1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2010 |
2011 |
2012 |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
December's Journal
February's Journal
[11:55] Got hold of one of the Windows 98 laptops to see if my script works on
that platform as well as on Windows NT. I've also sent a copy to Central to see
what they think. Could we email it to people and have them break the golden rule
of "Never run something someone sends you". To be honest I'd be suprised if
people just do it anyway, in complete disregard of what we recommend.
I've also had a brisk few minutes updating Apache on the official web server in
the Institution. As it's Win32 it's only Apache-1.3.14, but it's always good to
keep up as much as possible. Some time soon I'll update the BOFHcam to 1.3.17.
This afternoon is the last of the Perl afternoons. Not only that but I'll be
starting on the exercises and getting an early evening as the thing should be
finished well before 17:00.
[12:45] Spent the morning figuring out what exactly I need to do with NT's sparse
command set to be able to send users one file which will download and run a Dr
Solomon's SuperDAT file. It's been a long hard struggle, but I now have it.
It's a little kludgy, but it does the job. I just have to make sure it works
with Windows 9x as well and I can perhaps tell people about it. I'm particularly
impressed with the use of non-interactive ftp and the inclusion/extraction of the
commands involved in that. If anyone's interested I'll stick it somewhere and
you can get a copy, laugh and send me a better version.
I'm off to lunch now. Then I'll be on the second day of the Perl course. I
should have been doing Perl exercises this morning so the stuff I learnt
yesterday actually sticks in my head. Two new PCs arrived today. One for a
person who's going to be moving from a Macintosh to a PC, and one for a person
who insisted on Office 2000 and a tower case. He didn't get a printer as a
result, numbskull.
[10:30] You may have seen my rant in asr on Friday. It's gotten some good
reaction which was nice. It also cleared my head a little too. Today I've got
the PFY doing things with batch scripts to see if we can do some auto update
thing for website maintenance. The only fly in the ointment at the moment is
that she's found another job which looks interesting and has asked for 'further
details'. This is not good and I need the AO to get on with sending the
documents I wrote (with management ammendments) to the Board for approval so we
can approach the Needs Committee with a common goal/voice.
This afternoon I'm on a Perl course, which should be nice. Must make notes.
[16:35] I've suceeded in not doing much at all today. It being Friday this isn't
really a bad thing. About the most useful thing I've done today is upgrade the
buildings (and incidently the BOFHcam's) Analog web statistics software to
Analog-4.14. Which has the nice added function of seeing what search terms lead
to people finding your page. Nothing too strange yet, apart from some references
to Lindi St Clair (see the T-shirts section).
I've managed to sell my Babylon 5 video collection to a friend. I have them all
mainly because I thought it was something to get excited about. Now that I've
watched them enough I think it's time to make some room on the shelves... for the
DVDs which should start coming out some time towards the end of this year. With
luck. Either way, they will eventually. When that time comes it's going to be
damned hard getting a good price for tape sales anywhere. I figure the repeats
on the Sci-Fi channel should keep me amused until then.
This weekend should be cool, but may require some sleep as we've got lots on. I
will also be playing some Homeworld: Cataclysm as I've gotten back into it and am
getting addicted again.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons next week I'll be on a Perl course.
This means that if I don't do an entry in the morning I'll do it the next
[16:00] Lackadasical day today. Spent fifteen minutes freeing up the front
derailleur on my bike (again). Ever since the council put down grit, or salt or
whatever my chain has needed scrubbing with a nylon brush and reoiling every
morning to make it run free and remove the corrisive blooms. Must have done it
about six times in the last two weeks.
I've been trying to sell my Babylon 5 video collection (complete; 60 videos
inclusive of feature films and pilot) because a) I need the room and b) within
the next six months at least season one might come out on DVD, and I can always
watch them on the Sci-Fi channel.
In work I fiddled with some stuff and hoped one or two of the new machines would
arrive so I could set them up. Did I mention I ordered a server yesterday? Well
I did. It's the Win2K server testbed thingy. Other than that I waited for the
time to leave for the dentist. Went to there via a sales day at central.
Nothing terribly interesting apart from a nice 40" Sanyo LCD which would have
looked great on my wall at home. They only cost £4000. I could almost buy
Cycled to the dentist, had my appointment. For an NHS dentist the presence of a
17" LCD screen playing Jurassic Park: The Lost Worlds on DVD was something of a
chock, but it was a novel enough experience that it took my mind off the
ultrasonic cleaning of my teeth which were luckily "in perfect nick".
Went back to the demonstration hall to have lunch with some other sysdmins while
we watched Deep Blue Sea on the Sanyo. It was something to do. Once I was back
in the office I started looking for a URL I think I might have mentioned a few
months back on here (although I can't find it). It was one on huge three-piece
monitors for desktops, server racks or military use. They looked very cool. If
anyone can suggest what it was I was looking at, please send in your answers...
[17:55] I just did a few tests at Brainbench
and have been very discouraged by the results. I got moderate to crap results on
the Linux tests and failed the NT Administration ones. That made me feel really
good. Oh yes.
[15:25] Was here late last night. Partially my own fault as I installed the
Delta Force: Land Warrior and was playing the demo version. Through the miracle
of modern networking, and linux, I had a copy downloaded to the gateway by the
time I got home. Anyway, here I was at work when the phone rings. It's 18:15, I
know I shouldn't answer it, especially when it rings singly (internal call). In
the end I spend forty-five minutes trying to get a DeskJet 670C to work correctly
with an old and decrepid Dell Optiplex. Ending up with no real job I headed
This morning I dragged myself out of bed and into work to swap out the printer
and the printer cable. Still no joy. We've left it for the moment and
recommended that eventually we get a new PC with an actual ECP port. Other than
that I've ordered the PC we're going to be installing Windows 2000 Advanced
Server on for testing purposes (and then hopefully something more sensible once
that's been done to death).
The guy came to collect his laptop, I just know it's going to come back with lots
of entries in the scandisk.log but hopefully nothing too wrong. Still no sign of
the other PCs we ordered, or the software. Gives me a chance to tidy the place
and try and find somewhere to put the 17" monitor I have before we get more
innundated with boxes.
[14:55] Went to the CAB this morning. They told me that I should persue the
problem of my amplifier with Sevenoaks Leeds (where I bought the thing). If they
didn't give me a refund, fix it completely or replace the unit, under the Sales
of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) then I should take them to the Small
Claims Court.
The were very helpful in any case. I went to Sevenoaks here and asked if they'd
heard anything from Sony yet (we had put in a letter to ask for a response and
resolution within seven days). Nothing as yet. I mentioned the problems and the
solution that the CAB had mooted. They said they'd ring Sevenoaks Leeds for me.
At least in the first instance. I went to work.
Actually I went to a short Windows 2000 ADS seminar (which wasn't very useful),
then I went to work. After looking at the friendly probing results for the new
photocopier printe server I took and early BOF lunch and came back to close as
many of the holes as possible. I've closed most of them now, but there are some
problematic ones still in existance.
The new swipe carded door was installed yesterday. No-one's been caught out yet,
but the PFY's doing some signs for it of the form "If you are on the wrong side
when it locks, you better have an autheinticated swipe card, bub." With luck we
should still get some unlucky punters.
I'm currently setting up a laptop for someone to take to California tomorrow, he
wants to use it on a plane. Wonder if I should put the PCMCIA card in that
X-Rays like a limp of plastique?
[13:25] Well, great. The Chubb "Senior Security Surveyor" came to see me on
Friday did I mention that? I told him about the people who came the day before.
Which he didn't know about. We talked about the fact that the connection on the
back of the PC was shoddy, that the software (running under DOS) was a bit odd,
and what other stuff we wanted fitted. The guy said he would make sure the
people coming to do the install would come and find me and the custodian before
doing anything. They didn't. They managed to put things on the right side of
the door (swipe reader/push-button and break-glass) but while one was in a better
place than I'd wanted the other was in a worse place. They also told me (at odds
with what the SSS had said) that to 'upgrade' to the Windows software we'd need
to replace all the hardware that controls the door electronics. Which is damned
annoying. What he actually said was that if we wanted to go to the Windows stuff,
we'd need the really expensive software as it 'deals with' the hardware we have.
The 'Light' version we want (it's only a simple system we have here) doesn't work
with the kit we have, apparently.
I've left a message with the SSS to get back to me, soonest.
I'm also looking at Netscape 6 for the first time. No comments as yet. Except
that a network installer sucks.
[16:00] Netscape 6 offically sucks. Massively. I will say no more on the
subject. I'm am instead going to attempt to go to the local Citizen's Advice
Bureau to see if I can get some help with getting a working amplifier from Sony.
Don't know if anything will come of it today, but at least I get out of work
[16:30] Friday. Not too busy. The girlfriend was on a "Basic HTML" course which
served as a reminder, rather than an education. We're going to the gym in about
twenty minutes. This morning I worked on the documents which will hopefully get
the PFY upgraded a little more.
Upgraded a laptop for a user this afternoon while snow began to fall from the
sky, which was nice. Nothing much else to report. NTK is good this week and I'm
only half way through. And it's Friday too. Isn't that cool? I need more
suggestions for competitions to win T-shirts, or I won't bother. Can't be that
hard can it?
[18:15] It was a quiet day which got busy. This morning I did some stuff,
including some ugly management stuff involved with getting my PFY upgraded to
something more befitting her actual role (rather than what her job description
says). That took most of the morning.
Lunch was a BOF to which the girlfriend turned up (now working for the
Institution and all). That went on until 14:15. Back at the coalface I moved a
PC down one floor and lost the network completely until I realised that one of
the pins in the RJ-45 socket was missing. A few minutes work with a thin piece
of copper wire (stripped solid-core cat-5e cable) and we were back in business.
As I was finishing up with the PC, some guys from Chubb arrived to see if they
could turn up on Saturday to do the job they were contracted for. Now I
really try not to come in on the weekends, and this weekend is no exception. I
said no. Politely.
Back to it I started to replace the piece of shit application suite QVT_NET with
something I actually understand. That is to say TeraTerm Pro with SSH
extensions. Logging in to some of the machines I haven't seen for some time I
noticed the old versions of Netscape and had a quick round of installs of that
too. This then lead to the descovery that HP JetAdmin v3.4 had dropped its
uninstall information into HKEY_CURRENT_USER (Administrator) rather than
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (the NT server), along with some other leftover crud it was
making the registry a real mess. I finished installing TeraTerm and wandered
back upstairs to find that my keyboard had developed some kind of fungoidal
infection, to whit postit notes all over the damned thing. I did a quick removal
routine (swept into bin) and tried to catch up on my email.
Someone had sent me over quota on the mail server (I don't run it). Turned out
to be the Chief Head Boss Manager person. He sends me the emails with attached
files which he can't extract. This one was a WordPerfect file. I sent him back
a Word 97 file and removed the daft "Draft" background on it, which wastes ink
when printed on a DeskJet printer.
Now I've dealt with as much email as I can for the moment, have to organise the
stuff I need to say at the next IT Committee meeting and figure out how to edit
the massive document I've written to convince the board to promote the PFY (or
her post, anyway).
I think that's about it. Naturally I've missed all the conversations on the MUD
I use, and the one IRC channel I frequent filled with misbegotten sysadmins and
other disillusioned IT "professionals".
[15:00] Spent the morning working out how exactly Eudora 5.0.2 works in
connection with Windows 2000. We've decided (for the moment) that this summer
we'll move everyone to Office 2000 and Eudora 5.0.2 while under NT 4 Workstation
and then move to Windows 2000 Professional in summer 2002. This means that
moving everyone from Office 97, Eudora 3.0.3 and NT 4 together won't happen, and
the poor dears won't panic and innundate me and the PFY with complaints. It also
means that I don't have to think about Windows 2000 and ADS as much for the
Other stuff? Erm, bought a PC to replace another one of the Macs still left in
the building. Always a good thing to do. Especially as it's another one left
over from when I wasn't around.
[16:00] Hmm, the above was supposed to go in the Journal at 15:00, and didn't as
I got caought up installing RedHat 5.2 and multihoming it for something to do. I
have to go and move a PC from one room to another now, as a way to balance the
scales from doing something fun efficiently and well.
[15:00] My friend's been offered the job with the company he went for a second
interview with today. Which is nice. He and I and a few others had lunch in
town today to celebrate. They want him to start on 29 January. Naturally he has
to get a bank account before he can get paid and try and find a house/flat so
that the bank has somewhere to send his bills and register his details with, etc.
Minolta have sent me the software to reinitialise the Fiery printserver attached
to the photocopier. Haven't opened it yet so I don't know if it's the right
[15:05] And it is, and the instructions are really clean (for once). Well, my
job is set for the afternoon.
[15:35] Now 'printing' a 52Mb file to the Fiery via the parallel port. I'm
reliably informed by People Who Know that Fierys run some kind of neutered AIX
thingamabob. I recall that it has network ports open all over the place. I
think this is going to take about another twenty minutes and then I have to
practically toggle in all the settings in again on the front panel. I remembered
that I had actually printed out all the settings as something to
do before I formatted the disk. This is a good thing and was recommended as
something to do before installing the OS again.
[12:30] Hmm. I'll mention the weekend second. First of all I have to mention
that I got my amplifier back from Sevenoaks on Saturday but didn't get to plug it
in until Sunday evening. The hum was still there. Just as loud. I was annoyed
of course. This morning I took the thing back and Sevenoaks were happy to plug
it in and verify that yes, even though it was quieter in the shop it was still
there. Turning off the LCD panel (again) stopped the hum. I called Sony, who
gave me another number to ring. They traced the job number and said that twice
now they hadn't found a fault. They'd be happy to replace it, the guy said, only
there's nothing wrong with it. Sure, we'll pick it up again tomorrow. Anyway,
at this point the ownder of the Sevenoaks weas in the shop and told me to contact
the Citizen's Advice Bureau. He's told my favourite guy in the shop to type a
letter which mentions that I'm calling the CAB and Which? and expect something
done within the next seven days. Hope this helps.
Anyway, I'm now without an amplifier again.
The weekend was good, Ingvar (the grey) came over from .se and our friend Tom
from Belgium was over for an interview in town. An American friend also came
along and we had a get-together. Plenty of food, lauging at Billy Connolly on
the DVD player and some shopping. Tom's just come out of his interview as I
write this and is meeting the girlfriend in town for a debreifing. He's here
until Wednesday, sightseeing.
The Tuesday lunchtime thing has decreed that today is also 'Tuesday' so it's a
BOF from 12:45 until later.
[13:10] Just come back from the NT Working Party meeting (incorporating Windows
2000 naturally). Plenty of discussions on papers we can all write to make the
move to and operation of Windows 2000 stuff. Meeting of minds and all that.
Plenty of scope for casual chat, discussion of blocking of port 23 throughout and
how to make Windows 2000 'behave'. I've been issued with the task of writing a
paper on adding NAI SuperDATs to Management Console repositories and rolling
them out. Seems no-one manages to do this as well as I do. Guess I have Joe to
thank for that. That's my job for the afternoon anyway. Nice plain HTML with a
few screen shots.
I got a nice vi reference sheet printed out and laminated yesterday, also did a
pocket version of some of the more useful but arcane commands so I'm never
without. I also really need to do the Needs document for getting my technician
made into something a little more in keeping with what she does here. And paid
more so she doesn't leave. One friend arrives tomorrow, the other on Sunday. It
should be a good weekend.
[16:00] Network still crap. Had to install sound for one of the home users' NT
boxes. It's certainly much easier than I remember. That done I settled down to
break Windows 2000's stranglehold over dlls and executables. Once I'd done that
I managed to get really really annoyed at the network until I considered going
home. But I didn't.
The rest of the day has been spent doing not that much at all. Two of my
friends from across the water (notable Belgium and the Benelux area) are coming
over this weekend and staying. They've both applied for jobs in the Institution
and hopefully will be getting interviews in the near future. One of them has
another interview in the city on Monday anyway, so he's coming over for that. As
a result some of our mutual friends are travelling the country to meet him and I
expect we'll all meet up in a pub at some point on Friday evening.
I should do some more O'Really designs tonight while the girlfriend is out doing
other things.
[1:20] Network connection to email is down, which is bad. I've been forced to
leave a message with the Minolta guy on his mobile asking him to ring me back. I
can't imagine the process of recreating a print server to be too hard given a
connection and some commands from a ready-made laptop to a creation program.
Until then I guess I sit back, fiddle with Windows 2000 some more and work out
what to do for the rest of the day.
[16:15] The world just keeps on throwing crap if you're willing to swallow it.
There I was trying to figure out how to delete Outlook Express and NetMeeting
from Windows 200 Professional and running up against the handy automatic
system protection feature. Delete that stuff and watch it reappear again, yeah!
The fun never ends. I have a cunning plan though.
We disappeared briefly to empty one of the basement rooms of old computer crap.
Original PS/2 computers, some buckling spring IBM keyboards (mine!) and some old
Toshiba laptops, if you're a sumo wrestler. On the way back upstairs I was
accosted by one of the users who we're in the process of finding out if his class
of user isn't even authorised to use the facilities I maintain or not. He asked
why Flash 5 wasn't installed on the PCs. I told him in vague terms about images
and ghosting. He earnestly told me about a new site he and his friend have
launched which has been done in Flash 5 "because it's easier to make changes".
He then insisted that he come back to my office and show me why it didn't work,
and then how it should.
Back in the office he showed me what was so necessary. It wasn't. I asked him
about W3C conformation. I asked him about special needs access. I asked him
about text-only browsers. I asked him people with machine which won't handle
Flash. I asked him about browsers which don't support Flash. I asked him about
people on slow connections. Needless to say the answers I got weren't what I
I was this close to slapping him about, killing his parents and
eating his dog (metaphorically, of course). Anything else would have been
[12:35] One suggestion so far. You people make me sick. No, not really. I was
running round the building looking for a meeting I didn't actually want to be at
and all I could find were empty rooms with plates full of biscuits. So I ate
them. I finally found the meeting and was told I didn't need to be there. So I
wandered back to the office via the biscuit rooms. Now I'm going to lunch with
some fellow sysadmins.
[16:55] Lunch was good. Long, relaxed and full of people Recovering. Brought
the Unix Support back and sold him a second-hand PC for some money. He claimed
he'd never have a computer at home, but now he's started on the long slippery
slope. He will succumb and eventually have a cable modem and a home LAN.
[17:00] Oh shit. I've just made a Mistake. In an effort to clear the print log
on the photocopier I selected the 'format disk' option on the print server thing.
Now I look at it, this may have been the wrong option as I think it
wipes the HDD completely rather than just the printer queue section.
Time to email the Minolta representative I think.
[11:55] The power up on Saturday went O.K. When the power went off on Friday I
found out that the doors don't stay locked on battery after all. They open. It
was a good thiong I hung around to make sure things went O.K. I locked the
ground floor door and went home. It was only when I got home that I realised
that the first floor door was still open.
I emailed the AO and then phoned security who went round to lock the place up by
hand. Apparently the power was back on by 18:45 anyway. Sooooo, I came in on
Saturday and powered on the building. Everything seemed to go swimmingly, except
for the PCs in the library which appeared to have been powered off without being
shut down (off at the wall, numbskulls). This was verified this morning when I
accosted the assistant librarian in the car park. Anyway, they survived, and so
did the PCs.
The second bofhcam camera appears to lock up the machine whenever I start the
capture pprogram going. I'll be looking into that this lunchtime or this
afternoon. Sorry about that. Those of you who emailed me saying they couldn't
get to the site should learn to read the Journal daily. You have been warned.
In other news you may have noticed my attire today. Yes, my Copyleft T-shirts
arrived, finally. Only two months to get here. Parcel Force suck. Anyway, this
is where I need your help. I've got a few of these T-shirts and some of them are
XL. This is far too big for me. I propose a competition for which the prize
will be a set of the first three T-shirts in XL size. As a kind of
meta-competition I need some ideas for what to use as a competition. I'll think
up something to give as a prize for coming up with a competition if I can think
of something. So, away you go.
Hmmm, what else? Booked myself on a Perl course today, that's at the end of
January in the afternoons. I got a meeting moved to make room for it. Which is
good. Erin noticed that my access stats for 2000 versus 1999 have more than
doubled. I've also created a stupid little favicon.ico to stop it appearing in
my logs so much. Be thankful I didn't link it to some huge file, or /dev/random.
[13:25] Gah, finally gotten the evaluation machine to install Windows 2000
Professional. The new BIOS image I got seemed to install. And now everything
looks to be O.K.
Now, today is Power Off Day. All this morning the PFY has been fiddling with
Red Hat 6.2 and now we'll be doing kernel recompilations which is something she
didn't cover in her course. Other than that, fiddling with Windows 2000 has cost
me a lunch date. Which is crap. We get to turn off all the machines in about
three hours. Which could either be very good, of very very very bad, come
Saturday morning when I come back to turn them on again.
I may not do another update before Monday (or Saturday if I feel like it). Have
a good weekend.
[14:00] Although I don't know why I'm upset I find I am unable to install Windows
2000 Professional on the evaluation machine no matter what I swap out or disable
or enable in the BIOS. I've swapped all of the components bar the Athlon 800 and
still it dies during the detection phase with a "Hardware fault found" please
contact vendor". I've just been on the phone for the third time with the people
who are letting me have the machine and finally gotten through to someone who
thinks he has the answer. I'm getting a BIOS update but I'm to try turning off
the AGP-4X setting in the BIOS to see if that works. Thing is, that shouldn't
affect a PCI card, which is what I tested at one point.
And indeed, it hasn't worked. Time to use the BIOS update.
[11:55] I'm having a Bad Day. First of all I've been running all over the
building replacing old phones with new ones, during the middle of that one of the
secretaries comes in and demands I finx the Windows 95 installation I gave her
out of the kindness of my heart when the institution sold her a very cheap PC. I
had explicitly said that I would not be supporting these PCs once they'd left the
building but she's come back to me because she wants to get some dialup thing
working and claims it's something I should do because she doesn't have two
technical braincells to rub together.
I've also got to deal with another dialup PC which is going to a secretary who
has children at home. Now I've installed Windows NT on this box but I know what
happens when work PCs go home to families. They get covered in shite and
probably crash. I am not going out to someone's house to fix it. If it
needs reinstalling once I'll place a ban on her kids using it. I certainly don't
want them installing games and shit on it. This is one of the reasons I chose NT
as the OS. Yes, I'm a bastard, but this is a work PC and I'm damned if I'm going
to have to continually fix the thing.
I'm in a bad mood.
[13:40] I've missed going to lunch with a) the girlfriend, and b) my peers who
decided that today was Tuesday too. Still, it means one less PC/printer/monitor
in the room to get in the way while I'm fiddling with other stuff. Must send out
the email detailing the power-off procedures for Friday afternoon.
[18:00] Send the email, did some stuff, fiddled around and installed a phone for
the PFY. Now my phone does not ring and hers does. How many times do you think I
will be answering the phone from now on? Exactly.
[11:20] Spent the morning tidying up the BOFHJournal archives in preparation for
the stashing of 2000's journals. Also dealt with remarkably few PC problems
since since returning. Three PCs didn't respont to WoL commands, one printer
choking on paper and one BSoD. Not bad considering. Perhaps this was due to the
fact that barely anyone could get into the building until I unlocked the maglocks
on the front door.
Going to do the structure update now. Sing out if you find any broken links or
images. The girlfriend starts at her new job in the Institution
(different section, same purse-strings) so should be getting her login/keys to
the building/induction about now.
[12:50] I think I'll take this afternoon off. Goodbye.
01/01/2001 - After the event
Doing this on the Tuesday because yesterday was, as you'd expect, rather
frenetic. Over the weekend we bought in a lot of food, prepared a lot of stuff
and tidied the house a few times. Come Sunday night we had a good few people
over (four, two couples, cried off but we still had a resonable gathering). Lots
of food was eaten, lots of drink was drunk and a good deal of amiable
conversation was had. I crashed out at around 04:20 on new year's day while the
girlfriend powered on through the night keeping people entertained. Around 11:00
I got up and watched people play head-to-head Red Alert 2 on the network. Hmmm,
that remind me, must take IPX/SPX off the PCs at some point now that it's not
People left throughout the day until we had three of four people left. In the
evening we watched The Negotiator and ate Chinese. I must have put on about half
a stone over Christmas. Two friends are staying over tonight and will be leaving
at some point today.
Were you awake for 01:01:01 01/01/(20)01?
Erm, Happy New Year.