siree Bob. Also,
potentially a change from the drudge of the week early next week too. How
cool is that? Of course, both could not pan out but hey, life is all about
things changing. Like the puncturedness of my foot and the tan lines caused
by my sandals. The amount of money in my bank account and my hair line.
Things like that.
Otherwise I've been requisitioning 19" TFTs for no good reason (the new Dell
design is very, very nice), upgrading machines on the sly from GX240 to GX280
marques and generally trying to write documentation while helping out
developers and keeping three interesting conversations going at the same time.
I tell you this, life is interesting and fun at the moment. Just need to keep
those balls in the air at the same time.
Climbing, London, this evening. Then steak, then racking machines in
Telehouse. Home late.
[17:25] OK, so climbing last night probably wasn't a good idea given the heat
and how tired I was. Still, some interesting free climbing routes were
conquered and I got to go to Tesco and drink about 1.5kg of drinking yoghurt.
Why they don't go with units of volume I don't know. Anyway, it was rather
nice. Unfortunately the weather today is so hot that I have no ability to
recall just how nice. In fact I'm so hot I really don't know what to do with
myself. I've done a lot of interesting bits of fiddling today to do with perl
and Oracle and stuff like that but for the life of me I really can't remember
I'm actually contemplating going to the gym now because they have air
conditioning. Plus I missed last Friday with the festival and Tuesday with
being otherwise occupied. Not to worry. Sometimes it's good to give
everything a rest. I don't think I'll go do poi afterwards tonight. May just
go and chill at home. Do some chores for once.
[11:10] Sorry, no entry on Friday on account of being at the festival upon
which I will wax verbose in just a few seconds. But first, the weather. It's
hot, damned hot. I've got some really very sexy Teva-marks on my
insteps now from the blazing sun and look vaguely asian by extraction. Thank
heavens for sun cream to keep from looking like some of the boiled lobsters I
saw walking around over the weekend. So anyway, the festival...
I packed on Thursday night, had a shower on Friday morning and we were off and
driving by 07:30. Roads were clear and we made good time, getting there for
just after 10:00. We parked in the wrong car park initially and had to walk
about a mile to find our camping area (the Guests section). Pitching was easy
and within twenty minutes we were heading down through the woods to the arenas
area. There can't have been more than a few thousand people in total around
by the time we got there and it felt very much like a festival-in-potentia.
Everything looked good, the arenas were mostly huge circus big-top
style tents and had plenty of ventilation.
At the Kids Area we had a good group discussion about how the weekend was
going to go and set up for the first two sessions. Food became something that
we had to squeeze in when possible we realised . Both sessions that day were
uniformly excellent with children and adults alike enjoying themselves utterly.
I rediscovered my love of teaching and was very pleased to see that everyone
who picked up a pair of poi went away at least knowing the two-beat weave, if
not the three-beat. Between sessions I managed to catch Marcus Brigstocke in
the Comedy Arena as well as some other rather good acts. Brigstocke really
raised the roof though with some very off-colour routines about his wife,
immigrants and illegal acts of a sexual nature (you don't want to know. Or
you do, but I'm not saying). It was therefore extremely odd to see him later
on in the festival out of his corduroy suit, child dangling from one arm,
asking me where the puppet theatre might possibly be, please.
After the end of the second session a group of us managed to snag some food
and make our way to one of the larger arena tents to see The Lemonheads, The
Zutons and Snow Patrol back to back. All three were were really bloody
excellent and responded to the very excited crowd very well. I think I lost
some of my voice singing along. By the time they'd come on I'd spent most of
the day either spinning poi, teaching poi, sitting on the grass in the middle
of a field listening to and watching people having an extremely chilled and
realxed time or laughing so much my jaw ached. It was the perfect antithesis
to the place my head had been in the past few weeks and months.
Following the end of Snow Patrol's set much of the rest of the night until the
not-so-small hours was spent walking about, talking to people and enjoying the
lower temperatures. Having really rather excellent company was rather nice
too. In the end I think we went to listen to some music in the Arena In The
Woods before spinning glow poi outside of the Cabaret Arena in the darkness
and drinking quite a lot under the stars as music drifted over the site from
the Lakeside Arena (the only open-air stage).
Saturday consisted of the largest 'full English' breakfast I could convince
the 'Crew Cafe' to lay on for a fiver. The fiver seemed to be the default
festival food/meal token for the weekend. Not great, but it usually bought
enough to be filling. Couple that with the fact that I don't feel ill at all
and I think the festival organisers really pushed the boat out on selecting
good-quality catering, the site setup and layout and generally keeping it
very, very clean everywhere. Walking into the arenas area on Saturday morning
at some stupid hour like 09:00 I was amazed to see not one bit of litter
anywhere. It looked pristine and very very lovely in the morning light.
Expecting more people (day trippers, if nothing else) we set up for the day's
two sessions and had another excellent time. I got to meet someone I'd been
talking to online (who has the enviable job of being a gig and
festival reviewer and we had
lunch under a tree and talked about the literary and poetry arenas and the
diverse crowds they were drawing too. Latitude really seems to be attempting
to be a jack of all trades kind of event. I'm not sure if it's a master of
none or really rather good at some. Nearly blowing its metaphorical wad on
the first night with three major acts nearly seemed like a tremendous mistake
but it rallied well. The evening's music of Gomez and Anthony and the
Johnsons was initially phenomenally good, followed by extremely odd. I know
the latter also won a Mercury Music Prize but I really don't think his voice
or music was suited to the festival. I felt asleep twice during the set.
That may just have been because I was tired though. The end of Saturday was a
bit of a blur, but I'm pretty sure I ended up doing poi in the Guest Area bar
and teaching someone the finer arts of behind the back Butterfly. Sleeping
was something that came later. Maybe around 03:00. Probably.
Sunday morning was far too hot. I had to get up at 07:30 to keep from cooking
in the tent. It seems pretty much everyone else had the same idea as the
queue for the showers (yes, showers) was longer than the previous morning.
Still, a good breakfast soon sorted me out and I was able to spend a solid
three hours on the grass in the arenas area listening to some of the bands
doing sound checks and talented roadies doing unofficial jam sessions to a
chilled and recumbent group of festival-goers. Both circus arts sessions went
swimmingly again, with, again, more Comedy Arena relaxation and amusement
between them. By the end of the second session the mixture of massive doses
of sun, rowdy children and the death metal bands going at it hammer and tongs
in the tent next to us meant that we were ready for our active part in the
running of the festival to be over. After a few beers and some
chilling we decided that staying for Mercury Rev and Mogwai wasn't going to be
survival-promoting in terms of our driver getting us home before he fell
asleep or we got caught in traffic leaving the event. I'm a little sad we
missed the last two big bands but getting back and having a decent night's
sleep turned out to be the best thing for everyone.
I didn't bother unpacking until this morning, at which point I found most of
the field we'd camped in inside my rucksack. Everything was squared away
eventually and I actually got into work on time. It's amazing what one good
night's sleep will do. Now I need to actually remember what my job entails
and stop thinking about the freaky/sexy/weird cabaret acts I saw.
[17:10] Hmmm, what have I done today? Some Oracle client installations, a lot
of frobbing of LD_LIBRARY_PATHs and some small but very significant chmod work.
Oh, and moved a little further away from the past and been a little happy and
a little more sad at the same time. Surprising what you can do in a day,
[13:00] Today is all about documentation and wiki consolidation. If I can get
it done before I go away tomorrow to Latitude I'll come back and actually be
able to remember what I was doing. Right now I have to admit I barely know
what I'm doing minute by minute. Had another late night and ended up
exhausting myself at the climbing wall and so on. Even in the heat I think I
managed to do some quite good routes. I'm particularly proud of a rather
'fingery' lime green route which at first glance appeared to be beyond my
reach. Doing it twice put that impression to rest. Otherwise things were
pretty good. Had a lost lamb return to the flock that is the climbing group
and was impressed to see that their skills hadn't atrophied much at all in the
time they'd been away.
Other than that things continue to continue. I'm packing tonight, so not
really having anyone over. Early start tomorrow and probably no journal entry
again until Monday. Yeah, that's about it really. Not really a day of much
[13:55] So I was out last night and thinking about happiness and generally
having a rather good, if hot, time of things. The friend I was with was on
the same wavelength as I and we were having the kind of time of things that
you want on a pleasant evening. My mind drifted to what's missing from my
life at the moment. The things that other people seem to be gaining slowly,
or are experiencing for the first time in a while. I became quite wistful
and, although it didn't detract from the evening by any means, I've been in
something of a mild state of quiet reflection which has persisted since I got
up and made my extended way in to work late this morning (via, among other
things, a few pay-to-perform psychological experiments).
I'm told by those who care that it's all to do with my age, my situation and
the things I'm doing in my life at the moment. Fair enough, I say. Fair
enough, but it would be rather nice to know that there was someone out there
whose thoughts were occupied by me sometimes. Someone to be home for/to come
home to. I'm enjoying (nay, exulting in) the effort required in meeting new
people, getting out, having new experiences and generally working 'muscles'
I've not used in a while (in some cases barely ever before) but just sometimes
I like the idea of being able to do all of that which I am now experiencing
(well almost all) while knowing there was someone there, doing their own thing
too, but wanting to find me at the end of the day.
I'm a fairly nice guy. I'm sure it'll happen. Just not today.
[14:40] But, speaking of happiness I noticed
a news article
on BBC Breakfast Television this morning which amused me not a little. So,
best thing for happiness would be to go to the Vanuatu islands? Not really
feasible for most of us, is it...?
[14:35] So, yeah. I forgot to tell you about the weekend. Which was fairly
good in the main. Saturday I was all set to have a chilled morning when
someone popped up from a mobile device on MSN and invited me to lunch, so
after getting myself together in about five minutes flat I was out into town.
I had to be back for 14:00 on account of having a reshoot of the photos for
the calendar I'm appearing in. I think I mentioned it back around the middle
of January. Go read about it if you're interested, I'll wait.
So yeah, that calendar. Saturday night I have strangest idea I was
in... but no, I was out on one of the greener parts of town with a whole mess
of other people doing poi and generally listening to music and getting high
from the masses of pot being smoked nearby. In the end people headed off to
various houses and after a bit I went home too.
Sunday was less relaxing. Around midday I headed off with other like-minded
individuals to go climbing. It turned out to be the perfect antidote to the
quietness of the morning and I enjoyed myself thorougly. We arrived back in
perfect time for me to head out to the circus arts training session for this
Latitude Festival at
which I will be giving workshops in some of the finer arts of juggling and
spinning. Following that was some freeform enjoyment out on another of the
grassy areas of this fair town and a straightforward conversation which made
me realise the truth of things and how life continues for everyone, whether
you're standing still or making your own way.
Today I've spent most of the time in a fascinating conversation in between
getting the repackaged UPS client software onto all the boxes what needs it.
This required doing the same for the linux machines as well, something I'd
forgotten. Happily, now that I have the required knowledge retrieved from
long-term storage and floating around in RAM it didn't take too long. I think
I will reward myself with some fun this evening, and a pleasant bit of
exercise before bed.
[This entry brought to you by the "started at 09:40 and hard to finish" Party]
[17:45] 60 "Stop the rock / Stop the rock / Stop the rock / Stop
the rock / Stop the rock you can't stop the rock." - Apollo 440
Well, you can pause it, or move it wildly off course now and again but in the
main it just keeps on going. I think this is a good thing all in all. My
rock is currently rolling in strange directions having been forced to adapt to
new situations. Some of the best and worst of these have happened in the last
few days, weeks and months. Oddly I don't feel so much tossed around by them
as energised, decisive and certain of what I'm doing. It's a very odd but
empowering feeling. I've not had it before.
I'm making all kinds of decisions for me and my happiness and trying very hard
to get a grip on everything else that's happening with a view to incorporating
those into the world-view I have to deal with. I think it's working.
This entry was started at 09:30 this morning and I've not had time to finish
it due to installing and reconfiguring the worst UPS client software in the
known world. Not only that but repackaging the binary to include our
configurations. Rolling it out to other machines is a bit hit and miss too.
Climbing now. That might calm my head down a bit.
[17:30] Sorry, just busy all day with things. Pretty much much of a muchness.
Last night I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest with most
everyone else. Aside from confusio with the tickets and times everything
worked out pretty well. The film was... OK I guess. I won't spoil it for
I should really head off to the gym to be honest, and have an evening. Quiet
weekend for once, I think. May get some reading done. Relax. Maybe see if
anyone wants to come over to chill out and drink tea.
[17:30] This is what happens when you listen to the entire (and I mean entire)
available catalogue of Hybrid for two days straight. You begin to think in
hard, banging beats and nodding in such a way that you're in danger of typing
"tyrughfjbnvm " as your head detaches and rolls down the keyboard. Life takes
on a hard yet flowing edge to it as you watch people come into the office and
struggle vainly to extract you from the coocoon of the Beat and the
I don't resent them for it, the work needs doing and I'm the one to do it. I
just wish they'd send me email so as not to interrupt. I've got a fair bit
done today. Spent a long time on one particular thing which has reaped huge
benefits. With luck and bit more effort I think I'll have something very good
on my hands. Just a few niggles to work through.
Not managed to solve the web browser/Perl application/CUPS interface/network
segment/Windows printer server/network segment/Jetdirect card/Dymo printer
*breath* issue yet. But I will. As sure as my name's... well I haven't
actually ever used my name here. Call me Captain Jack Sparrow.
Speaking of which, time to go to the cinema.
[16:00] I'm informed by my contacts in Germany that somebody has placed
concrete footballs on footways in Berlin (weighing in about about 20lb each)
with signs next to them saying "Can you kick it?". Two people are already in
hospital with injured feet.
In other news I had a lovely meal and a rather pleasant evening last night.
Took a bit of effort but I think in the end the result was rather pleasing.
Not sure I'll go to that much effort again for a while, but it was good to
know I have the skills to pull it off.
Work continues apace. I.e. not much at the moment. I have plenty to be going
on with, especially now the Merlin Gerin UPS has been transplanted,
commissioned and is serving the power to the machine room it's been moved to.
I dearly hate that chunk of metal, lead acid and the dodgy-as-hell network
card that claims to work with up to forty hosts (and doesn't).
Thank goodness the heavens have just opened here. I can feel the temperature
dropping even as I type this sentence. I may sleep tonight. Not that I
didn't last night. But that's because I was very tired. Climbing tonight
[13:00] I'm very hopeful that today is going to be a Good Day. Aside from
getting to bed very late last night (this morning) I actually woke full of
beans and raring to go. I even shaved this morning. Odd for a week day.
Still, all to the good. It's hot again here. Luckily the day didn't start as
such so I've been able to function thus far.
I've achieved some moderate success in getting some mini-bits of work done.
Spent a lot of time in interesting discussion an even have a lunch date to go
to. Thus far the day has actually been going swimmingly. I think I will go
and enjoy the sun for a bit.
[11:50] I have no idea how it got to be July all of a sudden. Most odd. The
transition was probably helped by having a very packed weekend which I will
attempt to detail herein without too much boredom-inducing detail. Stop me if
I go on.
So Saturday I was up early and heading into London far sooner than I thought
owing to the person I was meeting being available sooner than they thought.
After a few minutes of confusion at the meeting point we found a grassy area
and started up some poi spinning. In between breaks for drinking water and
chatting we managed to get some new tricks passed both ways and have an
excellent time in the sun. Of course they dragged me off to Camden Market to
watch The Match in a pub. It's the first time in many years that I've done
that and I have to admit the atmosphere was actually a lot of fun. Once the
thing had run its course, the extra time had been played and (of course) we'd
lost on penalties we headed for the Underground station at Chalk Farm (passing
a bit of Banksy graffiti on the way) and went our separate ways. I was able
to get back home in time to read my email and head back out again to take some
people punting before being fed cocktails in a nearby bar until it got too
late for me to keep my eyes open. We walked pretty much all the way back
across town to my house before I passed out some time in the small hours.
This was useful as I had to be on an early train on Sunday back to
London to see some other friends. Thus far all my journeys had been on
non-stop cruisers, so they weren't taking that long. Plenty of time to read
and listen to the overly eclectic contents of my iPod at the moment. So I got
to London and back onto the Underground, this time to Hammersmith. With the
Hammersmith & City line dead I had to to use the Piccadilly Line which as
everyone knows is basically an underground mobile sauna. Standing very still
and not thinking about anything seemed to do the trick. At Hammersmith I
headed for the Bridge and met Andy and friend who took me for a rather lovely
Sunday lunch in a pub called The Dove, overlooking the Thames. Following that
we beat a retreat from the sun back to Andy's flat which is, damnit, bloody
palatial. We chilled out in the cool for a while as Andy uploaded every
Boards of Canada track known to man to my portable USB drive before I headed
off back home again via the same route.
Straight from the station I cycled to one of the greener parts of town where
the circus arts group I do workshops with was in full flow. We played around
with poi and staff for a few hours before I tried my hand at Zen Wrestling
(something I'll have to show you; it's hard to explain well). Following that
I dashed further across town to the end of a Hen Party which was amusing as I
got to teach poi and Zen Wrestling to everyone before watching Doctor Who and
nattering to friends.
In the end the cumulative effects of the weekend took their toll and I had to
head home and crash out. But not before managing to have an interesting
conversation with someone which I'm looking forward to continuing later on as
time allows.
Today I've already arranged a lunch meeting for tomorrow, climbing for this
evening and probably something to do on Tuesday evening. Thus far things seem
to be going well... I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, but not really
waiting that hard; I've got too much else to do for the moment.